Bilde av Berg, Vivian
Bilde av Berg, Vivian
Professor Eksperimentell og klinisk farmakologi +4777644677 Tromsø You can find me here

Vivian Berg

Job description

Professor and research group leader for the research group "Pharmacology and Toxicology" (the former research group "Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology") at Department of Medical Biology.  Vivian Berg has been the program leader for the bachelor program in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences for the last 3 years (2021-2024), but is now working as project coordinator for "Project Portefolio" at The Health Faculty in a 50% function. 

  • Giovanni Allaoui, Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander, Ole Martin Fuskevåg, Guri Grimnes, Maria Averina, Tom Wilsgaard et al.:
    Longitudinal assessment of classic and 11-oxygenated androgen concentrations and their association with type 2 diabetes mellitus development: the Tromsø study
    Acta Diabetologica 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dolley Charles, Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Tom Wilsgaard, Ingvar A. Bergdahl, Sandra Huber et al.:
    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in type 2 diabetes mellitus cases and controls: Repeated measurements prior to and after diagnosis
    International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ana Carolina Miranda Fernandes Coelho, Lara Cioni, Wendy van Dreunen, Vivian Berg, Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander, Ilona Halva Urbarova et al.:
    Legacy perfluoroalkyl acids and their oxidizable precursors in plasma samples of Norwegian women
    Environment International 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Giovanni Allaoui, Charlotta Rylander, Ole Martin Fuskevåg, Maria Averina, Tom Wilsgaard, Magritt Brustad et al.:
    Longitudinal changes in vitamin D concentrations and the association with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Tromsø Study
    Acta Diabetologica 02. December 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • May-Tove Furuseth, Anne Katrine Kvissel, Vivian Berg, Eli Kjøbli, Vivi Volden, Ann Iren Solli et al.:
    Praksisstudienes omfang og organisering i bioingeniørutdanningen
    Bioingeniøren 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Giovanni Allaoui, Charlotta Rylander, Maria Averina, Tom Wilsgaard, Ole Martin Fuskevåg, Vivian Berg :
    Longitudinal changes in blood biomarkers and their ability to predict type 2 diabetes mellitus—The Tromsø study
    Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dolley Charles, Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Ingvar A. Bergdahl, Sandra Huber, Pierre Ayotte et al.:
    Longitudinal changes in concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (1986–2016) and their associations with type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Environmental Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vivian Berg, Dolley Charles, Ingvar A. Bergdahl, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Torkjel M Sandanger, Andreas Tornevi et al.:
    Pre- and post-diagnostic blood profiles of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants and metabolic markers in type 2 diabetes mellitus cases and controls; a pilot study
    Environmental Research 09. February 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vivian Berg, Torkjel M Sandanger, Linda Hanssen, Charlotta Rylander, Therese Haugdahl Nøst :
    Time trends of perfluoroalkyl substances in blood in 30-year old Norwegian men and women in the period 1986–2007
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dolley Charles, Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Sandra Huber, Torkjel M Sandanger, Charlotta Rylander :
    Pre- and post-diagnostic blood profiles of perfluoroalkyl acids in type 2 diabetes mellitus cases and controls
    Environment International 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Vivian Berg, Linda Hanssen, Charlotta Rylander, Eric Gaudreau, Pierre Dumas et al.:
    Time trends of persistent organic pollutants in 30 year olds sampled in 1986, 1994, 2001 and 2007 in Northern Norway: measurements, mechanistic modeling and a comparison of study designs
    Environmental Research 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Torkjel M Sandanger, Charlotta Rylander :
    Predicting human plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants from dietary intake and socio-demographic information in the Norwegian Women and Cancer study
    Environment International 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Janice B. Schwartz, J. Christopher Gallagher, Rolf Jorde, Vivian Berg, Jennifer Walsh, Richard Eastell et al.:
    Determination of free 25(OH)D concentrations and their relationships to total 25(OH)D in multiple clinical populations
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) 2018 DOI
  • Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Rolf Dagfinn Pettersen, Solrunn Hansen, Anna Sofia Veyhe, Rolf Jorde et al.:
    Persistent Organic Pollutants and the Association with Maternal and Infant Thyroid Homeostasis: A Multipollutant Assessment
    Environmental Health Perspectives 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Guri Skeie, Yngvar Thomassen, Balazs Berlinger, Anna Sofia Veyhe et al.:
    Thyroid homeostasis in mother-child pairs in relation to maternal iodine status: The MISA study
    European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian Bjerregaard-Olesen, Rossana Bossi, Zeyan Liew, Manhai Long, Bodil Bech, Jørn Olsen et al.:
    Maternal serum concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids in five international birth cohorts
    International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 23. December 2016 DOI
  • Stina Therese Sollid, Moira Strand Hutchinson, Vivian Berg, Ole-Martin Fuskevåg, Yngve Anton Figenschau, Per Medbøe Thorsby et al.:
    Effects of Vitamin D binDing protein phenotypes and Vitamin D supplementation on serum total 25(OH)D and directly measured free 25(OH)D
    European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE) 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Solrunn Hansen, Astrid Elverland, Anna Sofia Veyhe, Rolf Jorde et al.:
    Assessing the relationship between perfluoroalkyl substances, thyroid hormones and binding proteins in pregnant women; a longitudinal mixed effects approach
    Environment International 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Sandra Huber, Charlotta Rylander, Solrunn Hansen, Anna Sofia Veyhe et al.:
    Maternal serum concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and their predictors in years with reduced production and use
    Environment International 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Robin Vestergren, Vivian Berg, Evert Nieboer, Jon Øyvind Odland, Torkjel M Sandanger :
    Repeated measurements of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from 1979 to 2007 in males from Northern Norway: Assessing time trends, compound correlations and relations to age/birth cohort
    Environment International 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Turid Hellevik, Ingvild Pettersen, Vivian Berg, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, Kristian Bartnes, Lill-Tove Busund et al.:
    Changes in the secretory profile of NSCLC-associated fibroblasts after ablative radiotherapy: Potential impact on angiogenesis and tumor growth
    Translational Oncology 2013 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Elena Kamycheva, Vivian Berg, Rolf Jorde :
    Insulin-like growth factor I, growth hormone, and insulin sensitivity: the effects of a one-year cholecalciferol supplementation in middle-aged overweight and obese subjects
    Endocrine 2013 DOI
  • Karl-Erik Eilertsen, Hanne K Mæhre, Ida-Johanne Jensen, hege Devold, Jan Ole Olsen, Reidun Klykken Lie et al.:
    A Wax Ester and Astaxanthin-Rich Extract from the Marine Copepod Calanus finmarchicus Attenuates Atherogenesis in Female Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice
    Journal of Nutrition 2012 SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Turid Hellevik, ingvild Pettersen, Vivian Berg, Jan-Olof Winberg, Bjørn Torvald Greve Moe, Kristian Bartnes et al.:
    Cancer-associated fibroblasts from human NSCLC survive ablative doses of radiation but their invasive capacity is reduced
    Radiation Oncology 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Julia Beilfuss, Vivian Berg, Monica Sneve, Rolf Jorde, Elena Kamycheva :
    Effects of a 1-year supplementation with cholecalciferol on interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and insulin resistance in overweight and obese subjects
    Cytokine 2012 DOI
  • Vivian Berg, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson, Signy Bendiksen, Jan Brox, Khaled Meknas, Yngve Figenschau :
    Human articular chondrocytes express ChemR23 and chemerin; ChemR23 promotes inflammatory signalling upon binding the ligand chemerin 21-157
    Arthritis Research & Therapy 2010 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elisabeth Ersvær, Line Wergeland, Hege Smith Tunsjø, Inger-Lise F. Neslein, Anette Christensen Lie-Jensen, Vivian Berg et al.:
    UHR sier nei! Men vi sier ja!
    Khrono 04. July 2023
  • Anette Christensen Lie-Jensen, Trond Brattelid, Inger-Lise F. Neslein, Elisabeth Ersvær, Bente Alm, Hege Tunsjø et al.:
    Gir bioingeniørutdanningene gode redskaper for å håndtere og forebygge krenkelser?
    Bioingeniøren 15. August 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Heidi Andersen, Bente Alm, Vivian Berg, Elisabeth Ersvær, Anette Christensen Lie-Jensen, Inger-Lise F. Neslein et al.:
    Vil styrke norsk språkkrav for bio­ingeniører 2022
  • Heidi Andersen, Bente Alm, Vivian Berg, Elisabeth Ersvær, Anette Christensen Lie-Jensen, Inger-Lise F. Neslein et al.:
    Vil styrke norsk språkkrav for bioingeniører
    Bioingeniøren 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Heidi Andersen, Bente Alm, Vivian Berg, Elisabeth Ersvær, Anette Christensen Lie-Jensen, Inger-Lise F. Neslein et al.:
    Tenk hva de nasjonale fag­organene innen helse og sosial kunne fått til sammen 02. February 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Charlotta Rylander, Vivian Berg, Dolley Charles, Torkjel M Sandanger, Therese Haugdahl Nøst :
    Diabetes 2 og miljøgifter: Hva kom først – høna eller egget? 22. December 2021
  • Christina Ripman Hansen, Vivian Berg, Sandra Huber, Frøy Lode Wiig :
    Unike Miljøgiftanalyser i Tromsø
    09. November 2020
  • Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Rolf Dagfinn Pettersen, Solrunn Hansen, Anna Sofia Veyhe, Rolf Jorde et al.:
    Persistent organic pollutants and thyroid function in mother-child pairs. A multipollutant assessment.
  • Vivian Berg, Charlotta Rylander :
    Influence of persistent organic pollutants on endocrine functions and T2DM risk
  • Solrunn Hansen, Anna Sofia Veyhe, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Linda Hanssen, Vivian Berg, Jon Øyvind Odland :
    MISA Nyhetsbrev Desember 2015. Tilbakemelding til deltagere i MISA-undersøkelsen på prosjektets resultater og personlige prøvesvar
    2015 PROSJEKT
  • Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Solrunn Hansen, Astrid Elverland, Anna Sofia Veyhe, Rolf Jorde et al.:
    Assessing the relationship between perfluoroalkyl substances, thyroid hormones and binding proteins in pregnant women; a longitudinal mixed effects approach
  • Vivian Berg, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Sandra Huber, Charlotta Rylander, Solrunn Hansen, Jon Øyvind Odland et al.:
    Predictors of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in a maternal population from Northern Norway
  • Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Vivian Berg, Robin Vestergren, Evert Nieboer, Jon Øyvind Odland, Torkjel M Sandanger :
    Persistent organic pollutants in males in the Tromsø study 1979-2007
  • Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Robin Vestergren, Vivian Berg, Ole Martin Fuskevåg, Evert Nieboer, Jon Øyvind Odland et al.:
    Persistent Organic Pollutants in males in the Tromsø Study 1979-2007
  • Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Robin Vestergren, Vivian Berg, Evert Nieboer, Jon Øyvind Odland, Torkjel M Sandanger :
    Repeated measurements of poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) from 1979 to 2007 in Males from Northern Norway: assessing time trends, compound correlations and relations to age/birth cohort
  • Torkjel M Sandanger, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Knut Breivik, Robin Vestergren, Vivian Berg, Ole Martin Fuskevåg et al.:
    Persistent organic pollutants in males in the Tromsø study 1979-2007
  • Turid Hellevik, ingvild Pettersen, Jan-Olof Winberg, Vivian Berg, Kristian Bartnes, Lill-Tove Busund et al.:
    Secretory profile of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts after exposure to ablative radiation doses: Impact on angiogenesis and tumor growth
  • Turid Hellevik, ingvild Pettersen, Jan-Olof Winberg, Vivian Berg, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, Bjørn Thorvald Greve Moe et al.:
    Consequential effects of ablative ionizing radiation on tumor stromal fibroblasts from lung tumors
  • Turid Hellevik, Inger Pettersen, Jan-Olof Winberg, Vivian Berg, Ruth H Paulssen, Kristian Bartnes et al.:
    The Impact of Ionizing Radiation on the Motility and Matrix Remodelling Properties of Carcinoma-associated Fibroblasts
    European Journal of Cancer 2011

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My research field involves persistent organic pollutants, metabolic diseases and blood biomarkers. 


    I have been the program leader for the bachelor program in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences form 2021-2024. I am the course leader for MBI-2105 Statistics in the laboratory. I also teach scientific methodology (MBI-1103), medical biochemistry (MBI-2112), scientific theory (MBI-2108), and profession, ethics and interaction (MBI-2110)