Bilde av Sundsvold, Bente
Bilde av Sundsvold, Bente
Associate Professor Department of Social Sciences +4777646273 93000430 Tromsø You can find me here

Bente Sundsvold

Job description

Bente Sundsvold is involved in several external financed research projects, all concerning more-than-human approaches, human-environmental relations and how local knowledge can contribute to safeguarding and mitigate environmental and climatic challenges. She is project leader of FUGLAN VEIT (NRC pr# 320848 2021- 2025). She is WP leader in FOODCOAST (NRC p# 295004) and led by NIVA, Oslo (2029-2023), and researcher in FutureArcticLives (EU BiodivERsA/ NRC# 323076) led by University of Copenhagen (2021-2024). 



She is also teaching on different courses at bachelor- and master programmes at Department of Social Sciences. to mention a few from last couple of years

SOA 2003- Antropologisk kunnskapproduksjon og metode, SVF- 3107 Visual Ethnography and ways of knowing, SVF 1050 Kvalitativ metode, SPL 1003 Kulturforståelse og lokale prosesser, SOA 100 Innføring i sosalantropologi, SOA- 3004 Minoritet, identitet og grenser og SOA-3006 Indigenous culture, resource management and human rights.

Work areas


Error rendering component

Publications outside Cristin

Sundsvold, B & Armstrong, C (2019): “Found in translation: identifying ecosystem services through public consultation
statements in a marine spatial planning process” Ecosystems and people vol.15 issue 1.

Sundsvold (2017) ”To think like a bird” Ethnographic film in Journal of Anthropological Films, Vol.1.1.

Sundsvold 2010 ”Stedets herligheter”‐ the amenities of place: Eider down harvesting through changing time” in Acta Borelia 27:1, p.91‐115


Research interests

More-than-human perspectives, domestication, relationbuilding between man-bird-environment, enactment of culture- and nature-relations, marine and coastal management, visual anthropology, science studies, ecosystem services

Researcher COREPLAN – Integrated coastal resource management and planning – ecosystem services and coastal governance Lead: NOFIMA Ann Magnhild Solås, post doc position linked to 3 WPs. 2016-2018

PhD- fellow The Nordland birdcare – interfaces of texts and practices in inscribing the Vega Archipelago as World Heritage, Thesis & film: “To think like a bird” (2015).


Sundsvold teaches at different courses in qualitative methods and fieldwork approaches on BA and MA level.  She teaches visual anthropology, social anthropology, as well as science theory course for PhD students in more-than-human approaches.

Sundsvold supervises several MA projects and a PhD student.