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emeriti Department of Clinical Medicine

Arthur Revhaug

  • Mads Vikhammer Gran, Didrik Kjønås, U. Gunnarsson, K. Strigård, Arthur Revhaug, Eirik Kjus Aahlin :
    Antibiotic treatment for appendicitis in Norway and Sweden: a nationwide survey on treatment practices
    BMC Surgery 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Maren Johnsen, Claus Klingenberg, Meta Sabine Brand, Arthur Revhaug, Gunnbjørg Andreassen :
    Antenatal breastmilk expression for women with diabetes in pregnancy - a feasibility study
    International Breastfeeding Journal 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ahcene Boubekki, Jonas Nordhaug Myhre, Luigi Tommaso Luppino, Karl Øyvind Mikalsen, Arthur Revhaug, Robert Jenssen :
    Clinically relevant features for predicting the severity of surgical site infections
    IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Karl Øyvind Mikalsen, Cristina Soguero Ruiz, Filippo Maria Bianchi, Arthur Revhaug, Robert Jenssen :
    Time series cluster kernels to exploit informative missingness and incomplete label information
    Pattern Recognition 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kristoffer Knutsen Wickstrøm, Karl Oyvind Mikalsen, Michael Kampffmeyer, Arthur Revhaug, Robert Jenssen :
    Uncertainty-Aware Deep Ensembles for Reliable and Explainable Predictions of Clinical Time Series
    IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • John S. Hammond, Fred Godtliebsen, Sonja Eriksson Steigen, I. Neil Guha, Judy Wyatt, Arthur Revhaug et al.:
    The effects of terlipressin and direct portacaval shunting on liver hemodynamics following 80% hepatectomy in the pig
    Clinical Science 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ingvild Mathiesen Rosenlund, Linda Leivseth, Olav Helge Førde, Arthur Revhaug :
    Regional variation in hospitalizations and outpatient appointments for diverticular disease in Norway: a nationwide cross-sectional study
    Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018 DOI
  • Ingvild Mathiesen Rosenlund, Linda Leivseth, Ingard Nilsen, Olav Helge Førde, Arthur Revhaug :
    Extent, regional variation and impact of gynecologist payment models in routine pelvic examinations: A nationwide cross-sectional study
    BMC Women's Health 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karl Øyvind Mikalsen, Cristina Soguero Ruiz, Kasper Jensen, Kristian Hindberg, Mads Gran, Arthur Revhaug et al.:
    Using anchors from free text in electronic health records to diagnose postoperative delirium
    Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ingvild Mathiesen Rosenlund, Olav Helge Førde, Arthur Revhaug :
    Routine deferred computed tomography for patients with suspected urolithiasis is low-value healthcare
    Scandinavian Journal of Urology 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, Kristian Hindberg, José Luis Rojo-Álvarez, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Fred Godtliebsen, Kim Erlend Mortensen et al.:
    Support vector feature selection for early detection of anastomosis leakage from bag-of-words in electronic health records
    IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2016 DOI
  • Geir Ivar Nedredal, Kjetil Helge Elvevold, MF Chedid, Lars Marius Ytrebø, CF Rose, S Sen et al.:
    Pulmonary vascular clearance of harmful endogenous macromolecules in a porcine model of acute liver failure
    Annals of Hepatology 2016 SAMMENDRAG / ARKIV / DOI
  • Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, Kristian Hindberg, Inmaculada Mora-Jimenez, José Luis Rojo-Álvarez, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Fred Godtliebsen et al.:
    Predicting colorectal surgical complications using heterogeneous clinical data and kernel methods
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2016 DOI
  • Eirik Kjus Aahlin, Gerd Tranø, N Johns, Arild Horn, Jon Arne Søreide, KC Fearon et al.:
    Health-related quality of life, cachexia and overall survival after major upper abdominal surgery: A prospective cohort study
    Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 2016 DOI
  • Åse Florholmen-Kjær, Rasmus Goll, Ole-Martin Fuskevåg, Ingvild Nygård, Ruth H Paulssen, Arthur Revhaug et al.:
    The impact of partial hepatectomy on oxidative state in the liver remnant - An in vivo swine model
    Redox Biology 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eirik Kjus Aahlin, Gerd Tranø, Neil Johns, Arild Horn, Jon Arne Søreide, Kenneth Christopher H. Fearon et al.:
    Risk factors, complications and survival after upper abdominal surgery: A prospective cohort study
    BMC Surgery 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Petter Fosse Gjessing, Dumitru Constantin-Teodosiu, Martin Hagve, Dileep N Lobo, Arthur Revhaug, Øivind Irtun :
    Preoperative carbohydrate supplementation attenuates post-surgery insulin resistance via reduced inflammatory inhibition of the insulin-mediated restraint on muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 expression
    Clinical Nutrition 2015 DOI
  • Andrew Currie, Jennifer Burch, John T. Jenkins, Omar Faiz, Robin H. Kennedy, Olle Ljungqvist et al.:
    The impact of enhanced recovery protocol compliance on elective colorectal cancer resection: Results from an international registry
    Annals of Surgery 2015 DOI
  • Petter Fosse Gjessing, Martin Hagve, Ole-Martin Fuskevåg, Arthur Revhaug, Øivind Irtun :
    Single-dose carbohydrate treatment in the immediate preoperative phase diminishes development of postoperative peripheral insulin resistance
    Clinical Nutrition 2015 DOI
  • Fredrik Brännström, Jon K Bjerregaard, Anders Winbladh, Mef Nilbert, Arthur Revhaug, Gunnar Wagenius et al.:
    Multidisciplinary team conferences promote treatment according to guidelines in rectal cancer
    Acta Oncologica 2015 DOI
  • Ingvild Nygård, Kim Erlend Mortensen, Jakob Hedegaard, Lene Nagstrup Conley, Christian Bendixen, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson et al.:
    Tissue remodelling following resection of porcine liver
    BioMed Research International 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rune Gangsøy Kristiansen, Christopher F. Rose, Ole-Martin Fuskevåg, Hanne K Mæhre, Arthur Revhaug, Rajiv Jalan et al.:
    L-Ornithine phenylacetate reduces ammonia in pigs with acute liver failure through phenylacetylglycine formation: A novel ammonia-lowering pathway
    American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2014 DOI
  • Eirik Kjus Aahlin, Maarten von Meyenfeldt, Cornelis H.C. Dejong, Olle Ljungqvist, Kenneth C. Fearon, Dileep N Lobo et al.:
    Functional recovery is considered the most important target: a survey of dedicated professionals
    Perioperative Medicine 2014 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Åse Florholmen-Kjær, Roy Andre Lyså, Ole-Martin Fuskevåg, Rasmus Goll, Arthur Revhaug, Kim Erlend Mortensen :
    A sensitive method for the analysis of glutathione in porcine hepatocytes
    Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2014 DOI
  • Rune Gangsøy Kristiansen, Christopher F. Rose, Ole-Martin Fuskevåg, Hanne K Mæhre, Arthur Revhaug, R Jalan et al.:
    L-Ornithine Phenylacetate reduces ammonia in pigs with acute liver failure through phenylacetylglycine formation: a novel ammonia-lowering pathway
    American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2014 DOI
  • Knut Magne Augestad, Arthur Revhaug, Roar Johnsen, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Rolv-Ole Lindsetmo :
    Implementation of an electronic surgical referral service. Collaboration, consensus and cost of the surgeon – general practitioner Delphi approach
    Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yannick Cerantola, Massimo Valerio, Beata Persson, Patrice Jichlinski, Olle Ljungqvist, Martin Hubner et al.:
    Guidelines for perioperative care after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) society recommendations
    Clinical Nutrition 2013 DOI
  • Ingvild Nygård, Kristoffer Lassen, Jørn Kjæve, Arthur Revhaug :
    Mortality and Survival Rates after Elective Hepatic Surgery in a Low-Volume Centre Are Comparable to Those of High-Volume Centres
    ISRN surgery 2012 DOI
  • Ingvild Engdal Nygård, Kim Erlend Mortensen, Jakob Hedegaard, Lene N Conley, Trine Kalstad, Christian Bendixen et al.:
    The genetic regulation of the terminating phase of liver regeneration
    Comparative Hepatology 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • V Sharma, G Ten Have, Lars Marius Ytrebø, S Sen, C Rose, RN Dalton et al.:
    Nitric oxide and L-arginine metabolism in a devascularized porcine model of acute liver failure
    American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2012 DOI
  • Kim Erlend Mortensen, Arthur Revhaug :
    Liver Regeneration in Surgical Animal Models - A Historical Perspective and Clinical Implications
    European Surgical Research 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ulf O. Gustafsson, Jonatan Hausel, Anders Thorell, Olle Ljungqvist, Mattias Soop, Arthur Revhaug et al.:
    Adherence to the enhanced recovery after surgery protocol and outcomes after colorectal cancer surgery
    Archives of surgery (Chicago. 1960) 2011 DOI
  • Rune Gangsøy Kristiansen, Sigurd Lindal, Kate Myreng, Arthur Revhaug, Lars Marius Ytrebø, CF Rose :
    Neuropathological changes in the brain of pigs with acute liver failure
    Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2010 DOI
  • Petter Fosse Gjessing, Ole-Martin Fuskevåg, Martin Hagve, Arthur Revhaug, Øivind Irtun :
    Hyperinsulinemic euglycemic step clamping with tracer glucose infusion and labeled glucose infusate for assessment of acute insulin resistance in pigs
    American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism 06. April 2010 DOI
  • Kim Erlend Mortensen, LN Conley, Ingvild Nygård, Peter Sørensen, Elin Mortensen, C Bendixen et al.:
    Increased sinusoidal flow is not the primary stimulus to liver regeneration
    Comparative Hepatology 2010 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kristoffer Lassen, M Soop, J Nygren, PB Cox, PO Hendry, C Spies et al.:
    Consensus Review of Optimal Perioperative Care in Colorectal Surgery Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Group Recommendations
    Archives of surgery (Chicago. 1960) 2009
  • Geir Ivar Nedredal, kjetil helge Elvevold, Lars Marius Ytrebø, Ole Martin Fuskevåg, Ingvild Pettersen, Peter Anthony Mccourt et al.:
    Porcine Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells Contribute Significantly to Intrahepatic Ammonia Metabolism
    Hepatology 2009 DOI
  • Knut Magne Augestad, Arthur Revhaug, Barthold Vonen, Roar Johnsen, Rolv-Ole Lindsetmo :
    The one-stop trial: does electronic referral and booking by the general practitioner (GPs) to outpatient day case surgery reduce waiting time and costs? A randomized controlled trial protocol
    BMC Surgery 2009 DOI
  • Lars marius Ytrebø, Rune Gangsøy Kristiansen, Hanne K Mæhre, Ole-Martin Fuskevåg, Trine Kalstad, Arthur Revhaug et al.:
    L-Ornithine Phenylacetate Attenuates Increased Arterial and Extracellular Brain Ammonia and Prevents Intracranial Hypertension in Pigs with Acute Liver Failure
    Hepatology 2009 DOI
  • Kristoffer Knutsen Wickstrøm, Karl Øyvind Mikalsen, Michael Kampffmeyer, Arthur Revhaug, Robert Jenssen :
    Uncertainty-Aware Deep Ensembles for Explainable Time Series Prediction
  • Michael Kampffmeyer, Robert Jenssen, Karl Øyvind Mikalsen, Arthur Revhaug :
    Uncertainty-Aware Deep Ensembles for Explainable Time Series Prediction
  • Karl Øyvind Mikalsen, Filippo Maria Bianchi, Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Rolv-Ole Lindsetmo, Arthur Revhaug et al.:
    Learning similarities between irregularly sampled short multivariate time series from EHRs
    2016 ARKIV
  • Kristoffer Lassen, Cornelis H.C. Dejong, Arthur Revhaug, Ken Fearon, Dileep N. Lobo, Olle Ljungqvist :
    Food at will after pancreaticoduodenectomies. Re. "Perioperative nutritional support of patients undergoing pancreatic surgery in the age of ERAS"
    Nutrition - The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences 2015 DOI
  • Karl Øyvind Mikalsen, Robert Jenssen, Fred Godtliebsen, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Arthur Revhaug, Rolv-Ole Lindsetmo et al.:
    Predicting Postoperative Delirium Using Anchors.
  • Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, Kristian Hindberg, Inmaculada Mora-Jimenez, Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Fred Godtliebsen et al.:
    Prediction of Surgical Complications using Heterogeneous Clinical Data and Kernel Methods
  • Hitendra R.H. Patel, Yannick Cerantola, Massimo Valerio, Beata Persson, Patrice Jichlinski, Olle Ljungqvist et al.:
    Enhanced recovery after surgery: are we ready, and can we afford not to implement these pathways for patients undergoing radical cystectomy?
    European Urology 2014 SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Adam Perer, Conor P. Delaney, Arthur Revhaug, Rolv-Ole Lindsetmo, Knut Magne Augestad :
    Detecting Novel Associations for Surgical Hospital Readmissions in Large Datasets by Interactive Visual Analytics
    2014 FULLTEKST
  • Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, Inmaculada Mora-Jimenez, Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez, Kristian Hindberg, Fred Godtliebsen, Kim Erlend Mortensen et al.:
    Feature selection using Kernel Component Analysis For Early Detection Of Anastomosis Leakage
    2014 FULLTEKST
  • Geir Ivar Nedredal, kjetil helge Elvevold, randi Olsen, Bård Smedsrød, Arthur Revhaug :
    Uptake of Soluble Macromolecules by Pulmonary Capillary Endothelial Cells - Implications for Lung Complications in Liver Disease
    Liver transplantation 2012
  • N Davies, G Ten Have, V Sharma, L Ytrebo, S Sen, C Rose et al.:
    Journal of Hepatology 2009

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