
Working from home

Working from home Norsk flagg

In order to access large parts of the library’s electronic resources (ebooks, journals, articles and databases), you need to be logged in to the UiT network or logged in using your UiT username and password if you are working from home. Check the pages linked to below for tips on easier access to our electronic resources from home.

For access when searching in Oria you can log in using your UiT username and password (Feide) to access the resource. If you've already googled the article the EZProxy bookmarklet can be installed in your browser and can be used to update websites to see if you are able to access full-text versions of documents. You will be prompted to log in using your UiT username and password (Feide). If UiT has a subscrition you will be able to access full-text versions of documents. 

You do not need to use VPN AnyConnect to access library resources, but many other UiT - The Arctic University of Norway services still require the use of VPN AnyConnect.

If you are a remote student, you can also request home delivery of materials.

Please do not hesitate to contact the library if you have any other questions.

Last changed : 21.10.2024
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