Bilde av Musial, Frauke
Bilde av Musial, Frauke
Healthcare Research - Alternative Treatment The National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine +4777649282 You can find me here

Frauke Musial

Job description

Professor of Healthcare Research - Alternative Treatment

  • Merete Lindén Dahle, Terje Alræk, Frauke Musial :
    An Acupuncture Protocol for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Delphi Process
    Complementary Medicine Research 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nivedita Sinha, Harald Johan Hamre, Frauke Musial, Erik Lønnmark Werner, Lars Björkman :
    Health complaints before and at one and five years after removal of dental amalgam restorations - data from a prospective cohort study in Norway
    Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Monica Risvoll, Torsten Risør, Kjell Hermann Halvorsen, Marit Waaseth, Trine Stub, Trude Giverhaug et al.:
    General practitioners’ role in safeguarding patients with dementia in their use of dietary supplements. A qualitative study
    Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 08. November 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karl-Hermann Fuchs, Frauke Musial, Laura Retzbach, Alexander Hann, Alexander Meining :
    Quality of life in benign colorectal disease—a review of the assessment with the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI)
    International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Geir Smedslund, Ingvild Kjeken, Frauke Musial, Joseph Sexton, Nina Østerås :
    Interventions for osteoarthritis pain: A systematic review with network meta-analysis of existing Cochrane reviews
    Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lars Björkman, Frauke Musial, Terje Alræk, Erik Lønnmark Werner, Harald J. Hamre :
    Mercury, silver and selenium in serum before and after removal of amalgam restorations: results from a prospective cohort study in Norway
    Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 16. November 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karl-Hermann Fuchs, Frauke Musial, Ernst Eypasch, Alexander Meining :
    Gastrointestinal Quality of Life in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Systematic Review
    Digestion 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Admassu Nadew Lamu, Lars Björkman, Harald Johan Hamre, Terje Alræk, Frauke Musial, Bjarne Robberstad :
    Is amalgam removal in patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms cost-effective? A prospective cohort and decision modelling study in Norway
  • Admassu Nadew Lamu, Bjarne Robberstad, Harald Johan Hamre, Terje Alræk, Frauke Musial, Lars Björkman :
    Validity and responsiveness of GHC-index in patients with amalgam-attributed health complaints
    Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen, van der Werf Esther T., Trine Stub, Frauke Musial, Barbara Wider, Miek C. Jong et al.:
    Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 related Symptoms. A Population Based Cross-sectional Study in Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands
    Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Risvoll, Frauke Musial, Marit Waaseth, Trude Giverhaug, Kjell H. Halvorsen :
    Home care service employees' contribution to patient safety in clients with dementia who use dietary supplements: a Norwegian survey
    Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Admassu Nadew Lamu, Lars Björkman, Harald Johan Hamre, Terje Alræk, Frauke Musial, Bjarne Robberstad :
    Validity and responsiveness of EQ-5D-5L and SF-6D in patients with health complaints attributed to their amalgam fillings: a prospective cohort study of patients undergoing amalgam removal
    Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karl Hermann Fuchs, T.R. DeMeester, F. Otte, R.C. Broderick, W. Breithaupt, G. Varga et al.:
    Severity of GERD and disease progression
    Diseases of the esophagus 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Soile Päivikki Hämäläinen, Anita Salamonsen, Grete Mehus, Henrik Schirmer, Ola Graff, Frauke Musial :
    Yoik in Sami elderly and dementia care – A potential for a culture sensitive music therapy?
    Nordic journal of music therapy 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trine Stub, Mona Kiil, Birgit Lie, Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen, Thomas Weiss, Jill Angela Hervik et al.:
    Combining psychotherapy with craniosacral therapy for severe traumatized patients: A qualitative study from an outpatient clinic in Norway
    Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Soile Hämäläinen, Frauke Musial, Ola Graff, Henrik Schirmer, Anita Salamonsen, Grete Mehus :
    The art of yoik in care: Sami caregivers' experiences in dementia in Northern Norway
    Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lars Björkman, Frauke Musial, Terje Alræk, Erik Lønnmark Werner, Wolfgang Weidenhammer, Harald Johan Hamre :
    Removal of dental amalgam restorations in patients with health complaints attributed to amalgam: A prospective cohort study
    Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 18. August 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trine Stub, Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen, Grete Overvåg, Miek C. Jong, Frauke Musial, Jianping Liu :
    Adverse effects in homeopathy. A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
    Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Frauke Musial :
    Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pain – A Mega-Placebo?
    Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience 17. October 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen, Ann Ragnhild Broderstad, Frauke Musial, Trine Stub :
    Prevalence, and health- and sociodemographic associations for visits to traditional and complementary medical providers in the seventh survey of the Tromsø study
    BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hans Friedrich Fuchs, Benjamin Babic, Karl-Hermann Fuchs, Wolfram Breithaupt, Garbor Varga, Frauke Musial :
    Do patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and somatoform tendencies benefit from antireflux surgery?
    World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG) 21. January 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Frauke Musial, Scott Mist, Sarah Warber, Mary Jo Kreitzer, Cheryl Ritenbaugh, Christian Kessler :
    Why and how should we integrate biomarkers into complex trials? A discussion on paradigms and clinical research strategies.
    Complementary Medicine Research 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kyung-Eun Choi, Frauke Musial :
    2.2.3 Der Einfluss der Gefühle auf die Selbstregulation
    Elsevier 2019
  • David Hohenschurz-Schmidt, Lene Vase, Whitney Scott, Marco Annoni, Oluwafemi K Ajayi, Jürgen Barth et al.:
    Recommendations for the development, implementation, and reporting of control interventions in efficacy and mechanistic trials of physical, psychological, and self-management therapies: the CoPPS Statement
    The BMJ 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Frauke Musial :
    Akupunktur zur Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen – nur ein Mega-Placebo?
  • Frauke Musial :
    A neurobiological perspective on complementary medicine: The psycho-physiology of manual (reflex) therapies and the role of “feelings” in pain
  • Harald Walach, Frauke Musial :
    Same River, Different Waters.
    Complementary Medicine Research 2022 DOI
  • Frauke Musial :
    Acupuncture for the treatment of pain – The placebo challenge
  • Frauke Musial :
    Stressmestring og Fatigue: Hvordan kan IMCR-programmet hjelpe?
  • Frauke Musial :
    Livsmestring- håndtering av angst, depresjon, frustrasjon og selvstendighet
  • Frauke Musial, Miek C. Jong :
    NAFKAM's safety strategy applied to integrative cancer care
  • Frauke Musial :
    Stress, Fatigue og smerte – stort problem!
  • Frauke Musial :
    Patient safety in complementary and alternative medicine – The NAFKAM roadmap to safer use
  • Frauke Musial :
    Stress, smerter og fatigue
  • Soile Hämäläinen, Frauke Musial, Ola Graff, Henrik Schirmer, Anita Salamonsen, Grete Mehus :
    The art of yoik in care: Sami caregivers’ experiences in dementia care in Northern Norway
  • Soile Hämäläinen, Frauke Musial, Ola Graff, Henrik Schirmer, Torjer Andreas Olsen, Anita Salamonsen et al.:
    Kan joik være bra for helsa? Presentasjon av samlet forskning fra fire publikasjoner.
  • Soile Hämäläinen, Anita Salamonsen, Frauke Musial, Ola Graff, Henrik Schirmer, Torjer Andreas Olsen et al.:
    Kan joik være bra for helsa?
  • Lars Björkman, Frauke Musial, Terje Alræk, Erik Lønnmark Werner, Harald Johan Hamre :
    Utprøvende behandling ved helseplager attribuert til amalgamfyllinger. En prospektiv kohortstudie
    NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022 ARKIV / PROSJEKT
  • Soile Hämäläinen, Frauke Musial, Ola Graff, Henrik Schirmer, Anita Salamonsen, Grete Mehus :
    The art of yoik in care: Sami caregivers’ experiences in dementia care in Northern Norway
  • Soile Hämäläinen, Grete Mehus, Frauke Musial, Henrik Schirmer, Torjer Andreas Olsen, Ola Graff et al.:
    Kan joik være bra for helsa? En sammenfatning av våre publiserte studier
  • Soile Päivikki Hämäläinen, Frauke Musial, Ola Graff, Henrik Schirmer, Anita Salamonsen, Grete Mehus :
    The art of yoik in care: Sami caregivers’ experiences in dementia care in Northern Norway
  • Frauke Musial, Miek C. Jong :
    Bør alternative behandlings-former inkluderes offentlig?
    Dagens medisin 28. September 2021
  • Soile Päivikki Hämäläinen, Frauke Musial, Ola Graff, Henrik Schirmer, Anita Salamonsen, Grete Mehus :
    The art of yoik in care: Sami caregivers’ experiences in dementia care in Northern Norway
  • Lars Björkman, Frauke Musial, Terje Alræk, Harald Hamre :
    Mercury in serum in relation to removal of amalgam restorations
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Soile Hämäläinen, Frauke Musial, Torjer Andreas Olsen, Ola Graff, Anita Salamonsen :
    Yoik experiences and possible positive health outcomes: an explorative pilot study
  • Frauke Musial :
    Derfor kan banning være positiv
    29. May 2020
  • Frauke Musial :
    Springer Nature 2020
  • Mona Solberg, Christoph W. Korn, Frauke Musial :
    Vær bevisst på helserelatert risiko!
    Dagens medisin 2020
  • Frauke Musial, Ola Lillenes, Paul Enck :
    Kan negative forventninger skade – eller gjøre oss syke?
    Dagens medisin 05. December 2019
  • Frauke Musial :
    Kan man forske på terapiformer hvor virkningsmekanisme er ukjent eller omdiskutert?

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    se alle publikasjoner i PubMed 


    Research interests

    • Integrative care
    • Pain research
    • Neurobiological foundations of naturopathic reflex therapies in the treatment of chronic pain
    • Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) as a translational tool for the investigation of non pharmacological interventions for the treatment of pain states
    • Psychophysiology of acupuncture as a non-pharmacological intervention for pain states
    • Pain and functional diseases
    • Risk in complementary and alternative interventions
    • Patient participation and its methodological implementation in clinical trials
    • Placeboresponse
    • Evidence based systematic treatment guidelines


    Member of research group

