Kathleen (Katie) Alexandra Smart
Senior Academic Librarian
Job description
- Subject librarian for Physics and Computer Science
- Member of Research and Publishing Support, and Teaching and Learning support teams
- Support for research data handling, open science, data visualisation
- Responsible for UiT's polar database: Open Polar
- Guest Scientist at Department of Geosciences
Sonja Aulbach,
Katie Smart
Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Significance of Xenolithic Eclogites
Kathleen (Katie) Alexandra Smart,
Sebastian Tappe,
Alan B. Woodland,
Chris Harris,
Laura Corcoran,
Simonetti Antonio
Metasomatized eclogite xenoliths from the central Kaapvaal craton as probes of a seismic mid-lithospheric discontinuity
Chemical Geology 2021 DOI
Kathleen Alexandra Smart,
Sebastian Tappe,
Alan B. Woodland,
David R Greyling,
Chris Harris,
Nikolaus Gussone
Constraints on Archean crust recycling and the origin of mantle redox variability from the δ44/40Ca–δ18O–fO2 signatures of cratonic eclogites
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2021 DOI
Katie Smart,
Frederic Moynier,
Christopher Harris,
Sebastian Tappe,
Deng Zhengbin
Using Silicon Isotopes to Understand the Silica Enrichment of Archean Mantle Lithosphere: Serpentine, Sediment or Something Else?
Katie Smart,
Per Pippin Aspaas,
Leif Ståle Longva,
Noortje Dijkstra Haugstvedt,
Tamer Sabry Zaki Abu Alam,
Karl Magnus Nilsen
Open Science for Arctic and Antarctic Research: the Open Polar database
Radovan Bast,
Kathleen Alexandra Smart
Good practices for sharing data and software in a FAIR way
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Research interests
Mantle petrology and geochemistry, (non-traditional) stable isotope geochemistry
Bachelors to PhD-level courses in research data management, open science support, data visualisation, information competance