Student exchange program
Master level students from our partner universities are very welcome to spend their exchange at our Faculty in Tromsø, either for one or two semesters.
We offer English taught courses within the areas of Law of the Sea, Environmental and Climate Law, Energy Law, Indigenous peoples` Rights, European Human Rights and International Law and Armed Conflicts.
Full-time studies for one semester are two courses. For more information about each course, search up the course code in the course catalogue.
For academic year 2018/2019 The Faculty of Law offers the following English-taught courses;
JUR-3050 General Law of the Sea
Autumn semester (August-December)
The course covers the following topics: A general overview of the different maritime zones (internal waters, territorial sea, archipelagic waters, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone (EEZ), continental shelf, high seas and the "Area"), as well as the principles and procedures for the delimitation of overlapping maritime zones and the establishment of the outer limits of the continental shelf. In addition, it will adress the substantive regimes for the uses of these maritime zones, in particular the exploitation of marine resources, navigation, marine scientific research and military uses and the appurtenant rights and obligations of coastal states and other states and the role of competent international organizations therein.
Academic responsible: Associate professor Maria Madalena Das Neves
JUR-3622 International Environmental Law and Climate Change in the Arctic
(August-December) and Spring semester (January-June)
This course offers a broad introduction to international environmental law, after which students will gain a specialized insight into the legal framework applicable to the Arctic region. The Arctic region is environmentally vulnerable, and is thus greatly affected by climate change. Climate change threatens biodiversity, the livelihoods of Arctic indigenous peoples, and leads to sea level rises and changing weather patterns, amongst others. This, in turn, leads to increased shipping in the Arctic as well as fisheries moving up further North. The North West Passage and the Northern Sea Route will likely be used for commercial shipping in the near future, leading to increased risks of oil pollution in the vulnerable Arctic ecosystems.
International environmental law is a rapidly developing field that seeks to mitigate effects of climate change and protect the environment. It involves a multitude of multilateral treaties, declarations and other instruments of international law. This course aims to provide students with an introduction to the major concepts, cases and principles that together shape the body of international environmental law. Students will learn how these concepts and principles apply in the Arctic, especially in the context of climate change.
Academic responsible: Associate professor Vito de Lucia
JUR-3602 Introduction to International and EU Trade Law
Autumn semester (August-December)
This course offers an introduction to International and EU Trade Law encompassing a general overview of both legal frameworks, and a more specific focus on selected key substantive and procedural law topics. Furthermore, the course intends to enable the participating students to understand, evaluate and to compare the main similarities and differences between WTO and EU trade law.
Academic responsible: Associate professor Martin Hennig
JUR-3605 Indigenous Peoples' Rights
Autumn (August-December) and Spring semester (January-June)
The course offers the students an overview of the current status of indigenous peoples' rights following the developments of the last two decades. Attention will thus be given to international legal instruments of relevance to indigenous peoples such as, among others, the 1989 International Labour Organization Convention No. 169 concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the 2007 United Nation Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Academic responsible: Associate professor Ánde Somby
JUR-3619 Energy Law
Spring semester (January-June)
The course will cover the following topics: introduction to energy and energy law; energy policy - including links to energy security and environmental policy; ownership of energy resources; oil and gas licensing regimes; the protection of energy investments; the regulation of the energy industry and in particular network bound industries; (electricity and natural gas); legal issues associated with particular energy sectors including selections form the renewables sector (wind, hydro and geothermal) and energy Conservation.
Academic responsible: Professor Nigel Bankes.
JUR-3615 European Human Rights
Spring semester (January-June)
The course offers students an in-depth understanding of the European Convention on Human Rights (Convention), as well as an overview over the European regime for the protection of human rights. The course focuses on the Convention's substantive guarantees and its system of supervision, including Strasbourg case law and its underlying principles.
Academic responsible: Professor Stig H. Solheim
JUR-3620 International Law and Armed Conflict
Spring semester (January-June)
The course addresses the prohibition on the use of force in international law and its exceptions (jus ad bellum/use of force), as well as the rules applicable to armed conflicts when they break out (jus in bello/international humanitarian law). The latter includes limitations on the weapons and methods used and establishes protection against attacks on certain groups of individuals, like prisoners of war and civilians. The course will address both international customary law and treaty obligations in these fields, with main focus on the United Nations Charter, the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their additional protocols of 1977.
Academic responsible: Professor Magne Frostad