FSK-8003 Leadership skills (2 ECTS)
FSK-8003 Leadership skills (2 ECTS)

Most PhD students have little leadership experience and lack leadership training or formal education to show for on their CV. Despite these facts, many jobs available to candidates with PhD degrees, both outside and within academia, include leadership tasks such as project management, team leadership and supervision. This course aims to prepare PhD students to take on leadership tasks once their degrees are completed; hence we recommend this course to PhD students at the end of their PhD project.
Leaders come in different shades, from excellent to ruthless or even scary. Leadership is not an exact science, and how the task is solved depends on the situation, time and the employees. The course introduces the concept of leadership and different leadership styles that one can find in academic and non-academic organizations. We will discuss the value of leadership; what is a good leader and what kind of leader could you become? We will introduce analytical tools that will help participants to understand their own core qualities, as this is essential to understand group dynamics and create a successful team. We also want participants to reflect upon their own leader experience and think about which skills & personal traits they regard as important to succeed as a leader. We will talk about the concept of emotional competency, learn techniques how to identify and resolve conflicts at the workspace and finally discuss the importance of cultural intelligence in international groups. The course includes many hands-on group exercises, which will make this course relevant for course participants from all research disciplines.
Course participants will be asked to submit an essay where they reflect on their own leader experience (1 - 2 A4 pages).
Course schedule
The course is an intensive 5-days course and is offered every spring semester. Please check the UiT course catalogue for the exact dates.
There is a home exam at the end of the course, where course participants will be asked to submit an essay about different aspects of leadership.