Courses and teaching
Courses and teaching
The University Library at UiT (UB) offers teaching sessions on a range of topics from bachelor through to PhD level. In addition, we advise course and programme managers in connection with the development and adaptation of teaching related to our areas of expertise. They include information literacy, proper use of sources, literature searches, reference management and a number of topics related to the research and publication process, e.g. open science, open publishing, research data management, etc.
Integrated teaching
Most study programmes at UiT offer teaching and supervision in information literacy. Information literacy encompasses the skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable us to effectively and properly find, assess and use scholarly sources – a prerequisite for learning, knowledge production and sound professional practice.
University Library staff have extensive experience in helping programme administrators incorporate information literacy into their study programmes. We offer help with adaptation of teaching sessions for all levels and disciplines, and can also contribute to some extent with teaching. Contact the University Library via Topdesk for more information about our support for information literacy teaching, or contact one of our subject librarians directly.
Stand-alone courses and teaching sessions
The University Library also offers a number of stand-alone courses of varying scopes and in different formats. Below you will find an overview.
Upcoming courses
Kurs i å bygge entreprenørferdigheter og kunnskaper om problemløsing / Course about Building Entrepreneurship Skills and Knowledge about Problem Solving
- 14.10.24 08:30 - 17:00
- Hybrid event (both digital and physical), Campus: Digital, Other
Fra oktober til desember holder Lunds universitet et kurs hvor du kan utfordre deg selv innen entreprenørskap, tverrfaglig gruppearbeid og problemløsning.
From October to December Lund University is holding a course where you can challenge yourself in entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary group work, and problem-solving.
Nettkurs i akademisk skriving innen naturvitenskap og medisin / Online Course in Scientific Writing for students of Natural Science and Medicine
- 15.10.24 09:00 - 16:00
- Nettkurs / Online course, Campus: Digital
NORWEGIAN: LMU i München holder til vinteren et nettkurs på engelsk hvor du kan utvikle dine ferdigheter innen akademisk skriving og trene deg opp på research og kildebruk.
LMU in Munich is holding an online course in English this winter where you can develop your scientific writing skills and get practice doing research and using references.
Open Access Week 2024
- 21.10.24 09:00 - 16:00
-, Campus: Digital
Join Open Access Week 2024!
UiT Data Days 2024
- 29.10.24 09:00 - 11:15
- Universitetsbiblioteket Tromsø , Campus: Tromsø
UiT Data Days 2024
The 19th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing
- 26.11.24 09:00 - 15:05
- Tromsø campus, Teorifagbygget Hus 1, Aud 1 & 2, Campus: Tromsø
An international conference on scientific communication, with “open” as an important aspect - organised annually at UiT.