Bilde av Bjørnsdatter, Oda
Bilde av Bjørnsdatter, Oda
Universitetslektor Senter for helsefaglig pedagogisk utvikling +4777625246 Tromsø You can find me here

Oda Bjørnsdatter

Job description

I work as a assistant professor at the Center for Faculty Development (HelPed). My areas of work include support for teaching and learning, first-year students, and course responsibility for HEL-0700, a common course for health professionals education students at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

HelPed is a driving force for the professionalization of the teaching role and innovation in education at the Faculty of Health Sciences. We offer support to the faculty management and departments and actively engage in collaboration with management, academic staff, and the field of practice on educational quality. HelPed offers flexible professional development measures according to the needs of teachers and practice supervisors.

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