Camilla Novy,
Øyvind Busk,
Ole-Bjørn Tysnes,
Sigve Strand Landa,
Tori Navestad Aanjesen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
et al.:
Repeat expansions in AR, ATXN1, ATXN2 and HTT in Norwegian patients diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Nora Stensland Bugge,
Kjersti Vetvik,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Tonje Bjørndal Braaten
Cumulative exposure to estrogen may increase the risk of migraine in women
Ane Skaare Sjulstad,
Ole Lars Brekke,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Visual inspection versus spectrophotometry for xanthochromia detection in patients with sudden onset severe headache—A diagnostic accuracy study
Cathrine Goberg Olsen,
Vetle Nilsen Malmberg,
Maria Fahlström,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Ingrid Kristine Bjørnå,
Geir Julius Braathen
et al.:
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis caused by the C9orf72 expansion in Norway–prevalence, ancestry, clinical characteristics and sociodemographic status
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 24. September 2024
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Espen Benjaminsen
Å kunne stave og skrive, men ikke lese
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2024
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Charalampos Tzoulis,
Axel Meyer Simonsen
Beverages, caffeine, and Parkinson's disease
Merethe Karlberg,
Hanne Thoresen,
Diana Hristova Berg,
Oana-Gratiela Ciopat,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
En mann i 40-årene med akutt forvirring
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2022
Marianne Sivertsen,
Hanne De Jaegher,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Ellen Christin Arntzen,
Britt Normann
The precarity of patient participation - a qualitative interview study of experiences from the acute stroke and rehabilitation journey
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 2022
Marianne Sivertsen,
Ellen Christin Arntzen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Britt Normann
Effect of innovative vs. usual care physical therapy in subacute rehabilitation after stroke. A multicenter randomized
controlled trial
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 2022
Cathrine Goberg Olsen,
Øyvind Løvold Busk,
Tori Navestad Aanjesen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Ingrid Kristine Bjørnå,
Geir Julius Braathen
et al.:
Genetic Epidemiology of Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis in Norway: A 2-Year Population-Based Study
Marianne Sivertsen,
Hanne De Jaegher,
Ellen Christin Arntzen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Britt Normann
Embodiment, tailoring, and trust are important for co-construction of meaning in physiotherapy after stroke: A qualitative study
Physiotherapy Research International 2022
Andreas Kildahl Jaklin,
Espen Benjaminsen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Effectiveness of Natalizumab in Achieving No Evidence of Disease Activity (NEDA-3)—Data From a Local Norwegian Cohort
Ane Skaare Sjulstad,
Francis Odeh,
Farid Baloch,
Diana Hristova Berg,
Kathrine Grønning Arntzen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Occurrence of postdural puncture headache—A randomized controlled trial comparing 22G Sprotte and Quincke
Brain and Behavior 12. October 2020
Espen Benjaminsen,
Kjell-Morten Myhr,
Nina Agnethe Grytten Torkildsen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Comorbidity in multiple sclerosis patients from Nordland County, Norway - validated data from the Norwegian Patient Registry
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2020
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Hilde Karen Ofte,
Kai Ivar Müller,
Anna P. Andreou
Sudden caffeine withdrawal triggers migraine—A randomized controlled trial
Frontiers in Neurology 10. September 2020
Anne Hege Aamodt,
Marte-Helene Bjørk,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Guttorm Eldøen,
Aud Nome Dueland,
Tine Poole
et al.:
Praktisk håndtering av hodepine
Ane Skaare Sjulstad,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
What is currently the best investigational approach to the patient with sudden-onset severe headache?
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Anna P. Andreou
Caffeine and primary (migraine) headaches-friend or foe?
Espen Benjaminsen,
Kjell-Morten Myhr,
Nina Grytten,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Validation of the multiple sclerosis diagnosis in the Norwegian Patient Registry
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Hilde Karen Ofte,
Espen Saxhaug Kristoffersen
Prävention und Therapie des Medikamentenübergebrauchskopfschmerzes
Der Schmerz (Berlin. Print) 2018
Espen Benjaminsen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Marie Gulsvik,
Farid Baloch,
Francis Odeh
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Nordland county, Norway, 2000–2015: prevalence, incidence, and clinical features
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 2018
Kai Ivar Müller,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Svein Ivar Bekkelund
Headache patients' satisfaction with telemedicine: a 12-month follow-up randomized non-inferiority trial
European Journal of Neurology 2017
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Kjell-Morten Myhr,
Christine Hanssen Rinaldo
Progredierende multifokal leukoencefalopati
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 12. December 2017
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Hilde Karen Ofte,
Espen Saxhaug Kristoffersen
Preventing and treating medication overuse headache
Svein Ivar Bekkelund,
Kai Ivar Müller,
Aleksander Wilhelmsen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Photophobia and seasonal variation of migraine in a subarctic population
Espen Benjaminsen,
Kjell-Morten Myhr,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
The prevalence and characteristics of epilepsy in patients with multiple sclerosis in Nordland county, Norway
Kai Ivar Müller,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Svein Ivar Bekkelund
A randomized trial of telemedicine efficacy and safety for nonacute headaches
Kai Ivar Müller,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Svein Ivar Bekkelund
Telemedicine in the management of non-acute headaches: A prospective,open-labelled non-inferiority,randomised clinical trial
Kai Ivar Müller,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Svein Ivar Bekkelund
Acceptability, feasibility, and cost of telemedicine for nonacute headaches: A randomized study comparing video and traditional consultations
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2016
Hilde Karen Ofte,
Erling Andreas Tronvik,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Lack of association between cluster headache and PER3 clock gene polymorphism
The Journal of Headache and Pain 2016
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Hanne Winge Kvarenes,
Jan Fredrik Prytz,
Christian A. Vedeler
A case of relapsing-remitting facial palsy and ipsilateral brachial plexopathy caused by HSV-1
Journal of Clinical Virology 2016
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Hilde Karen Ofte
Klasehodepine :
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2015
Hilde Karen Ofte,
Therese von Hanno,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Reduced cranial parasympathetic tone during the remission phase of cluster headache
Espen Benjaminsen,
Johnny Olavsen,
Merethe Karlberg,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Multiple sclerosis in the far north - incidence and prevalence in Nordland County, Norway, 1970-2010
Svein Ivar Bekkelund,
Hilde Karen Ofte,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Patient satisfaction with conventional, complementary, and alternative treatment for cluster headache in a Norwegian cohort
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2014
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Erling Andreas Tronvik,
Anne Hege Aamodt
Transient ischemic attack or migraine with aura?
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 24. October 2023
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Anne Hege Aamodt
Etablering av medisinske sannheter
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2023
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Grete Bakkejord,
Hans Kristian Bø
Could recurrent painful ophthalmoplegic neuropathy be caused by a neurovascular conflict?: A case report
Cephalalgia Reports 2023
Marianne Sivertsen,
Ellen Christin Arntzen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Britt Normann
The precarious patient participation - a qualitative interview study of experiences from the acute stroke and rehabilitation journey
Marianne Sivertsen,
Ellen Christin Arntzen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Britt Normann
Individualized, comprehensive physiotherapy vs usual care. Effects on balance, gait and physical activity in subacute rehabilitation after stroke: a multicentre randomized controlled trial
Marianne Sivertsen,
Hanne De Jaegher,
Ellen Christin Arntzen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Britt Normann
Embodiment, tailoring and trust and their importance for co-construction of meaning in physiotherapy after a stroke
Marianne Sivertsen,
Hanne De Jaegher,
Ellen Christin Arntzen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Britt Normann
Felles meningsskaping i fysioterapi etter hjerneslag
Marianne Sivertsen,
Hanne De Jaegher,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Ellen Christin Arntzen,
Britt Normann
Den sårbare deltakelsen. En kvalitativ studie om erfaringer fra akutt hjerneslag og rehabilitering.
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Christine Hanssen Rinaldo,
Liv T. N. Osnes,
Irini Sereti,
Hilde Karen Ofte
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy treated with interleukin-7
Clinical Infection in Practice 2020
Kathrine Grønning Arntzen,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Room tilt illusion and subclavian steal - A case report
Kjell-Morten Myhr,
Stephan Schuler,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Long-term, real-world effectiveness of natalizumab treatment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS): data from ≥6 years in the TYSABRI® Observational Program (TOP) Nordic and global cohorts.
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Merethe Karlberg
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2019
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Hilde Karen Ofte
Spot On?
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug,
Randi Hallstensen,
Francis Odeh
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient with systemic mastocytosis treated with cladribine
Journal of Clinical Virology 2017
Hilde Karen Ofte,
Therese von Hanno,
Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug
Retinal vasculature in cluster headache