GEN-8007 How to communicate your research (3 ECTS)
GEN-8007 How to communicate your research (3 ECTS)

Communicating science to a variety of audiences is an important skill that all researchers have to learn at some point of their carrier. Whether you want to tweet about your current research project, create a podcast, give a talk to peers at a scientific conference, give an interview for the media or explaining your research to a school class, science communication is part and can be a rewarding task of a researcher’s everyday life.
You will learn more about the importance of communication in this course and how you can communicate your science successfully. You will gain an overview of the different communication channels that can be used for science communication and understand how to use them for your own communication needs through practical exercises. This course will help you to become more confident in the role as communicator and we hope that it inspires you to become an active science communicator.
Particpant are asked to prepare to answer questions related to science communication before the course lectures. More information can be found on Canvas.
Course schedule
We are currently revising this course. We recommend phd candidates to sign up for the communication course at the Health faculty (HEL 8045) in the spring semester 2024. This course is open for all phd candidates at UiT.
We are currently revising this course. More information will follow.