Bilde av Johansen, Tore H.
Bilde av Johansen, Tore H.
Associate Professor Department of Industrial Engineering +4776966317 Narvik You can find me here

Tore H. Johansen

Job description

Teaching and basic research within the fields of Chemistry and Process Technology (Chemical Engineering). Teaching of the subjects IGR1603 Chemistry, ITE1826 Chemistry for Process Technology, and ITE1829 Introduction to Process Technology.

  • Tore Harry Johansen, Paul Inge Dahl, Kolbjørn Hagen :
    Molecular conformational structures of 2-fluorobenzoyl chloride, 2-chlorobenzoyl chloride, and 2-bromobenzoyl chloride by gas electron diffraction and normal coordinate analysis aided by quantum chemical calculations
    Structural Chemistry 2013 SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Tore H Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen :
    Conformational structure of gaseous 3-chloropropanoyl chloride by electron diffraction, normal coordinate analysis, and ab initio molecular orbital, and density functional theory calculations
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2006
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Karl Hassler, Alan Richardson, Gunther Tekauts, Kolbjørn Hagen :
    1,2-Dibromoethyl-trichlorosilane (CH2Br-CHBr-SiCl3): conformational structure and vibrational properties by gas-phase electron diffraction, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and ab initio molecular orbital and density functional theory calculations
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2005
  • Kolbjørn Hagen, Tore Harry Johansen :
    N,N-Dimethylthioformamide and N,N-Dimethylthiocarbamoylchloride: Molecular Structure by Gas-phase Electron Diffraction and ab Initio Molecular Orbital- and Density Functional Theory Calculations
    Journal of Physical Chemistry 2003
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Karl Hassler, Kolbjørn Hagen :
    1,2-Diiodosilane and 1,1,2,2-tetraiododisilane: a reinvestigation of the molecular structure and vibrational properties by gas-phase electron diffraction, temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy and ab initio molecular orbital- and density functional calculations
    Journal of Molecular Structure 2001 SAMMENDRAG
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen, Stig Muren :
    Hexachloroacetone (Cl3C-C(=O)-CCl3): conformational structure, and the matter of C2 equilibrium symmetry, reinvestigated by gas-phase electron diffraction and ab initio molecular orbital calculations
    Journal of Molecular Structure 2001 SAMMENDRAG
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen, Karl Hassler, Alan Richardson, U. Pätzold, Reidar Edvald Stølevik :
    Vinyl dichlorosilane and vinyl dibromosilane (H%cC=CH-SiHX%c2, X = Cl,Br) : conformational structure and vibrational properties determined by gas-phase electron diffraction, ab initio molecular orbital calculations and variable temperature Raman spectroscopy
    Journal of Molecular Structure 2000
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen, Reidar Edvald Stølevik :
    1,1,2,2-tetrachlorodisilane (Cl%cHSi-SiHCl%c) : molecular structure, conformation and torsional potential as determined by gas-phase electron diffraction, vibrational spectroscopic data and ab initio molecular orbital calculations
    Journal of Molecular Structure 1999
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen, Karl Hassler, G. Tekautz, Reidar Edvald Stølevik :
    1,1,2-triiododisilane (I%cHSi-SiH%cI) : molecular structure, internal rotation and vibrational properties determined by gas-phase electron diffraction, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and ab initio molecular orbital- and density functional calculations
    Journal of Molecular Structure 1999
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen, Reidar Edvald Stølevik, Karl Hassler :
    Methylvinyldifluorosilane and methylvinyldichlorosilane (H%cC=CHSiX%cCH%d,X=F, Cl) : structure, conformation, and torsional potential as determined by gas-phase electron diffraction and ab initio calculations
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1997
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen, Karl Hassler, Alan Richardson, Uwe Pätzold, Reidar Edvald Stølevik :
    Perchlorovinylsilane (Cl%cC=CCL-SiCl%d) : conformational structure, vibrational analysis, and torsional potential determined by gas-phase electron diffraction, ab initio calculations, and variable temperature Raman spectroscopy
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1997
  • Tore Harry Johansen :
    Høg på fenyletylamin
    23. September 2011
  • Tore H. Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen :
    The conformational structure of 3-Chloropropanoyl Chloride (CH2Cl-CH2-C(=O)Cl) and some related molecules
  • Tore H. Johansen, Karl Hassler, Kolbjørn Hagen, Alan Richardson :
    Conformational and vibrational properties of 1,2-dibromoethyl-trichlorosilane (CH2Br-CHBr-SiCl3)
  • Tore H Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen, Karl Hassler, Alan Richardson :
    Conformational and vibrational properties of 1,2-dibromoethyl-trichlorosilane
  • Kolbjørn Hagen, Tore H Johansen :
    N,N-Dimethylthioformamide and N,N-dimethylthiocaebamoylchloride. Molecular Structure by Gas-phase Electron Diffraction and ab Initio Molecular Orbital- and Density Functional Theory Calculations
  • Tore Harry Johansen, Kolbjørn Hagen, Karl Hassler, Uwe Pätzold, Reidar Edvald Stølevik :
    Structure and conformation of selected chlorosilanes by GED andd ab initio calculations

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Tore H. Johansen (born 1970) is an Associate Professor (førsteamanuensis), with the academic degree of Dr. Scient., at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, within the fields of Chemistry and Process Engineering.

    He holds a permanent 100% full position at the UiT and have 11 years of experience from Fellow- and Associate Professorships at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU, in Trondheim, before he joined Narvik University College (NUC), in Narvik, in 2006.

    Johansen has published several scientific papers on structure and conformations of gas-phase molecules using experimental data (gas electron diffraction; GED) and quantum-chemical ab initio molecular orbital- and density functional theory calculations. Johansen is currently working on a GED study of several interesting organic cyclic molecular systems, but has previously been focusing on various organic silicon-carbon compounds.

    Most of Johansen’s professional training at the doctoral level and beyond originates from the Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University (OSU), in the city of Corvallis, OR, USA.



    Teaching and basic research within the fields of Chemistry and Process Technology (Chemical Engineering). Teaching of the subjects IGR1603 Chemistry, ITE1826 Chemistry for Process Technology, and ITE1829 Introduction to Process Technology.