Bilde av Andreassen, Ingrid Solstad
Bilde av Andreassen, Ingrid Solstad
Universitetslektor Faculty of Law +4777644184 Tromsø You can find me here

Ingrid Solstad Andreassen

Job description

My research interests primarily relate to the law of the sea, international fisheries law, environmental law issues, management, and regulation of different environmental impacts. I broadly research environmental issues in the fisheries sector, sustainable transitions, ecosystem-based management, and the implementation of legal frameworks, both nationally and internationally. I also have a general interest in international environmental law and human rights. 

I have recently written a PhD titled "Charting the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in Tuna RFMOs: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Conservation of Non-Target Species." In my dissertation, I developed a case study examining how states can collaborate regionally to achieve more sustainable fisheries management, with a particular focus on the duty and responsibility to reduce ghost fishing.

I engage in both doctrinal legal research and empirical legal research, and I participate in several interdisciplinary initiatives related to my research interests.

  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    The role of tuna-RFMOs in combating ‘ghost fishing’: Where is the Catch?
    Marine Policy 2024 DOI
  • Elise Johansen, Irene Vanja Dahl, Alexander Lott, Philipp Peter Nickels, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    A Marine-Biology-Centric Definition of Ocean Connectivity and the Law of the Sea
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vito De Lucia, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    Climate Litigation in Norway. A Preliminary Assessment
    DPCE Online 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Vito De Lucia, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    Høringsuttalelse - Lov om bevaring og bærekraftig bruk av marint naturmangfold i områder utenfor nasjonal jurisdiksjon
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    Havnenes nøkkelrolle i arbeidet med å redusere spøkelsesfiske: Ansvaret for å ta i mot fiskeredskaper
  • Lena Schøning, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel :
    Seminar om bærekraftig og rettferdig omstilling
  • Mathilde Daasvatn Morel, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Lena Schøning :
    Seminar om bærekraftig og rettferdig omstilling
  • Lena Schøning, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel, Bjørn Bakke :
    Høringsuttalelse til forslag om ny lov om vern av marin natur
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    Charting the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in Tuna RFMOs: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Conservation of Non-Target Species
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2024
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    The influence of ITLOS Advisory Opinions on Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    Økosystembasert fiskeriforvaltning: Kampen mot 'spøkelsesfiske'
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    How can RFMOs shape future management practice to protect ocean commons through the ecosystem approach to fisheries?
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries: Assessing the Constraints and Possibilities for Future Conservation of Non-target Species in Tuna-RFMOs
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    Lysets Mørke Bakside: Rettslig Regulering av Lysforurensning i Norge
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    Fisheries in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Bastiaan (Bas) Klerk, Nikolaos Gkikas, Konstantinos Deligiannis Virvos :
    Introduction to the Outcomes of the 2022 NCLOS Conference on Ocean Space
    NCLOS Blog 2023
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    The role of tuna-RFMOs in combating 'ghost fishing': Where is the Catch?
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries: Assessing Possibilities and Barriers for Future Conservation of Non-Target Species in Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
  • Maria Madalena das Neves, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    Miljø-, energi-, og havrett knyttet til Klimasøksmålet Arktis, og dets påvirkning
  • Elise Johansen, Margherita Paola Poto, Iva Parlov, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Alexander Lott, Jan Jakub Solski et al.:
    Ocean Connectivity and Law
  • Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    The Ecosystem Approach in International Fisheries Law: Evaluating the role and potential of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My research interests primarily relate to the law of the sea, international fisheries law, environmental law issues, management, and regulation of different environmental impacts. I broadly research environmental issues in the fisheries sector, sustainable transitions, ecosystem-based management, and the implementation of legal frameworks, both nationally and internationally. I also have a general interest in international environmental law and human rights. 

    I have recently written a PhD titled "Charting the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in Tuna RFMOs: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Conservation of Non-Target Species." In my dissertation, I developed a case study examining how states can collaborate regionally to achieve more sustainable fisheries management, with a particular focus on the duty and responsibility to reduce ghost fishing.

    I engage in both doctrinal legal research and empirical legal research, and I participate in several interdisciplinary initiatives related to my research interests.


    Enviromental law. 

    Member of research group