Bilde av Vassdal, Terje
Bilde av Vassdal, Terje
School of Business and Economics in Tromsø +4777645558 90858498 908 58 498 You can find me here

Terje Vassdal

  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Terje Vassdal :
    Appropriation of economic values in a rights-based fishery
    Ocean and Coastal Management 2023 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Terje Vassdal :
    Rent Generation Under the Norwegian Rights-Based Pelagic Fishery
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Terje Vassdal :
    Institution-based roots to fishing vessels profitability
    Marine Policy 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Jinghua Xie, Terje Vassdal :
    Strategic investments in catch capacity and quotas: How costly is a mismatch for a firm?
    Marine Policy 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Terje Vassdal, Bernt Arne Bertheussen :
    Methodological issues in estimating the profit of the core catch business unit of a fishing vessel firm
    MethodsX 10. July 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Terje Vassdal :
    Strategic sources of superprofit in a well-regulated fishery
    Marine Policy 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Øistein Breiland Harsem, Knut Heen, JMP Rodrigues, Terje Vassdal :
    Oil exploration and sea ice projections in the Arctic
    Polar Record 2015 DOI
  • Terje Vassdal, Helen Marita Sørensen Holst :
    Technical progress and regress in Norwegian salmon farming: a Malmquist index approach
    Marine Resource Economics 2011 DOI
  • N X Truong, Terje Vassdal, Quach Thi Khanh Ngoc, N.T. Kim Anh, Thanh Thuy Pham :
    Technical Efficiency of the Gillnet Fishery in Da Nang, Vietnam: An Application of a Stochastic Production Frontier
    Fish for the People 2011
  • Terje Vassdal :
    Hvor ble LP av i økonomisk analyse?
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2007
  • Terje Vassdal :
    Total factor productivity growth in production of norwegian aquaculture salmon
    Universitetsforlaget 2006
  • Kjetil Helstad, Terje Vassdal, Torbjørn Trondsen, James A. Young :
    Price links between auction and direct sales of fresh and frozen fish in North Norway (1997-2003)
    Marine Resource Economics 2006
  • Frank Asche, Ola Flaaten, John Roald Isaksen, Terje Vassdal :
    Derived demand and relationships between prices at different levels in the value chain: A note
    Journal of Agricultural Economics (JAE) 2002 DOI
  • Terje Vassdal :
    Regimeskifter i markedet for kvitfisk: En statistisk analyse
    Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi 1996 FULLTEKST
  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Terje Vassdal :
    The influence of the institutional environment on wealth creation in a fishery
  • Guanqing Wang, Endre Bjørndal, Terje Vassdal :
    Benchmarking and regulation of electricity network companies – scale assumptions and potential for strategic mergers
  • Guanqing Wang, Endre Bjørndal, Terje Vassdal, Mette Helene Bjørndal :
    Incentives for Optimal Scale in the Regulation of Electricity Network Companies
  • Guanqing Wang, Endre Bjørndal, Terje Vassdal :
    Incentives for Optimal Scale in Regulation of Electricity Network Companies
  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Terje Vassdal :
    Superprofit and profitability variations in the Norwegian pelagic fishing fleet
  • Terje Vassdal :
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016
  • Per Erik Manne, Beate Lode, Kirsten Thorsen, Ingvar Jarle Vaage, Kari Bjørgo Johnsen, Carsten Gunnar Helgesen et al.:
    Retningslinjer for karakterskalaen bestått/ikke beståttRapport fra en arbeidsgruppe oppnevnt av Utdanningsutvalget i UHRNovember 2015
    2015 DATA / PROSJEKT
  • Ho Huy Tuu, Svein Ottar Olsen, Terje Vassdal, Nguyen Thi Kram Ahn :
    Explaining Repurchase Intention towards Fish: the Extension of the theory of Planned Behavior
  • Torbjørn Trondsen, Terje Vassdal :
    Value Sdded in Norwegian Fisheries. The creation, the distribution, and value added strategies
  • Terje Vassdal :
    Laksemarkedet etter EUs antidumpingstiltak 2005
  • Terje Vassdal, Øystein Hermansen, Otto Biering Ottosson, Valtyr Þor Hreiðarasson :
    The Fisheries Competitiveness Index 2005-2005. Iceland and Norway
  • Atle G. Guttormsen, Arne Eide, Terje Vassdal :
    Biological Price Generating Processes in Salmon Farming: Potential for Profitable Production Planning
    2000 OMTALE
  • Leif Kristoffer Sandal, Stein Ivar Steinshamn, J. Paul Hillis, Arne Eide, Terje Vassdal :
    A dynamic model for efficient and equitable reduction of fishing effort

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →