Bilde av Duarte, Melina
Bilde av Duarte, Melina
Institute of philosophy and first semester studies +4777644329 You can find me here

Melina Duarte

Associate Professor

Job description

Melina Duarte is an internationally educated philosopher with expertise in the areas of moral and political philosophy. Her research interests center on diversity integration and inclusion of minorities with focus on migration and gender. Duarte is Associate Professor of Ethics at the Department of Philosophy and Researcher at the Centre for Women’s and Gender Research at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. She coordinates the Prestige Project (2018-2021) and is a member of the IMPLISITT (2021-2022), Globalizing Minority Rights (2016-2021) and Good Integration projects (2021-2025)

  • Melina Duarte :
    A Human Right to Relocate: The case for climate migrants
    Transnational Press London 2020
  • Melina Duarte :
    The Ethical Consequences of Criminalising Solidarity in the EU
    Theoria 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    EU-Turkey Deal: Buck Passing and Bargaining on Human Rights at Risk
    Kaygi Uludag University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Philosophy 2019
  • Melina Duarte :
    Open Borders and Welfare States: Can't they really get along?
    Journal of Identity and Migration Studies 2018 ARKIV
  • Melina Duarte :
    Who should be granted electoral rights at the state Level?
    Etikk i praksis 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Introduction to the thematic issue ‘Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility’
    Journal of Global Ethics 2016 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    Educating Citizens for Humanism: Nussbaum and the Education Crisis
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 2015 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    Territorial Rights of Liberal Democratic States: Challenging the Right to Exclude Immigrants
    Contrastes (Málaga) 2015 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    Educating Citizens for Humanism: Nussbaum and the Education Crisis
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 2015 DOI
  • Melina Duarte, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation
    Routledge 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility
    Routledge 2018
  • Melina Duarte :
    Making Sense of Diversity in Nordic Academia
  • Melina Duarte, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Introduction to the edited volume
    Routledge 2023
  • Melina Duarte :
    Integrering av kjønns- og mangfolds perspektiver i filosofi utdanning
  • Hannah Winther, Hege Kristin Andreassen, Anja Rieger Schmidt, Mitieli Seixas da Silva, Natasja Pugliese, Melina Duarte :
    Book launching: Gender diversity, equity, and inclusion in academia: A conceptual framework for sustainable transformation
  • Melina Duarte :
    Affirmative Action and DEI work in Academia: Melina Duarte; Invited commentators: Gabriel Goldmeier and Dominik Jackson-Cole, SFHEA
  • Melina Duarte :
    The Prestige-project (2020-2022): Binding findings together
  • Melina Duarte :
    Gender- and diversity-sensitive leadership at UiT: Leading for an equitable and inclusive organization for all
  • Melina Duarte, Torjer Andreas Olsen :
    Ledelse for mangfold og integrering ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet
  • Melina Duarte :
    Westernization vs. Liberation of women in Afghanistan after the comeback of Taliban: Exploring the populist traits of a dichotomy between the West and the Rest
  • Melina Duarte :
    Diverse Perspectives on Science. Lecture, PhD Course at UiT.
  • Melina Duarte :
    Diverse Perspectives on Science: Feminist Epistemology and Research Ethics
  • Melina Duarte :
    Duarte, Melina. (17.09.2021) Sex, Gender Roles and Refuge: What does the West owe to Afghan Women after the return of the Taliban?. Opening lecture for the MA program Europhilosophy at the University of Jean Jaurès II, Toulouse, FR.
  • Melina Duarte :
    Can a culture be actively transformed? Lecture in the PhD Research School Evoking Gender at UiT, NO.
  • Katrin Losleben, Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Writers' Workshop
  • Katrin Losleben, Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Workshop Guidebook for Gender Balance in Higher Education
  • Melina Duarte, Adrianna Kochanska, Malin Rönnblom :
    Gender balance in Research Group Leadership at UiT: The Research group’s Basic Structure and Leadership roles
  • Lena Gross, Ana Luisa Sanchez Laws, Hege Kristin Andreassen, Katrin Losleben, Lilli Mittner, Sarah Musubika et al.:
    Co* (Co-construction, co- production, co-design, co-creation)
  • Katrin Losleben, Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Writers' Workshop, revised versions
  • Melina Duarte :
    Duarte, Melina. (2020). Climate Migration, Structural Injustices, and the Question of Political Responsibility. Aula Inaugural at the State University San Francisco, RS/BR (In Portuguese). Avaliable at: 2.3k views on 27.06.2020
  • Melina Duarte, Adrianna Kochanska, Torild Nustad :
    Gender distribution beyond coarse measurements: Balancing gender distribution in professor positions at the UiT from 2020 onwards
  • Melina Duarte :
    Parenting in Nordic Welfare States: A backfire for scholars in Academia
  • Melina Duarte :
    Book review: Mayer, Benoît and Francois Crépeau. 2017. Research Handbook on Climate Change, Migration, and the Law (Edgard Elgar: Cheltenham, 512 pages)
    Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    The Ethical Consequences of Criminalising Solidarity with Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the EU
  • Melina Duarte :
    The Criminalisation of Solidarity with Immigrants
  • Melina Duarte :
    Should high greenhouse gases emmitting countries be required to admit and resettle more climate displacees than low greenhouse gases emmitting countries?
  • Melina Duarte :
    A Human Right to Immigrate: The case for persons afflicted by rising sea-levels
  • Melina Duarte :
    Health requirements for residency: discriminatory policies against migrants with disabilities
  • Melina Duarte :
    Should there be a right to immigrate for persons afflicted by rising sea-Levels?
  • Melina Duarte :
    A Human Right to Immigrate: The Case for Persons Afflicted by Rising Sea-levels
  • Melina Duarte :
    Climate Refugees: An Emergent New Global Minority
  • Melina Duarte, Tor Ivar Hanstad :
    Introduction to Realizing Global Justice Theory and Practice
    Etikk i praksis 2016 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    Stand against poverty: An interview with Thomas Pogge
    Etikk i praksis 2016 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    EU-Turkey Refugee Deal: Buck-Passing and Bargaining on Human Lives at Risk?
  • Melina Duarte, Tor Ivar Hanstad :
    Realizing global justice: Theory and practice
    Etikk i praksis 2016
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility
    Journal of Global Ethics 2016
  • Melina Duarte :
    Open Borders and Welfare States: Can't They Really Get Along?
  • Melina Duarte :
    Er det en Løsning for Flyktingskrisen?
    Nordlys 2015
  • Melina Duarte :
    Active Citizenship Today: Definitions, Conditions, and Contestations
  • Melina Duarte :
    Open Borders and Welfare States: Can't They Really Get Along?

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →