Bilde av Johnsen, Bjørn-Eirik
Bilde av Johnsen, Bjørn-Eirik
Professor (Ph.D) Department of Social Education +4777058311 94821268 Harstad You can find me here

Bjørn-Eirik Johnsen

Job description

Professor (Ph.D) at Dep. pf social education 

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Research interests

Everyday life and disability


Disability in a Samic context


Different topics at master and bachelorlevel

Member of research group




Bjørn-Eirik Johnsen, born 11. dec. 1961


UiT The arctic university of Norway

Phone Work: 77 05 83 11

Mobile: 94 82 12 68



Professor (2015), Ph.d (Dr.) 2012, Acossiated professor 2006, Assistant professor (Can. Polit) 2002, Lecturer 1995, Social educator 1989.



2024- dd.: Professor

2016 -   2023:    Head of department of Social education (Vernepleie) at UiT, Harstad.

2015- 2016:    Professor Program of social education at Harstad University College.

2012- 2015:    Associated Professor (Ph.D.) in Program of social education at Harstad University College.

2006- 2011:    Associated Professor Program of social education at Harstad University College.

2002- 2006:    Assistant professor of social education at Harstad University College.

1995- 2002:    Lecturer in program of social education at Harstad University College

1991 - 1995:   Caretaker and head of departement for healt- and social services at Borkenes municipality, Norway.

1986 - 1990:   Assistant caretaker and later head of departement at an institution for intellectual learning disabeled people, Trastad Gård, at Borkenes municipality.



2015- 2016:    Collaboration between next of kin and the public health- and social care system.

2014- 2017:    Divercity and tolerence. A project on disabeled people from different culture and their experiences in a multicultural society.  

2012- 2017:    The history of an institution. From housing, to school and work. A collaborational work between Harstad university college and the museum og Southern Troms in Norway.


2012- 2013:    Ethics and formation in an inclusive everyday life- in a Norwegian context. A local project on disability in the past, present and future.


2004- 2012:    Everyday life at Trastad Gård, in collaboration with the Trastad Gård museum.





2011- 2023     Board member in Arna, Sigvor og Oddvar Riksheims legacy to support projects working to the benefit of learning disabled people in Northern- Norway

2012- 2015     Deputy board member in department of health- and social services at Harstad University College

1997- 2000     Board member in the department of health- and social services at Harstad University College.

1998- 2002     Provisional guardian to five learning disabled people

1996- 1998     Head of labor union (Social educators, social work and childcare protectors) at Harstad University College.


2005- 2007:    Member of a reference group focusing on developing a decentralized module in master of social work at Bodø University College.


2003- 2005:    10%-position at the master program in social work at Bodø University College.


2003- 2005:    Member of a reference group focusing on the use of internet to facilitate a master program in social work at Bodø University College.


1998- 2000:    Project member exploring the use of IKT in the bachelor program of Social educators at Harstad University College.




2017:   Kassah, K. A, Andersen, F., Johnsen, B-E. (2017): «Samarbeid mellom pårørende og tjenesteytere til unge voksne med utviklingshemning» (s. 169-191). I: Pårørende i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester: forpliktelser og ansvar i et utydelig landskap. Oslo. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 


2016:   Melbøe, L., Hansen, K., Johnsen, B-E, Fedreheim, G. E, Dinesen, T. Å., Minde, G-T., Rustad, M. (2016): Ethical and methodological issues in research with Sami experiencing disability. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2016 ;Volum 75.


Melbøe, L., Johnsen, B-E., Fedreheim, G. E., Hansen, K. L. (2016): Situasjonen til samer med funksjonsnedsettelse(r). Stockholm, Helsinki: Nordens Välfärdscenter.    


2014:  Johnsen, B-E, Lysvik, L. S., Thomsen, T. (2014): "Struggle for Self- determination among service users in Norway." I Learning Disability Practice. Vol 17 (10). RCN Publishing Co.


Johnsen, B-E., Kittelsaa, A. (2014): "Segregeringstid og integreringstid. Om selvforvaltningens kår innenfor HVPU og dagens åpne omsorg". I Fontene forskning 02/14.

Kassah, A. K., Johnsen, B-E, Kassah, B. L. L., (2014): "Funksjonsnedsettelse, arbeidsdeltakelse og samhandlingsreformen". I B. L. L. Kassah, W-A Tingvoll, A. K. Kassah (red.): Samhandlingsreformen under lupen. Kvalitet, organisering og makt i helse- og omsorgstjenestene. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Johnsen, B-E (2014): "Vernepleierfaglig skjønn og praksis i et historisk perspektiv". I K. E. Ellingsen (red.): Vernepleierfaglig kompetanse og faglig skjønn. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

2013:  Johnsen, B-E (2013): "Avvikerens stemme og personalets blikk: tilfellet Klara". I E. Edwardsen og H. Holte (red.): Klientens stemme-hjelperens blikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

Johnsen, B-E., Kassah, K., Lysvik, L. (2013): "Life at Trastad Gård: on the experiences of the former inmates of a large institution for people with learning difficulties in northern Norway". I Disability & Society. Publisert online 21. februar 2013.

2012:   Johnsen, B-E (2012): ”[…] men eller var jo maten god, men det var jævlig strengt”. En kvalitativ kasus-studie med fokus på fortellingene til tidligere pasienter ved Trastad Gård, Nord-Norges åndssvakehjem. Doktorgradsavhandling ved fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning. Institutt for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk, Universitetet i Tromsø.

            Johnsen, B-E., (2012): "Inmate Experiences from a Closed Down Institution Meant for People with Intellectual Disabilities". I Brent A. Askvig and Jan Meyer (eds.): Proceedings of the US- Nordic International Conference on Intellectual Disabilities. ND Center for persons with Disabilities, Minot State University. Minot, ND.

2010:   Johnsen, B-E., Lysvik, L. (2010): Elâmââ Trastad Gårdissa (Hverdagsliv på Trastad Gård). I: Antti Teittinen (red) (2010) Pois Laitoksista! Vammaiset ja hoivan politiikka.
Helsinki. Palmina Helsinki University Press

2008:   Johnsen, B-E (2008): Utviklingshemming som sosial konstruksjon, Katrines tilfelle. I: Bjørnerå, T., Sommerbakk, V., Gunneriussen, W. (red.) (2008): Utviklingshemming, autonomi og avhengighet. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

2007:   Johnsen, B-E, Lysvik, L. (2007): Kjell - litt om livet som pasient på Trastad Gård. I: Ellingsen, K-E: Selvbestemmelse, Egne og andres valg og verdier. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

2006:   Johnsen, B-E (2006): Vernepleierutdanningen og sosialt arbeid. Høgskolen i Harstad. Skriftserien 2006/01.

2005:   Johnsen, B-E (2005): Hvordan har hverdagslivet vært for mennesker med utviklingshemming fra 1950-tallet og fram til i dag? I: ATT FINNAS OCH SYNAS NÄR HISTORIE SKRIVS. Handicaphistorisk tidskrift nr.14 2005. Dansk psykologisk forlag.

Johnsen, B-E., Lysvik, L. (2005): Hverdagsliv på Trastad Gård. DVD der utviklingshemmede forteller om livene sine inne på Trastad Gård. Til bruk for Trastad Museum, HiH oa.

2004:   Bollingmo, L., Høium, K., Johnsen, B-E. (red.) (2004): Det er mitt liv - om brukermedvirkning og nye hjelperoller. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


Bollingmo, L., Høium, K., Johnsen, B-E. (2004): Brukermedvirkning, kunnskap og handling. I: Det er mitt liv - om brukermedvirkning og nye hjelperoller. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


Johnsen, B-E (2004): Omsorgspraksis- forståelse og handling. I: Det er mitt liv - om brukermedvirkning og nye hjelperoller. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


Johnsen, B-E (2004): Normalisering i beste hensikt. I: Skolepsykologi nr 7, 2004.


2003:   Johnsen, B-E., (2003): "Omsorg på ville veier", i Embla nr.1, 2003.  

Johnsen, B-E., (2003) "Den profesjonelle hjelperen; På talefot med psykisk utviklingshemmede", i Spesialpedagogikk nr.2 2003.


2002:   Johnsen, B-E., (2002): Den innbilt fremmede om omsorgen for psykisk utviklingshemmede.  Hovedfagsoppgave ved universitetet i Tromsø, institutt for  pedagogikk.

2000:   Johnsen, B-E., Thomsen, T., Sommerbakk, V. (2000): Nære studier for fjerne studenter. HiH Skriftserien 2000/12.


Scientific papers  


2015:  Sami Diversity - The situation of disabled people with Sámi background:Space, place and disability. NNDR- konference in Norway, Bergen 6- 8 may.



2014:   Inquiring the situation of disabled people with Sámi background – ethics and politics. Inclusive society: Poland, Warsaw 6-7 October.

2013:   I don`t need to be angry anymore, because now I can decide for my self. Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Conference, The open University, Milton Keynes, 8-9 July.

Ethics and formation in an inclusive everyday life- in a Norwegian context. Poster at Joint European Conference Social Action (3rd ENSACT). Istanbul, 16- 19 april 2013.

2012:   Inmate experiences from a closed down institution meant for people with intellectual disabilities. Disability, Poverty and Neo- Liberalism, 11- 13 September 2012, Lancaster University.

2011:   Living Conditions of people with disabilities at Trastad Gard. US- Nordic International Conference on Intellectual Disibilities, Minot 2- 4 okt.

2006:   The personal stories of some of those who lived in a large North Norwegian institution for people with learning disabilities. Research and learning, 18. 20 September 2006, Lancaster University.


Re-modelling disability, perspectives from Norway Paper: University of Sheffield 7-8 februar 2006, Centre of Applied Disability Studies.

Strategies for Deinstitutonalization/Building Inclusive Communities. Inclution Internationals XIV World Congress in Acapulco, Mexico 7-10. november 2006.

Personal stories from lifa at Trastad Gård. NFF 2.nd nasjonal Scientific conferense in Trondheim 30-31. oktober 2006. 

2005:   LIFE AT TRASTAD GÅRD: the personal stories of some former inmates of a nothern Norwegian institution for people with learning disabilities. NNDR (Nordic Network of Disability Research) April 2005 i Oslo.

Goals, Outcomes and Challenges for People with Intellectual Disabilities in a Noninstitutional Society: The Norwegian Experience. Harstad University College - Midnight Sun Summer Course 2005.