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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Everything about lending
Borrow, order, renew and return books
Search Help
Get help with literature searches in Oria and databases, find the syllabus or order search help from the library.
Useful Resources
Dictionaries and encyclopedias, access to the National Library, other useful apps
Working from home
Order books delivered to your home and access the library's online resources from home.
Study, write and cite
Study technique, use of sources, templates, submission of master's thesis
Courses and teaching
Courses and teaching offered by the University Library.
Research and publish
Research data, Open Access publishing and project applications
Useful resources divided by study subject and contact information for the University Library subject librarians.
Our libraries
Contact information and overview of the services offered at our libraries.
Opening hours
Opening hours for our libraries and information about self-service options.
About us
Library management and steering committee, organizational structure and supporting documents.
Contact us
Ask the Library and other support services.
High North Academy
Organizes intensive PhD courses in transferable skills.
The UiT Writing Centre
Tutoring in academic writing for bachelor and master level students.
UiT - The Arctic University of Norway main website
Universitetsbiblioteket – Kultur- og samfunnsfag
Our Libraries
Courses and teaching
Subject guides
University Library
Våre bibliotek
/ub/vaarebibliotek/sted (2021_Universitetsbiblioteket - Våre bibliotek - Sted)
/ub/vaarebibliotek/sted/sub (2021_Universitetsbiblioteket - Våre bibliotek - Sted - Underside)
Universitetsbiblioteket – Kultur- og samfunnsfag
UB – KS tilbyr dessverre ikke selvbetjente åpningstider.
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