
Research and publish

Research and publish Norsk flagg

The University Library offers a wide range of support services, which have been specifically designed for the institution’s researchers. These services, which are outlined in the four sections below, are in addition to the general library services related to finding subject literature, the use of reference tools and access to databases.

Our ambition is to offer support to researchers in all phases of research, from the idea phase, project description and application through to implementing the research and publishing and archiving of the research results.

Examples of specialised services:

  • Development of data management plans
  • Management of research data
  • Support for open access publishing
  • How to fulfil the funders’ requirements for OA publishing and archiving of research data?
  • Identifying literature and systematic searches

See the content in the sections below for more information.

If you have any questions or wish to be contacted about our services, please ask your subject librarian or contact the library.


Last changed : 14.11.2024