Javier Sanchez Romano,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Bård Helge Smedsrød,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Antonia Sagona
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal cells eliminate blood-borne phage K1F
Sabin Bhandari,
Ingelin Kyrrestad Karlstrøm,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Ruomei Li,
Karolina Joanna Szafranska,
Gianina Aurica Dumitriu
et al.:
Mouse liver sinusoidal endothelial cell responses to the glucocorticoid receptor agonist dexamethasone
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2024
Julian Philipp,
Aleksandra Dabkowska,
Anita Reiser,
Kilian Frank,
Rafał Krzysztoń,
Christiane Brummer
et al.:
pH-dependent structural transitions in cationic ionizable lipid mesophases are critical for lipid nanoparticle function
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2023
Milton Boaheng Antewi,
Gianina Aurica Dumitriu,
Jaione Santamaria Simon,
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Ruomei Li,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells show reduced scavenger function and downregulation of Fc gamma receptor IIb, yet maintain a preserved fenestration in the Glmp gt/gt mouse model of slowly progressing liver fibrosis
Ruomei Li,
Sabin Bhandari,
Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Ilona Halva Urbarova,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
Changes in the proteome and secretome of rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells during early primary culture and effects of dexamethasone
Kjetil Elvevold,
Ingelin Kyrrestad,
Bård Smedsrød
Protocol for Isolation and Culture of Mouse Hepatocytes (HCs), Kupffer Cells (KCs), and Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells (LSECs) in Analyses of Hepatic Drug Distribution
Methods in molecular biology 2022
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
kjetil helge Elvevold,
Bo Gøran Ericzon,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Peter Anthony McCourt
et al.:
Autofluorescence in freshly isolated adult human liver sinusoidal cells
European journal of histochemistry 2021
Sabin Bhandari,
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Bård Smedsrød,
Karen Kristine Sørensen
The scavenger function of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in health and disease
Frontiers in Physiology 11. October 2021
Willeke De Haan,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Mohammed Benkheil,
Wouter Dheedene,
Stefan Vinckier,
Giulia Coppiello
et al.:
Unraveling the transcriptional determinants of liver sinusoidal endothelial cell specialization
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2020
Karen Kristine Sørensen,
Bård Smedsrød
The Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cell: Basic Biology and Pathobiology
John Wiley & Sons 2020
Sabin Bhandari,
Ruomei Li,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Steinar Daae Johansen,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
Transcriptome and proteome profiling reveal complementary scavenger and immune features of rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and liver macrophages
BMC Molecular and Cell Biology 2020
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Deanna Wolfson,
Tanji Yasunori,
Gianina Dumitriu,
Karen Kristine Sørensen,
Peter Anthony McCourt
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells contribute to the uptake and degradation of entero bacterial viruses.
Aitor Benedicto,
Alba Herrero,
Irene Romayor,
Joana Marquez,
Bård Smedsrød,
Elvira Olaso
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cell ICAM-1 mediated tumor/endothelial crosstalk drives the development of liver metastasis by initiating inflammatory and angiogenic responses
Richard England,
Jennifer Moss,
Kathryn J Hill,
kjetil helge Elvevold,
Bård Smedsrød,
Marianne B Ashford
Evaluating liver uptake and distribution of different poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) modified lysine dendrimers following intravenous administration
Biomaterials Science 2019
Wiebke Albrecht,
Franziska Kappenberg,
Tim Brecklinghaus,
Regina Stoeber,
Rosemarie Marchan,
Mian Zhang
et al.:
Prediction of human drug-induced liver injury (DILI) in relation to oral doses and blood concentrations
Leif Longva,
Eirik Reierth,
Lars Moksness,
Bård Smedsrød
Peer reviewing: a private affair between the individual researcher and the publishing houses, or a responsibility of the university?
Journal of Electronic Publishing 22. May 2017
Kalle Sigfridsson,
Urban Skantze,
Pia Skantze,
Svante Johansson,
Iain Grant,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
Nanocrystal formulations of a poorly soluble drug. 1. In vitro characterization of stability, stabilizer adsorption and uptake in liver cells
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2017
Kalle Sigfridsson,
Pia Skantze,
Urban Skantze,
Lena Svensson,
Lars Lofgren,
Pär Nordell
et al.:
Nanocrystal formulations of a poorly soluble drug. 2. Evaluation of nanocrystal liver uptake and distribution after intravenous administration to mice
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2017
Caroline Godfrey,
Lourdes R. Desviat,
Bård Smedsrød,
France Piétri-Rouxel,
Michela A. Denti,
Petra Disterer
et al.:
Delivery is key: lessons learnt from developing splice-switching antisense therapies
EMBO Molecular Medicine 2017
Geir Ivar Nedredal,
Kjetil Helge Elvevold,
MF Chedid,
Lars Marius Ytrebø,
CF Rose,
S Sen
et al.:
Pulmonary vascular clearance of harmful endogenous macromolecules in a porcine model of acute liver failure
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Kirstine Roepstorff,
Carsten Behrens,
Jesper Bøggild Kristensen,
Ditte Maria Karpf,
Gert Bolt
et al.:
High-affinity von Willebrand factor binding does not affect the anatomical or hepatocellular distribution of factor VIII in rats
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2016
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Igor Snapkov,
Kjetil Elvevold,
Baldur Sveinbjørnsson,
Bård Smedsrød
FITC conjugation markedly enhances hepatic clearance of N-formyl peptides
Adil El Taghdouini,
Anita Løvstad Sørensen,
Andrew Henry Reiner,
Mar Coll,
Stefaan Verhulst,
Inge Mannaerts
et al.:
Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and gene Expression patterns in purified, uncultures human liver cells and activated hepatic stellate cells
Karen Kristine Sørensen,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Robert S. McCuskey,
Bård Smedsrød
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
Comprehensive Physiology 2015
A. El Taghdouini,
A. L. Sørensen,
M. Coll,
I. Mannaerts,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Å. A. Fretland
et al.:
P605 gene expression and dna methylation profiling of distinct adult human liver cells and culture-activated hepatic stellate cells
Journal of Hepatology 2014
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Jaione Santamaria Simon,
Peter Anthony Gerard Mccourt,
Christopher Florian Holte,
Bård Smedsrød,
Antonia Sagona
et al.:
Rapid blood clearance of phage K1F-GFP is mediated by the liver and executed by Kupffer cells and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in collaboration
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Jaione Santamaria Simon,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Ingelin Kyrrestad Karlstrøm,
Eirik Abrahamsen Lænsman
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal scavenger cells eliminate betaherpesvirus from the blood stream.
Journal of Hepatology 2023
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Bård Smedsrød,
Peter Anthony McCourt
et al.:
The role of scavenger endothelial cells in bacteriophage pharmacokinetics
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Bård Smedsrød,
Peter Anthony McCourt
et al.:
The role of scavenger endothelial cells in bacteriophage pharmacokinetics
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Bo Gøran Ericzon,
Peter Anthony McCourt
et al.:
Role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in elimination of virus
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Eirik Abrahamsen Lænsman,
Anne Lotte Vada Hatlegjerde,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal scavenger cells eliminate betaherpesvirus from the blood stream
Leif Longva,
Bård Smedsrød
Stans gratisarbeidet for grådige tidsskriftsforlag
Khrono.no 26. December 2021
Bård Smedsrød
Old drugs to reinvigorate old liver cells
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2020
Karen Kristine Sørensen,
Milton Boaheng Antwi,
Gianina Dumitriu,
Ruomei Li,
Bård Smedsrød,
Winnie Eskild
Scavenger function of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in a transgenic mouse model of liver fibrosis is reduced
Sabin Bhandari,
Ruomei Li,
Ingelin Kyrrestad,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Ilona Urbarova,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
Effect of glucocorticoids on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in vitro
Ingelin Kyrrestad,
Ruomei Li,
Sabin Bhandari,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Bård Smedsrød,
Karen Kristine Sørensen
A protocol for in vitro toxicity studies in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
kjetil helge Elvevold,
Bo G. Ericzon,
Bård Smedsrød,
Karen Kristine Sørensen
Autofluorescence in freshly isolated adult human liver sinusoidal cells
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Anett Kristin Larsen,
kjetil helge Elvevold,
Christopher Florian Holte,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Hans H. Hirsch
et al.:
SECVIR - The role of scavenger endothelial cells in elimination of virus
Bård Smedsrød
The problem with peer review
Bård Smedsrød
Episode #9 I serien Nå Er Det Alvor:
Bård Smedsrød - en mann som lever for å levere
Bård Smedsrød
Carnivore-dietten, fasting, sukker, helsetrender, vitaminer, mineraler + +
Leif Longva,
Jan Erik Frantsvåg,
Bård Smedsrød
Plan S og implementering
Bård Smedsrød,
Leif Longva,
Jan Erik Frantsvåg
Voldsom sløsing med offentlige penger i vitenskapelig publisering
Dagens næringsliv 28. February 2018
Deanna Wolfson,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Tanji Yasunori,
Gianina Dumitriu,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Karen Kristine Sørensen
et al.:
Uptake and Degradation of Bacteriophages
by Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells
Deanna Wolfson,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Yasunori Tanji,
Karen Kristine Sørensen,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
Multimodal Microscopy to Study the Fate of Bacteriophages in Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells
Sabin Bhandari,
Ruomei Li,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Steinar Daae Johansen,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
The liver sinusoidal endothelial cell – an endothelial cell with a macrophage-like identity
Ruomei Li,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Sabin Bhandari,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Ilona Urbarova,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
Phenotypic changes in rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells during early stages of in vitro culture
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Ruomei Li,
Sabin Bhandari,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Bård Smedsrød,
Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez
et al.:
Secretome of the liver sinusoidal endothelial cell
Sabin Bhandari,
Ruomei Li,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Steinar Daae Johansen,
Bård Smedsrød
et al.:
Next generation deep sequencing of rat liver
sinusoidal endothelial cell and Kupffer cell
transcriptomes suggests functional
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Christine H Rinaldo,
Piotr Kardas,
Ruomei Li,
Ivana Malovic,
Kjetil H. Elvevold
et al.:
Role of scavenger endothelial cells in polyomavirus JC and BK clearance