Mari Buck
Job description
Head of EURAXESS desk at UiT
Support to employees with foreign citizenship at UiT
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Publications outside Cristin
La mentalidad en el Cantar de Mío Cid y su proyección en la España contemporánea: Un análisis histórico-social de la obra. ("El Cantar de Mio Cid" and how it is percieved in contemporary Spain: A historic-sosiological analysis). Bacheloroppgave til SPA-2111 “Sentrale verk i spanskspråklig litteratur” 2013
"Trabajo decente" in Norway- what about the Russians?", Poster presented at the "VI Congreso sobre las migraciones en España" at the Universitetet of Coruña, Spania, September 2009.
"The fight for secure co-existence in multicultural societies: Representation of minority interests". Tesina written and defended at CEAS, "Centro de Estudios y Analisis de Seguridad", University of Granada, September 2004
“The concept of security in international relation theory, with focus on securitization in the Societal Sector, migration and the case of Denmark”. Essay for the PhD course “Aproximación multidimensional a la seguridad (Multidimensional approximation to security)” University of Granada 2003
“Does size matter? National identity and the European integration process “ Essay for the PhD- Course “El proceso de toma de decisiones en materia de seguridad (The process of making decisions within security matters)” University of Granada 2003
“Terrorism and western democracies” Essay for the PhD course “El conflicto en la sociedad de la información (The conflict within the information society)”. University of Granada 2003
“Metodología de Investigación en las Ciencias Sociales” Essay for the PhD course about research methodology in the Social Sciences. University of Granada 2003
“The European Union as a “new” security actor”. Essay for the PhD course “Nuevos instrumentos en la gestión de la seguridad (New instruments within administrating security) ”, University of Granada 2003
“Desde extranjeros trabajando en Dinamarca hasta minorías étnicas” (From guest workers in Denmark to ethnic minorities) Essay for the PhD course “Multiculturalismo y seguridad (Multiculturalism and security)”. University of Granada 2003
KEMALISMENS SEKS PILER Demokratisering i Tyrkia etter Atatürk, Essay til H2 Course in i transition theory, Department of Comparative Politics ,University of Bergen 1993
ELITEKULTUR, FOLKEKULTUR, UNDERHOLDNINGSINDUSTRI: Sosialdemokratisk kulturpolitikk i Norge og Sverige Main thesis for the cand.polit. degree at the Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, December 1993.
"Migration and Health" in Master of Public Health.