Bilde av Storeheier, Pål Vegar
Photo: David Jensen
Bilde av Storeheier, Pål Vegar
Head of office Office for Research and Innovation +4777660465 41441306 +47 41441306 Tromsø You can find me here

Pål Vegar Storeheier

Job description

Responsible for the Office of research and innovation's areas of work, which are strategic and administrative tasks within research, innovation, and external relations, including:

  • Leadership of the office.
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of the university's strategies and objectives.
  • Leadershipsupport.
  • Ensure that the university has good administrative support functions that support the university's goals.
  • Contribute to good cooperation and appropriate division of labor in UiTs administration.
  • Ensure that the organization has high competence within the administration, and provide support for and promote development and improvement measures in all parts of the operation.

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