Arctic blue polygon pattern

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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Undervisning

Løkse, Mariann Cesilie

Head of Department, Research and Education Support, University Library
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte

Kanck-Jørgensen, Tore

Deputy Director of Studies
Faculty administration at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics

Sundsvold, Bente

Associate Professor
Department of Social Sciences
Works with:
Teaching Research interests:

More-than-human perspectives, domestication, relationbuilding between man-bird-environment, enactment of culture- and nature-relations, marine and coastal management, visual anthropology, science studies, ecosystem services

Researcher COREPLAN – Integrated coastal resource management and planning – ecosystem services and coastal governance Lead: NOFIMA Ann Magnhild Solås, post doc position linked to 3 WPs. 2016-2018

PhD- fellow The Nordland birdcare – interfaces of texts and practices in inscribing the Vega Archipelago as World Heritage, Thesis & ...

Berg, Kristel

Head engineer
The Norwegian College of Fishery Science
Works with:

Andreassen, Helene N.

Head of Library Teaching and Learning Support
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Works with:
Library / Teaching / Information literacy / Academic honesty / Research data management / Research support / Literature search / Plagiarism Research interests:

French phonology, phonological variation, acquisition of phonology

Eik Anda, Erik

Professor in global health and epidemiology
Department of Community Medicine
Works with:
International cooperation / Courses / Mobility / Project management / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:

Perinatal epidemiology, health registries, infectious diseases, environmental contaminants and global health

Thiyagarajan, Dhivya Borra

The Norwegian College of Fishery Science
Works with:
Radiation protection / Handling of chemicals / Laboratory safety / Teaching / Training / Histotechnique / PCR-Method / Protein analysis / Enzyme analysis / Molecular biology techniques / Isotopes / Microscopy Research interests:

Previous Research Interest : Role of proinflammatory cytokines and its effect on Nulceases in lupus nephritis and role of HSP75 in autoimmunity.

Current Research Interest : Our research focus is on early life of salmonids 

Madsen, Siri Sollied

Professor in Pedagogy
Department of Education
ILP 5018

Johnsen, Jan-Are Kolset

Professor / Oral Health Psychology
Department of Clinical Dentistry
Works with:
Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:

Dental anxiety/fear, health communication, social cognition

das Neves, Carlos Gonçalo

Professor II
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences

Moldes-Anaya, Angel Salvador

Associate Professor II
Department of Chemistry
Works with:
Teaching / Radiation protection / Isotopes / Chromatorgraphy / MicroCT scanning / MicroPET scanning / Radioactivity Research interests:

Radio- and Nuclear Chemistry (Use of specific radiotracers for imaging brain function by PET and SPECT technologies)

C-11 and F-18 Radiochemistry


Neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology

Neuroimaging (SPECT/PET/CT and PET/MR)

PET tracer pharmacokinetics




Jokstad, Asbjørn

Professor, Oral Prosthetics and Stomatognathic Function
Department of Clinical Dentistry
Works with:
Continuing and further education / Teaching / Journals Research interests:

Active within evidence-based dentistry/medicine/practice since 1995. Works in oral prosthetics, masticatory function and TMD, and dental implants. Authored approx. 250 works and gheld courses with focus on evidence-based dentistry, prosthodontics, dental restorative materials, toxicology, temporomandibular dysfunction and implant dentistry.

Eckhoff, Christian

PhD Peadriatic Resarch Group
Department of Clinical Medicine
Works with:
Research group / Programme descriptions / Quality of education / Courses / Research data management / Training / Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision / Annual plan / Feature articles / Research communication / Clinic Research interests:

Mental health in youth and young adults. 

Mental health - public health and epidemiologi.

Psychosomatic research.

Pain and mental health.

Vordal, Thomas

Assistant Professor
Department of Language and Culture

Hopmann, Karen

Assistant professor/ PhD candidate
Department of Psychology
Works with:
Training / Teaching Research interests:

1) Neuropsychological function, childhood trauma and vulnerability to depression - A 25-year follow-up study (PhD candidate)

2) ADHD in women (FemmExD project): Mental health and neuropsychological functioning in women with ADHD (collaborator)

3) Suicide prevention (Vivat coursleader + supervision students' theses)


Kjærvik, Cato

Department of Clinical Medicine

Schille-Rognmo, Marthe

Assistant professor and phd-candidate IHO Narvik
Nursing and Further Education in Narvik
Works with:
Evaluation / Teaching / Academic supervision / Purchasing / Purchaser Research interests:

STS, Ungdata, Knowledge production, Psychometrics, Mental health 

Rones, Torild Karine

Avdeling for bibliotektjenester
Narvik E2620

Dahl, Christen Peder

Department of Clinical Medicine
Works with:

Wahl, Haakon

Department of Clinical Medicine
Works with:

Domaas, Christel Misund

Library branch manager
Avdeling for bibliotektjenester

Odei, Derrick Kwame

Head technician/ Institute for Arctic and Marine Biology/AMSE research group
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology

Lind, Eirik Gjessing

Seksjon for læringsmiljø og utdanningskvalitet
Administrasjonsbygget B335

Nohr, Øyvind Arne Moen

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Works with: