Bilde av Vespestad, May Kristin
Bilde av Vespestad, May Kristin
School of Business and Economics in Harstad +4777058365

May Kristin Vespestad


Job description

Teacher and researcher at School of Business and Economics, Campus Harstad. 

Head of Research group Experiential marketing, management and innovation (EMMI).

  • May Kristin Vespestad, Christy Hehir, Kati Koivunen :
    How moral disengagement links to destination marketing organisations’ moral muteness in their sustainability communications
    Journal of Sustainable Tourism 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Babymoon Tourism: Co-Creating Well-Being for Traveling Mothers
    Journal of Travel Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Anne Clancy :
    Exploring the use of content analysis methodology in consumer research
    Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Odd Birger Hansen :
    Verdifulle turismeopplevelser - verdi for hvem?
    Praktisk økonomi & finans 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Bridging marketing and higher education: resource integration, co-creation and student learning
    Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Thomas Gressnes :
    Tourists’ willingness to pay for nature-based tourism experiences
    Tourism Analysis 2020 DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Odd Birger Hansen :
    Shaping Climbers’ Experiencescapes: The Influence of History on the Climbing Experience
    Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Frank Lindberg, Lena Mossberg :
    Value in tourist experiences: How nature-based experiential styles influence value in climbing
    Tourist Studies 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Co-Creation as a Tool to Overcome Cross-Cultural Differences in Educational Experiences?
    Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Anne Clancy :
    Service dominant logic and primary care services
    International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 2018 DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Mehmet Mehmetoglu :
    The interrelationship between personality traits and psychological constraints on adventure activity participation
    Advances in Hospitality And Leisure 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Frank Lindberg :
    Naturbaserte turistopplevelser: En gjennomgang av ulike perspektiver.
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2015
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Mehmet Mehmetoglu :
    Gender Differences in Vacation Behavior
    Tourism Review International 2015 DOI
  • Anastasia Mariussen, Cathrine von Ibenfeldt, May Kristin Vespestad :
    The typology and role of online information sources in destination image formation: An Eye-Tracking study
    International Journal of Digital Accounting Research 2014 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Frank Lindberg :
    Understanding nature-based tourist experiences: an ontological analysis
    Current Issues in Tourism 2011 DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Mehmet Mehmetoglu :
    The relationship between tourist nationality, cultural orientation and nature-based tourism experiences
    European Journal of Tourism Research 2010
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Tour operators' insight into the Russian nature-based experience market
    European Journal of Tourism Research 2010
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Promoting Norway abroad: a content analysis of photographic messages of nature-based tourism experiences
    Tourism, Culture & Communication 2010 DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    The automated tourism and hospitality company of the future. (Chpt 6) In Ivanov, S & Webster, C. Future Tourrism in a Robonomic World
    Channel View Publications 2024
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Co-Creation Experiences and Higher Education
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    The meaning of escapism for tourists' well-being
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    The meaning of escapism for tourists' well-being
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Byens rolle i opplevelsessamfunnet
    Nordlys 30. May 2023
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Elsa Anita Solstad :
    Hva er en forsker og hva kan vi egentlig forske på?
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Arctic Nature: from object to the art of experiencing
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Opplevelsesdesign: Samskaping mellom masterstudenter ved Handelshøgskolen og Clarion Hotel The Edge
    BFE Backstage 2021 DATA
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Sustainability labelling: exploring the sustainability of tourism branding
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Co-creation experiences: A new practice in higher education?
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Opplevelse i sentrum
    Harstad Tidende 08. November 2019
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Black Friday - best å bare tilby billigst eller bedre å bli best?
    Nordlys 22. November 2019
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Samarbeid på tvers i Nord
    28. September 2019
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    09. December 2019
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Opplevelsesøkonomi - vår nye vekstnæring?
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Co-creating cross-border learning experiences
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Empowered by experiences - An experience economy perspective
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Co-creation as a tool to overcome cross-cultural differences in educational experiences?
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Co-creating cross-boarder learning experiences
    Lumen 2017 FULLTEKST
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Thesis writing and Research Methodology
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Tourism Mangement and research
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Thomas Gressnes :
    Samfunnsøkonomi og administrasjonsfag - markedstilpasning, strategi og markedsføring
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    "Introduction to Tourism Management"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Topic: "Tourism Management"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Research Methodology
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Online informations sources in destination image formation
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Dorthe Eide, Frode Fjelldal-Soelberg :
    VRI Gjesteundersøkelse 2010. En studie av gjestenes tilfredshet, oppfatninger og opplevelser på Helgelandskysten.
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Spennende doktorgradsprosuksjon i Bodø
    Magma forskning og viten 2011 FULLTEKST
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    "Tourism experiences in an international context"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    "Tourism Management"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Nature-based Tourism in Norway
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    "Nature-based experiences in the High North"

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Experiencebased tourism, nature-based tourism, experience economy, and marketing.


    On the Editorial board of European Jurnal of Tourism Research.

    Member of the Advisory Board of Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA).


    BED 2117 Experience Economy and Social Media marketing
    TRATT Introduction to Tourism Management
    TRAPRO Project work with Research Methods

    BED-3011 Research design and methodology
    BED-3032 Service- and experiencedesign