Bilde av Bolstad, Napat Limchaichana
Bilde av Bolstad, Napat Limchaichana
Department of Clinical Dentistry +4777649123

Napat Limchaichana Bolstad

Associate professor in oral and maxillofacial radiology

Job description

Main academic responsible for oral and maxillofacial radiology for dental education and dental hygienist education (Lectures, seminars and clinical training in oral radiology)

Main research responsible for oral and maxillofacial radiology 

Co-course coordinator for the clinical training at the 6th semester of the dental education 

Contact person for radiation protection for dental and dental hygienist education

Consultant for oral radiology at university dental clinics

  • Anna Teterina, Sanyalak Niratisairak, Bente Morseth, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad :
    General and local predictors of mandibular cortical bone morphology in adult females and males: the seventh survey of the Tromsø Study
    Clinical Oral Investigations 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kaisa Marika Leinonen, Jukka Leinonen, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Tarja Tanner, Mohammed Hasan Hussein Al-Haroni, Jan Are Kolset Johnsen :
    Procedure time and filling quality for bulk-fill base and conventional incremental composite techniques—A randomised controlled in vitro trial
    Journal of Dentistry 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Teterina, Sanyalak Niratisairak, Bente Morseth, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad :
    Diagnostic efficacy of radiomorphometric indices for predicting osteoporosis in a Norwegian population in the Tromsø Study: Tromsø7
    Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 2022 DOI
  • Isak Paasche Edvardsen, Anna Teterina, Thomas Haugland Johansen, Jonas Nordhaug Myhre, Fred Godtliebsen, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad :
    Automatic detection of the mental foramen for estimating mandibular cortical width in dental panoramic radiographs: the seventh survey of the Tromsø Study (Tromsø7) in 2015-2016
    Journal of International Medical Research 22. November 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sigurd Hadler-Olsen, Anders Sjögren, Jeanett Steinnes, Mari Dubland, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Pertti Pirttiniemi et al.:
    Double vs single primary tooth extraction in interceptive treatment of palatally displaced canines: A randomized controlled trial
    Angle orthodontist 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sergei Nikolaevich Drachev, Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen, Tatiana N. Yushmanova, Tordis A Trovik :
    Perceived Stress and Associated Factors in Russian Medical and Dental Students: A Cross-Sectional Study in North-West Russia
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sigurd Hadler-Olsen, Pertti Pirttiniemi, Heidi Maria Kerosuo, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Paula Personen, Soili Kallio-pulkkinien et al.:
    Root resorptions related to ectopic and normal eruption of maxillary canine teeth - A 3D study
    Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2015 FULLTEKST / SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Ana Paula Reis Durão, Aline Morosolli, Pisha Pittayapat, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Afonso P. Ferreira, Reinhilde Jacobs :
    Cephalometric landmark variability among orthodontists and dentomaxillofacial radiologists: A comparative study
    Imaging Science in Dentistry 2015 DOI
  • Pisha Pittayapat, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Reinhilde Jacobs, Guy Willems :
    Three-dimensional cephalometric analysis in orthodontics: A systematic review
    Orthodontics & craniofacial research 2014 DOI
  • Lina Stangvaltaite, Rita Kundzina, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Harald Eriksen, Eero N Kerosuo :
    Deep carious lesions and other consequences of caries among 18-year-olds at Public Dental Health Service in Northern Norway: A cross-sectional age cohort study
    Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2014 FULLTEKST / SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Ana R. Durão, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Pisha Pittayapat, Ivo Lambrichts, Afonso P. Ferreira, Reinhilde Jacobs :
    Accuracy and reliability of 2D cephalometric analysis in orthodontics
    Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial 2014 FULLTEKST / SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Håkan Nilsson, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Maria Nilner, Ewa Carin Ekberg :
    Short-term treatment of a resilient appliance in TMD pain patients: a randomized controlled trial
    Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2009
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Håkan Nilsson, Arne Petersson, Ewa Carin Ekberg :
    Resilient appliance-therapy treatment outcome in patients with TMD pain correlated to MRI-determined changes in condyle position
    Cranio 2009
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Håkan Nilsson, Maria Nilner, Ewa Carin Ekberg, Arne Petersson :
    Clinical diagnoses and MRI findings in patients with TMD pain
    Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2007
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Arne Petersson, M Rohlin :
    The efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of degenerative and inflammatory temporomandibular joint disorders: a systematic literature review
    Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics 2006
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad :
    Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with temporomandibular disorders and pain
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Sergei Nikolaevich Drachev :
    Application of minimal intervention dentistry when treating carious lesions. A survey from Northern Norway
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Synnøve Johansen, Iselin Jørgensen, Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Birgitta Jönsson, Nils Oscarson :
    Frequency, classification and pathology of the third molars in Northern-Norway
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Wichitsak Cholitgul :
    An unusual traumatic bone cyst. A case report.
  • Lina Stangvaltaite, Rita Kundzina, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Harald M Eriksen, Eero N Kerosuo :
    Deep caries involvements among 18-year-olds in a county of Northern Norway
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad :
    3D Cephalometric analysis in orthodontics: a systematic review
  • Laura Andriukaitiene, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Anders Verket, Eero N Kerosuo :
    Effect of smear layer on the adaptation of two sealers to root canal dentine: a micro-CT evaluation
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad :
    Resilient appliance-therapy treatment outcome in patients with TMD pain correlated to MRI-determined changes in condyle position
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Maria Nilner, Håkan Nilsson, Ewa Carin Ekberg :
    Is there an agreement between clinical diagnoses and MRI findings in patients with TMD pain?
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad :
    Sinpitaksakul, P., Panmekiate, S., Limchaichana, N., Nimpoonyagampong, K., & Dechosilpa, V. (2003, December). Effect of spatial resolution of digital radiographs on the accuracy of localizing the mandibular canal in conventional tomographs. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH (Vol. 82, pp. 666-666). 1619 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-3406 USA: INT AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCHI ADR/AADR 2003
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad :
    Limchaichana, N., Panmekiate, S., Sinpitaksakul, P., Kerdpon, P., & Patiwetwitoo, K. (2003, December). Buccal and lingual alveolar bone levels and fixture length. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH (Vol. 82, pp. 666-666). 1619 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-3406 USA: INT AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCHI ADR/AADR

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Systematic review

    Age estimation

    Virtual reality in dental education

    Computer game facilated education

    Osteoporosis and panoramic radiography

    Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with temporomandibular disorders and pain

    Cone beam computed tomography in patients with impacted canines

    Three-dimensional  cephalometric program

    Micro-computed tomography in endodontology


    ODO-3208-1 Oral og maxillofacial radiologi

    ODO-2007-1 Oral anatomi

    ODO-2505-1 Introduksjon til klinisk odontologi del I

    ODO-2513-1 Propedevtikk

    ODO-3901-1 Masteroppgave i odontologi

    TANN-113-1 Oral radiologi

    TANN-107-1 Radiologi-OPG


    Member of research group