Bilde av Amargant Arumí, Martí
Bilde av Amargant Arumí, Martí
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology +4777623293 You can find me here

Martí Amargant Arumí

  • Christine Gawinski, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Raul Primicerio, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Anette Wold et al.:
    Response of the copepod community to interannual differences in sea-ice cover and water masses in the northern Barents Sea
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2024 DOI
  • Doreen Kohlbach, Lucie Goraguer, Yasemin V. Bodur, Oliver Müller, Martí Amargant Arumí, Katalin Blix et al.:
    Earlier sea-ice melt extends the oligotrophic summer period in the Barents Sea with low algal biomass and associated low vertical flux
    Progress in Oceanography 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Laura Castro de la Guardia, Tania Hernández Fariñas, Christian Marchese, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Paul G. Myers, Simon Bélanger et al.:
    Assessing net primary production in the northwestern Barents Sea using in situ, remote sensing and modelling approaches.
    Progress in Oceanography 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Iliana Vasiliki Ntinou, Tobias Vonnahme, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy et al.:
    Interannual differences in sea ice regime in the north-western Barents Sea cause major changes in summer pelagic production and export mechanisms
    Progress in Oceanography 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yasemin V. Bodur, Paul E. Renaud, Lucie Goraguer, Marti Amargant-Arumi, Philipp Assmy, Anna Maria Dabrowska et al.:
    Seasonal patterns of vertical flux in the northwestern Barents Sea under Atlantic Water influence and sea-ice decline
    Progress in Oceanography 2023 DATA / ARKIV / DOI
  • Rolf Rudolf Gradinger, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy, Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm, Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Gunnar Bratbak et al.:
    Ranges of Annual Production in the Barents Sea along Environmental Gradients
  • Marti Amargant I Arumi, Rolf Rudolf Gradinger :
    Seasonal patterns of Primary Production in the Northern Barents Sea
  • Laura Castro de la Guardia, Tania Hernández Fariñas, Christian Marchese, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Paul G. Myers, Simon Bélanger et al.:
    Phytoplankton Primary Production in the North- Western Barents Sea 1980-2021: No Obvious Trends but a Regime Shift Triggered by a Pulse of Atlantic Water
  • Marti Amargant I Arumi, Rolf Rudolf Gradinger :
    Sympagic and Pelagic Primary Production in the Northern Barents Sea: Seasonal and Spatial Variability in a Changing Inflow Shelf
  • Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Maria Guadalupe Digernes, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Jeffrey Hawkes, Ulrike Dietrich, Tobias Kielland et al.:
    Increased DOM lability and depletion of the POM inventory during winter in an Arctic fjord (Ramfjord, Tromsø)
  • Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Paul Eric Renaud, Lucie Helene Marie Goraguer, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy, Anna Maria Dabrowska et al.:
    Seasonal patterns of vertical flux in the northern Barents Sea under Atlantic Water influence and sea-ice decline
  • Christine Gawinski, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Raul Primicerio, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Anette Wold et al.:
    Are small copepods the winners of an ice free Barents Sea?
  • Christine Gawinski, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Raul Primicerio, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Anette Wold et al.:
    Are small copepods the winners of an ice free Barents Sea?
  • Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Iliana Vasiliki Ntinou, Tobias Vonnahme, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy et al.:
    Lower trophic level carbon fluxes in two summers of contrasting ice conditions
  • Christine Gawinski, Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Haakon Hop, Martí Amargant Arumí, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Impacts of high-ice versus low-ice concentrations on the mesozooplankton community in the northern Barents Sea
  • Martí Amargant Arumí, Yasemin Bodur :
    Lost and (not always) found:The ups and downs of sediment trap deployments. (
    2021 DATA

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