
Opening hours

Opening hours Norsk flagg

Here you can find an overview of the opening hours of the University Library’s ten libraries. Many of our libraries also offer self-service opening hours.

A self-service library is a library you can also use outside of the staffed opening hours. As an Arctic University of Norway student or employee, you will have access to the library during self-service hours. Use your access card or employee card together with your PIN code to access the building. Read more about how to get an access card or employee card and choose a PIN code.

You will automatically have access to the libraries at the campus you are affiliated with. If you require access to a self-service library at another campus, you can obtain such access by sending a request to Your access card or employee card will then be upgraded to a library access card.

What can I do at the library during self-service hours?

  • Borrow using the self-service checkout machine and make returns using the returns box
  • Collect requested books from the self-service collection shelf and register the borrowing of the materials using the self-service checkout machine
  • Use public PCs
  • Use the library workstations to read/work/relax
  • Use the WiFi

What can I get help with during staffed opening hours?

  • Get guidance on library services and offers
  • Get help looking for books that you are unable to find on the shelves or that are stored in the vault

All Our Opening Hours