Janne Evertsen
Job description
University teacher/ Mentor and DUÅ supervisor in The Incredible Years (DUÅ), a program series for children aged 0-12, which consists of various programs aimed at parents, children and staff in kindergartens, schools and SFO/AKS. DUÅ is offered in clinical healthcare institutions.
DUÅ's programs are based on broad international research and can show strict documentation requirements for utility for the children and parents. There is also Norwegian documentation on central parts of the program series and new research is ongoing. The Directorate of Health recommends The Incredible Years as a preventive measure and as a measure in the treatment of children and young people with behavioral difficulties. Additional information on DUÅ's website.
Evertsen has basic education as a child welfare educator
Evertsen supervises in the following DUÅ programme:
|. The children's programs Dinosaur School in classrooms, SFO and kindergarten (universal promotion children's groups) and the treatment program Dinosaur School in small groups (treatment groups for children). Evertsen is a mentor in the children's programmes, and responsible for training, guidance and certification of professionals within the DUÅ universal prevention children's program at national level.
||. DUÅ supervisor in the School and Kindergarten Programme, a universal preventive training for employees in kindergartens, after-school care/AKS and primary schools (primary level).
The Incredible Years office at the Regional Knowledge Center for Children and Young People - North (RKBU-Nord), University of Tromsø is responsible for the implementation and operation of DUÅ in the North region and has national coordination responsibility.
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