Susannah von Hofsten,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Hege Lynum Pedersen
Human and Murine Toll-like Receptor-Driven Disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024
Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd,
Saba Nayar,
Charlotte G Smith,
Premasany Kanapathippilai,
Valentina Iannizzotto,
Francesca Barone
et al.:
Podoplanin expressing macrophages and their involvement in tertiary lymphoid structures in mouse models of Sjögren’s disease
Frontiers in Immunology 2024
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Hege Lynum Pedersen
Advanced methods and novel biomarkers in autoimmune diseases ‑ a review of the recent years progress in systemic lupus erythematosus
Luis Villegas,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Mona Nystad,
Jean-Claude Tinguely,
David Andre Coucheron,
Firehun Tsige Dullo
et al.:
Chip-based multimodal super-resolution microscopy for histological investigations of cryopreserved tissue sections
Light: Science & Applications (LSA) 2022
Simin Jamaly,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Reza Abdi,
George tsokos,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton
Interplay of immune and kidney resident cells in the formation of tertiary lymphoid structures in lupus nephritis
Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji,
Ana Oteiza,
Samuel Kuttner,
Armas Maria Montserrat Martin,
Premasany Kanapathippillai,
Sara Garbarino
et al.:
Positron emission tomography and single photon emission computed tomography imaging of tertiary lymphoid structures during the development of lupus nephritis
International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 2021
Luis Villegas,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Jean-Claude Tinguely,
David Andre Coucheron,
Anish Priyadarshi,
Sebastian Andres Acuña Maldonado
et al.:
Photonic-chip: a multimodal imaging tool for histopathology.
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics 2021
Samuel Kuttner,
Kristoffer Knutsen Wickstrøm,
Gustav Kalda,
Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji,
Montserrat Martin-Armas,
Ana Oteiza
et al.:
Machine learning derived input-function in a dynamic 18F-FDG PET study of mice
Biomedical Engineering & Physics Express 2020
Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji,
Premasany Kanapathippillai,
Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd,
Mikael Ryan Stenersrød,
Kjersti Daae Horvei,
anita Ursvik
et al.:
Kidney tertiary lymphoid structures in Lupus Nephritis develop into large interconnected networks and resemble lymph nodes in gene signature
American Journal of Pathology 2020
Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji,
Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd,
Premasany Kanapathippillai,
Gunnstein Bakland,
Gro Østli Eilertsen,
Stine Figenschau
et al.:
Mesenchymal stem cells and T cells in the formation of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Lupus Nephritis
Stine Figenschau,
Erik Knutsen,
Ilona Urbarova,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Bryan Elston,
Maria Perander
et al.:
ICAM1 expression is induced by proinflammatory cytokines and associated with TLS formation in aggressive breast cancer subtypes
Kristin Andreassen Fenton
The effect of cell death in the initiation of lupus nephritis
Clinical and Experimental Immunology 2015
Stine Linn Figenschau,
Silje Fismen,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen
Tertiary lymphoid structures are associated with higher tumor grade in primary operable breast cancer patients
Annica Hedberg,
Premasany Kanapathippillai,
Ole Petter Rekvig,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton
LMW Heparin Prevents Increased Kidney Expression of Proinflammatory Mediators in (NZBxNZW)F1 Mice
Clinical & Developmental Immunology 2013
Premasany Kanapathippillai,
Annica Hedberg,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton
Nucleosomes contribute to increase mesangial cell chemokine expression during the development of lupus nephritis
Annica Hedberg,
Silje Fismen,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Bjarne Østerud,
Elin Mortensen
et al.:
Heparin Exerts a Dual Effect on Murine Lupus Nephritis by Enhancing Enzymatic Chromatin Degradation and Preventing Chromatin Binding in Glomerular Membranes
Arthritis and Rheumatism 2011
Janne erikke Mjelle,
Ole Petter Rekvig,
Johan van der Vlag,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton
Nephritogenic antibodies bind in glomeruli through interaction with exposed chromatin fragments and not with renal cross-reactive antigens
Idun Grønsberg,
Lise Nordgård,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Beate Hegge,
Kaare Magne Nielsen,
Susan Bardocz
et al.:
Uptake and Organ Distribution of Feed Introduced Plasmid DNA in Growing or Pregnant Rats
Food and Nutrition Sciences 2011
Mariann Hellvik Jørgensen,
Ole Petter Rekvig,
Rasmus S. Jacobsen,
Søren Jacobsen,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton
Circulating levels of chromatin fragments are inversely correlated with anti-dsDNA antibody levels in human and murine systemic lupus erythematosus
Immunology Letters 2011
Annica Hedberg,
Silje Fismen,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Elin Mortensen,
Ole Petter Rekvig
Deposition of chromatin-IgG complexes in skin of nephritic MRL-lpr/lpr mice is associated with increased local matrix metalloprotease activities
Experimental Dermatology 2010
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
berit TØmmerÅs,
Tony Norman Marion,
Ole Petter Rekvik
Pure anti-dsDNA mAbs need chromatin structures to promote glomerular mesangial deposits in BALB/c mice
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Silje Fismen,
Annica Hedberg,
Natalya Seredkina,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Elin Mortensen
et al.:
Anti-dsDNA Antibodies Promote Initiation, and Acquired Loss of Renal Dnase1 Promotes Progression of Lupus Nephritis in Autoimmune (NZBxNZW)F1 mice
Silje Fismen,
Annica Hedberg,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
S Jacobsen,
E Krarup,
AL Kamper
et al.:
Circulating chromatin-anti-chromatin antibody complexes bind with high affinity to dermo-epidermal structures in murine and human lupus nephritis
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
berit TØmmerÅs,
Tony Norman Marion,
Ole Petter Rekvik
Pure anti-dsDNA mAbs need chromatin structures to promote glomerular mesangial deposits in BALB/c mice
Elin Mortensen,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Ole Petter Rekvik
Lupus nephritis - The central role of nucleosomes revealed
American Journal of Pathology 2008
Casandra C. van Bavel,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Ole Petter Rekvik,
Johan van der Vlag,
Jo H. Berden
Glomerular targets of nephritogenic autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus
Arthritis and Rheumatism 2008
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Janne erikke Mjelle,
Søren Jakobsen,
randi Olsen,
Ole Petter Rekvik
Renal expression of polyomavirus large T antigen is associated with nephritis in human systemic lupus erythematosus
Molecular Immunology 2008
signy Bendiksen,
Elin Mortensen,
randi Olsen,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
manar Kalaaji,
Leif Jørgensen
et al.:
Glomerular expression of large polyomavirus T antigen in binary tet-off regulated transgenic mice induces apoptosis, release of chromatin and initiates a lupus-like nephritis
Molecular Immunology 2008
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Ole Petter Rekvik
A central role of nucleosomes in lupus nephritis
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007
Janne erikke Mjelle,
Ole Petter Rekvik,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton
Nucleosomes possess a high affinity for glomerular laminin and collagen IV and bind nephritogenic antibodies in murine lupus-like nephritis
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2007
manar Kalaaji,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Elin Mortensen,
randi Olsen,
G Sturfelt,
P Alm
et al.:
Glomerular apoptotic nucleosomes are central target structures for nephritogenic antibodies in human SLE nephritis
Kidney International 2007
Marit Renee Myhre,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Julia Friederike Egger,
Kaare Magne Nielsen,
Terje I Traavik
The 35S CaMV plant virus promoter is active in human enterocyte-like cells
European Food Research and Technology 2006
Samuel Kuttner,
Luigi Tommaso Luppino,
Kristoffer Wickstrøm,
Nils Thomas Doherty Midtbø,
Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji,
Ana Oteiza
et al.:
Deep learning derived input function in dynamic 18F-FDG PET imaging of mice
Thea Olsen,
Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd,
Premasany Kanapathippilai,
Anita Ursvik,
Charlotte Lemoin,
Stine Figenschau
et al.:
IL-18 deficiency does not affect development of renal tertiary lymphoid structures in imiquimod induced SLE
Lupus Science and Medicine 2022
Luis Villegas,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Mona Nystad,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Ganesh Acharya,
Jose M. Mateos
et al.:
Chip-based multimodal microscopy for histological investigations of cryopreserved tissue sections
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Hege Lynum Pedersen
Characterising tertiary lymphoid structures in lupus-prone mice
Research Features Magazine 05. May 2021
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Luis Enrique Villegas Hernández,
Jean-Claude Tinguely,
David Andre Coucheron,
Anish Priyadarshi,
Sebastian Acuña
et al.:
Multimodal super-resolution imaging for histopathology applications
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Luis Enrique Villegas Hernández,
Mona Nystad,
Jean-Claude Tinguely,
David Andre Coucheron,
Firehun Tsige Dullo
et al.:
Photonic-chip for multimodal super-resolution imaging in histopathology applications
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Stine Figenschau,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen
ICAM1 er uttrykt i trippel negative brystkreftceller og vev
BestPractice Nordic 2018
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Janne erikke Mjelle,
R Olsen,
manar Kalaaji,
Ole Petter Rekvik
Electron dense deposits in the GBM of (NZBxNZW)F1 mice constitute chromatin that represents target for in vivo bound autoantibodies
Julia Friederike Eggert,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
olga Goldfain,
Beate Hegge,
AI Myhr,
Lise Nordgård
et al.:
Absence of Proof is not a Proof of Absence. Risks of Genetically Modified Organisms