Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa

Professor in mathematics

Job description

  •  Teaching
  •  Research
  •  Administrative research duties

  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Raymond Kristiansen :
    Take-Home Exams in University Mathematics and Science Subjects: Some Ethical Considerations
    Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 2024 ARKIV
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Teaching Linear Algebra to Engineering Students in Two Different Educational Settings: Design and Learning Outcomes
    Nordic Journal of STEM Education 2024
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Assessment considerations during lockdown in Norway: An exploratory case study with focus on misconducts in university mathematics
    Cogent Education 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Helge Fredriksen :
    Gender perspectives on a flipped classroom environment
    Cogent Education 21. September 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Timo Tossavainen, Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Pentti Haukkanen :
    Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish first-year engineering students' motivational values and beliefs about the nature of mathematics
    Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Timo Tossavainen :
    Norwegian freshmen engineering students' self-efficacy, motivation, and view of mathematics in light of task performance
    Nordic Journal of STEM Education 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    En tematisk analyse av hva ingeniørstudenter gjør når de lærer lineær algebra
  • Timo Tossavainen, Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Pentti Haukkanen, Mika Mattila, Monica Johansson :
    First-year engineering students’ mathematics task performance and its relation to their motivational values and views about mathematics
    European Journal of Engineering Education 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Ninni Marie Hogstad, John David Monaghan :
    Perspectives and reflections on teaching linear algebra
    Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Timo Tossavainen, Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Monica Johansson :
    Swedish first-year engineering students’ views of mathematics, self-efficacy and motivation and their effect on task performance
    International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 2019 DATA / ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Ninni Marie Hogstad, John David Monaghan :
    Themes within lecturers' views on the teaching of linear algebra
    International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Pauline Vos :
    Interpreting teaching for conceptual and for procedural knowledge in a teaching video about linear algebra
    Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning 2018 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Engineering students' instrumental approaches to mathematics; some positive characteristics
    European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2018 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Helge Fredriksen, Said Hadjerrouit, John David Monaghan, Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Exploring Tensions in a Mathematical Course for Engineers utilizing a Flipped Classroom Approach
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2017 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DATA
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Barbro Grevholm :
    To kvinnenettverk som forsvant
    Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning 2017
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Barbro Grevholm :
    A textbook in linear algebra - the use and views of engineering students
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Approaches to learning of linear algebra among engineering students
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2017 ARKIV / DATA
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Engineering students' use of web lectures in a linear algebra course
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    A note about frequencies being close or amplitudes being small in frequency analysis
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Ingeniørstudenters bruk av læringsverktøy i et lineær algebraemne : hvilken rolle spiller nettbaserte forelesninger?
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Barbro Grevholm :
    A textbook in linear algebra - the use and views of engineering students
    Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2015 FULLTEKST
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    The impact of lecture notes on an engineering student's understanding of mathematical concepts
    Journal of Mathematical Behavior 2014 DOI
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    The design of a professional development programme for engineers to become mathematics teachers
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2013
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Investigating Engineers' Needs as a Part of Designing a Professional Development Program for Engineers who are to become Mathematics Teachers
    The Mathematics Enthusiast 2012 FULLTEKST
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Barbro Grevholm :
    Engineers into teachers of mathematics: What challenges are there?
    University of Iceland Press 2012
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    A task based two-dimensional view of mathematical competency used to analyse a modelling task
    International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 2011
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    The Schwarzian derivative : some discussions and observations
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Haakon Waadeland :
    Wrong tails and right values
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2009
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Can student teachers and prospective engineers profit from studying mathematics together?
    Brill|Sense 2009
  • Timo Tossavainen, Pentti Haukkanen, Mika Mattila, Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Aloittavien diplomi-insinööriopiskelijoiden motivaatio, matematiikkakäsitys ja menestys matemaattisissa tehtävissä
    Arkhimedes: Tidskrift för fysik och matematik 2020
  • Annfrid Sivertsen, Camilla Brekke, Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Monica Alterskjær Sundset, Michaela Aschan, Kathrine Tveiterås :
    Trodde du at naturvitenskap og teknologi ikke var for deg?
    Nordlys 09. April 2018 DATA
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Hva er det med matematikk?
    Nordlys 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Approaches to learning of linear algebra among engineering students
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Pauline Vos :
    Interpreting teaching for conceptual and for procedural knowledge in a teaching video about linear algebra
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    A study on different teaching approaches to some Linear Algebra concepts using tutorial videos as a research tool
  • Barbro Grevholm, Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Different approaches taken to some linear algebra concepts in tutorial videos
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    On short-video productions of a linear algebra topic for engineering students
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Pauline Vos :
    Introducing a comparative research of didactical approaches in mathematics teaching videos
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Videreutdanning av ingeniører til matematikklærere; hvilke utfordringer er der? [Powerpoint]
    2011 OMTALE
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    A Professional Development Programme for Engineers Studying to become Mathematics Teachers; Ideas for a Research Project Investigating their use of Textbooks
    2011 OMTALE
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Barbro Grevholm :
    Engineers into Teachers of Mathematics; What Challenges are there?
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Moment nettverk : utfordringer og satsninger i et faglig nettverk for kvinnelige realister og teknologer. [power point]
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Moment network : challenges and priority areas in a professional network for female scientists and technologists in the northern regions [power point]
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Barbro Grevholm :
    Sivilingeniører kan matematikk - på en litt annen måte
    Teknisk Ukeblad 2010 OMTALE
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa, Barbro Grevholm :
    Sivilingeniører og matematikk : en het potet?
    Teknisk Ukeblad 2010 OMTALE
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Plans for a research project on engineers studying to become teachers : what can we learn about the transition from engineer to mathematics teacher. [abstract og power point]
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Etterutdanningstilbud i matematikk & matematikkdidaktikk for ingeniører / sivilingeniører som vil bli deltidslærere i skolen : et pilotprosjekt. [power point]
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Moment nettverk : nettverk for kvinnelige teknologer og realister i nordområdene
  • Ragnhild Johanne Rensaa :
    Moment network : technology, women and the North regions

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    • Engineering students' learning of mathematics
    • Mathematical content
    • Teaching of mathematics
    • Frequency analysis
    • Gender perspectives in mathematics


    • MAT3800 Linear Algebra II
    • MAT3802 Discrete Mathematics/Game and Graph Theory
    • TEK1516 Mathematics 2

    Member of research group

    Member of project