
Courses and teaching

Courses and teaching Norsk flagg

The University Library at UiT (UB) offers teaching sessions on a range of topics from bachelor through to PhD level. In addition, we advise course and programme managers in connection with the development and adaptation of teaching related to our areas of expertise. They include information literacy, proper use of sources, literature searches, reference management and a number of topics related to the research and publication process, e.g. open science, open publishing, research data management, etc.

Integrated teaching

Most study programmes at UiT offer teaching and supervision in information literacy. Information literacy encompasses the skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable us to effectively and properly find, assess and use scholarly sources – a prerequisite for learning, knowledge production and sound professional practice.

University Library staff have extensive experience in helping programme administrators incorporate information literacy into their study programmes. We offer help with adaptation of teaching sessions for all levels and disciplines, and can also contribute to some extent with teaching. Contact the University Library via Topdesk for more information about our support for information literacy teaching, or contact one of our subject librarians directly.

Stand-alone courses and teaching sessions

The University Library also offers a number of stand-alone courses of varying scopes and in different formats. Below you will find an overview.

Illustration image for the course, country road in autumn.
GEN-8001 Take control of your PhD journey (2 ECTS)
Study programme, PhD, High North Academy
Banner image with EndNote 20 program logo.
Introduction to EndNote 20 (Windows/Mac)
Online resource, For everyone
Banner image with text "plagiant" or plagiarism in Norwegian.
Course in deterring student plagiarism
Online resource, Employees
Banner image with Text "Information literacy".
Information literacy (iKomp)
Online resource, For everyone
Banner image with text "PhD on Track".
PhD on track
Online resource, PhD
cartoon of man standing teaching a young man and woman around a table
FSK-8003 Leadership skills (2 ECTS)
Study programme, PhD, High North Academy
water plants with money
FSK-8005 Funding your research - why and how? (3 ECTS)
Study programme, PhD, High North Academy
2 men and 2 women standing and sitting discussing a table on a whiteboard
BED-8004 Academic entrepreneurship (2 ECTS)
Study programme, PhD, High North Academy
writing on laptop with coffee and notebook
FSK-8002 Scientific writing - why and how? (3 ECTS)
Study programme, PhD, High North Academy
Person holding a large pile of books and papers so that only the legs and feet are visible.
Research data management (webinars)
Open course, For everyone
5 people working with data graphs and notes in backgrount
Data Stewardship
PhD, High North Academy
Scales with people and planet outweighing money
SVF-8005 Research Ethics (3 ECTS)
Study programme, PhD, High North Academy

Upcoming courses


Shut up and write!
  • 26.03.25 10:00 - 12:00
  • UB 244 (University Library 2nd floor), Campus: Tromsø

Vil du ha et lite dytt til å få skrevet på oppgaven din? Skrivesenteret arrangerer felles skrivetid etter modellen "Shut up & write!"

Do you need a little nudge to get started on your assignment? The Writing Center is organizing a joint writing session following the "Shut up & write!" model.


Lunsjforedrag: Hvordan sørge for ringvirkninger av VM 2029?
  • 27.03.25 11:45 - 12:15
  • Biblioteket , Campus: Narvik

Velkommen til lunsjforedrag på universitetsbiblioteket! 


📣 Register now for UiT Data Days Spring 2025
  • 02.04.25 09:00 - 11:30
  • Universitetsbiblioteket, Campus: Tromsø

Har du forskningsdata og trenger hjelp? Bli med på Data Days Spring 2025!

Do you have research data and need help? Join us for Data Days Spring 2025!



EUGLOH Science Slam
  • 03.04.25 19:00 - 20:30
  • Konkurranse / competition, Campus: Digital, Other


Jobber du med et forskningsprosjekt eller research du ønsker å presentere til europeiske akademikere? Da bør du melde deg på Science Slam, som arrangeres av Universitãt Hamburg i april.



Are you working on a research project or study that you want to present to European academics? Then you should sign up for the Science Slam, organised by Universität Hamburg in April.

All upcoming courses and activities