Bilde av Lamark, Trond
Bilde av Lamark, Trond
Professor Autophagy Research Group Tromsø You can find me here

Trond Lamark

Job description

Trond has been a member of Terje Johansen`s research group (now named Autophagy research group) since 2002. Before this, he obtained a Dr. scient degree (equivalent to PhD) in the research group of Arne Strøm at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, where he investigated the molecular mechanisms utilized by bacteria to survive under osmotic stress. He also spent some time as postdoc on a fish-related project and as associate professor at the Department of Pharmacy, before joining the research group of Terje Johansen. Here, he worked as a researcher from 2002 to 2010 and became involved in the early studies of selective autophagy and the discovery p62 and NBR1 as the first selective autophagy receptors. Since 2011, he has had a permanent position as associate professor, and was promoted to professor in 2021.

  • Athanasios Kournoutis, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen, Yakubu Princely Abudu :
    WDR83/MORG1 inhibits RRAG GTPase-MTORC1 signaling to facilitate basal autophagy
    Autophagy 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yakubu Princely Abudu, Athanasios Kournoutis, Hanne Britt Brenne, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    MORG1 limits mTORC1 signaling by inhibiting Rag GTPases
    Molecular Cell 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vladimir V. Rogov, Ioannis P. Nezis, P Tsapras, Hong Zhang, Yasin Dagdas, Nobuo N Noda et al.:
    Atg8 family proteins, LIR/AIM motifs and other interaction modes
    Autophagy Reports 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nikoline Lander Rasmussen, Jianwen Zhou, Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik, Stéphanie Kaeser-Pebernard, Trond Lamark, Joern Dengjel et al.:
    The inflammation repressor TNIP1/ABIN-1 is degraded by autophagy following TBK1 phosphorylation of its LIR
    Autophagy 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jianwen Zhou, Nikoline Lander Rasmussen, Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik, Vyacheslav Akimov, Zehan Hu, Gry Evjen et al.:
    TBK1 phosphorylation activates LIR-dependent degradation of the inflammation repressor TNIP1
    Journal of Cell Biology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Juncal Garcia Garcia, Anne Kristin McLaren Berge, Katrine Stange Overå, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Zambarlal Babanrao Bhujabal, Andreas Brech et al.:
    TRIM27 is an autophagy substrate facilitating mitochondria clustering and mitophagy via phosphorylated TBK1
    The FEBS Journal 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nikoline Lander Rasmussen, Athanasios Kournoutis, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    NBR1: The archetypal selective autophagy receptor
    Journal of Cell Biology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thaddaeus Mutugi Nthiga, Birendra Kumar Shrestha, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    Regulation of Golgi turnover by CALCOCO1-mediated selective autophagy
    Journal of Cell Biology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yakubu Princely Abudu, Stephane Mouilleron, Sharon A Tooze, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    SAMM50 is a receptor for basal piecemeal mitophagy and acts with SQSTM1/p62 in OXPHOS-induced mitophagy
    Autophagy 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yakubu Princely Abudu, Birendra Kumar Shrestha, Wenxin Zhang, Anthimi Palara, Hanne Britt Brenne, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen et al.:
    SAMM50 acts with p62 in piecemeal basal- and OXPHOS-induced mitophagy of SAM and MICOS components
    Journal of Cell Biology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thaddaeus Mutugi Nthiga, Birendra Kumar Shrestha, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    The soluble reticulophagy receptor CALCOCO1 is also a Golgiphagy receptor.
    Autophagy 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    Mechanisms of Selective Autophagy
    Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Daniel J. Klionsky, Amal Kamal Abdel-Aziz, Sara Abdelfatah, Mahmoud Khaled Abdellatif, Asghar Abdoli, Yakubu Princely Abudu et al.:
    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)
    Autophagy 2021 DOI
  • Arjen J. Jakobi, Stefan T. Huber, Simon A. Mortensen, Sebastian Schultz, Anthimi Palara, Tanja Kuhm et al.:
    Structural basis of p62/SQSTM1 helical filaments and their role in cellular cargo uptake
    Nature Communications 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thaddaeu Mutugi Nthiga, Birendra Kumar Shrestha, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    CALCOCO1 is a soluble reticulophagy receptor
    Autophagy 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thaddaeus Mutugi Nthiga, Birendra Kumar Shrestha, Eva Sjøttem, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    CALCOCO1 acts with VAMP ‐associated proteins to mediate ER ‐phagy
    EMBO Journal 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yakubu Princely Abudu, Serhiy Pankiv, Benan John Mathai, Alf Håkon Lystad, Christian Bindesbøll, Hanne Britt Brenne et al.:
    NIPSNAP1 and NIPSNAP2 act as “eat-me signal” for mitophagy
    Developmental Cell 11. April 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Åsa birna Birgisdottir, Stephane Mouilleron, Zambarlal Bhujabal, Martina Wirth, Eva Sjøttem, Gry Evjen et al.:
    Members of the autophagy class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex I interact with GABARAP and GABARAPL1 via LIR motifs
    Autophagy 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Katrine Stange Overå, Juncal Garcia Garcia, Zambarlal Bhujabal, Ashish Jain, Aud Karin Øvervatn, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen et al.:
    TRIM32, but not its muscular dystrophy-associated mutant, positively regulates and is targeted to autophagic degradation by p62/SQSTM1
    Journal of Cell Science 02. December 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Birendra Kumar Shrestha, Mads Skytte Rasmussen, Yakubu Princely Abudu, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Endalkachew Ashenafi Alemu et al.:
    NIMA-related kinase 9–mediated phosphorylation of the microtubule-associated LC3B protein at Thr-50 suppresses selective autophagy of p62/sequestosome 1
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yakubu Princely Abudu, Serhiy Pankiv, Benan John Mathai, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen, Anne Simonsen :
    NIPSNAP1 and NIPSNAP2 act as “eat me” signals to allow sustained recruitment of autophagy receptors during mitophagy
    Autophagy 2019 DOI
  • Gry Hoem, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Aud Karin Øvervatn, Andreas Brech, Trond Lamark, Eva Sjøttem et al.:
    The FMRpolyGlycine protein mediates aggregate formation and toxicity independent of the CGG mRNA hairpin in a cellular model for FXTAS
    Frontiers in Genetics 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Terje Johansen, Trond Lamark :
    Selective autophagy: ATG8 family proteins, LIR motifs and cargo receptors
    Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Zambarlal Bhujabal, Åsa birna Birgisdottir, Eva Sjøttem, Hanne Britt Brenne, Aud Karin Øvervatn, Sabrina Habisov et al.:
    FKBP8 recruits LC3A to mediate Parkin-independent mitophagy
    EMBO Reports 05. April 2017 DOI
  • Mads Skytte Rasmussen, Stephane Mouilleron, Birendra Kumar Shrestha, Martina Wirth, Rebecca Lee, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen et al.:
    ATG4B contains a C-terminal LIR motif important for binding and efficient cleavage of mammalian orthologs of yeast Atg8
    Autophagy 2017 DOI
  • Trond Lamark, Steingrim Svenning, Terje Johansen :
    Regulation of selective autophagy: the p62/SQSTM1 paradigm
    Essays in Biochemistry 2017 DOI
  • Ashish Jain, Tor Erik Rusten, Nadja Sandra Katheder, Julianne Elvenes, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, Eva Sjøttem et al.:
    P62/sequestosome-1, autophagy-related gene 8, and autophagy in Drosophila are regulated by nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2(NRF2), independent of transcription factor TFEB
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rodolfo Ciuffa, Trond Lamark, Abul K. Tarafder, Audrey Guesdon, Sofia Rybina, Wim J.H. Hagen et al.:
    The Selective Autophagy Receptor p62 Forms a Flexible Filamentous Helical Scaffold
    Cell reports 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik, Trond Lamark, Kenji Takagi, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, gry Evjen, Aud Karin Øvervatn et al.:
    FYCO1 contains a C-terminally extended, LC3A/B-preferring LC3-interacting region (LIR) motif required for efficient maturation of autophagosomes during basal autophagy
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Zhixun Dou, Caiyue Xu, Greg Donahue, Takeshi Shimi, Ji-An Pan, Jiajun Zhu et al.:
    Autophagy mediates degradation of nuclear lamina
    Nature 2015 DOI
  • Elizabeth Deosaran, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Rong Hua, Graeme Sargent, Yuqing Wang, Sarah Kim et al.:
    NBR1 acts as an autophagy receptor for peroxisomes
    Journal of Cell Science 2013 DOI
  • Åsa birna Birgisdottir, Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    The LIR motif - crucial for selective autophagy
    Journal of Cell Science 2013 DOI
  • Trond Lamark, Terje Johansen :
    Aggrephagy: Selective Disposal of Protein Aggregates by Macroautophagy
    International Journal of Cell Biology 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henning Kleine, Andreas Herrmann, Trond Lamark, Alexandra H. Forst, Patricia Verheugd, Juliane Lüscher-Firzlaff et al.:
    Dynamic subcellular localization of the mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase ARTD10 and interaction with the ubiquitin receptor p62
    Cell Communication and Signaling 2012 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Daniel J. Klionsky, FC Abdalla, H Abeliovich, RT Abraham, A Acevedo-Arozena, K Adeli et al.:
    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy
    Autophagy 2012 DOI
  • Ana Sancho, Jordi Duran, Antonio Garcia-Espana, Caroline Mauvezin, Endalkachew Ashenafi Alemu, Trond Lamark et al.:
    DOR/Tp53inp2 and Tp53inp1 Constitute a Metazoan Gene Family Encoding Dual Regulators of Autophagy and Transcription
  • Endalkachew Ashenafi Alemu, Trond Lamark, Knut Martin Torgersen, Åsa birna Birgisdottir, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Ashish Jain et al.:
    ATG8 Family Proteins Act as Scaffolds for Assembly of the ULK Complex SEQUENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR LC3-INTERACTING REGION (LIR) MOTIFS
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Terje Johansen, Trond Lamark :
    Selective autophagy mediated by autophagic adapter proteins
    Autophagy 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Steingrim Svenning, Trond Lamark, Kirsten Krause, Terje Johansen :
    Plant NBR1 is a selective autophagy substrate and a functional hybrid of the mammalian autophagic adapters NBR1 and p62/SQSTM1
    Autophagy 2011 DOI
  • Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Trond Lamark, Aud Karin Øvervatn, Ingvill Harneshaug, Terje Johansen, Geir Bjørkøy :
    A reporter cell system to monitor autophagy based on p62/SQSTM1
    Autophagy 2010
  • Ioannis Nezis, Bhupendra V Shravage, Antonia Sagona, Trond Lamark, Geir Bjørkøy, Terje Johansen et al.:
    Autophagic degradation of dBruce controls DNA fragmentation in nurse cells during late Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis
    Journal of Cell Biology 2010 DOI
  • Ashish Jain, Trond Lamark, Eva Sjøttem, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Jane Atesoh Awuh, Aud Karin Øvervatn et al.:
    p62/SQSTM1 Is a Target Gene for Transcription Factor NRF2 and Creates a Positive Feedback Loop by Inducing Antioxidant Response Element-driven Gene Transcription
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010 DOI
  • Serliy Pankiv, Endalkachew Alemu, Andreas Brech, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, Trond Lamark, Aud Karin Øvervatn et al.:
    FYCO1 is a Rab7 effector that binds to LC3 and PI3P to mediate microtubule plus end-directed vesicle transport
    Journal of Cell Biology 2010 DOI
  • Serliy Pankiv, Trond Lamark, Jack-Ansgar Bruun, Aud Karin Øvervatn, Geir Bjørkøy, Terje Johansen :
    Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling of p62/SQSTM1 and Its Role in Recruitment of Nuclear Polyubiquitinated Proteins to Promyelocytic Leukemia Bodies
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010 DOI
  • Maria Filimonenko, Pauline Isakson, Kim D Finley, Monique Anderson, Hyun Jeong, Thomas J Melia et al.:
    The Selective Macroautophagic Degradation of Aggregated Proteins Requires the PI3P-Binding Protein Alfy
    Molecular Cell 2010 DOI
  • Terje Clausen, Trond Lamark, Pauline Isakson, Kim Finley, Kenneth Bowitz Larsen, Andreas Brech et al.:
    p62/SQSTM1 and ALFY interact to facilitate the formation of p62 bodies/ALIS and their degradation by autophagy
    Autophagy 2010 DOI
  • Nikoline Lander Rasmussen, Jianwen Zhou, Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik, Vyacheslav Akimov, Zehan Hu, Gry Evjen et al.:
    TNIP1 is degraded by selective autophagy upon proinflammatory signalling
  • Nikoline Lander Rasmussen, Jianwen Zhou, Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik, Vyacheslav Akimov, Zehan Hu, Gry Evjen et al.:
    TBK1 phosphorylation activates LIR-dependent degradation of the inflammation repressor TNIP1
  • Nikoline Lander Rasmussen, Jianwen Zhou, Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik, Vyacheslav Akimov, Zehan Hu, Gry Evjen et al.:
    TBK1 phosphorylation activates LIR-dependent degradation of the inflammation repressor TNIP1
  • Terje Johansen, Trond Lamark :
    Selective autophagy goes exclusive
    Nature Cell Biology 2014 DOI

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    The main goal of the research group (including Trond) is to understand the molecular mechanisms utilized by cells to cope with stress, under normal conditions and in disease. The discovery of the first selective autophagy receptors in 2005 led the research into the autophagy field, and autophagy soon became their main interest. Autophagy was at that time considered a basically non-selective process and the pathological importance of autophagy was not fully realized. The identification of the first selective autophagy receptors coincided with an increased interest in autophagy research worldwide. The following research (including work by the autophagy research group) revealed the process to be highly selective. It soon became evident that reduced selective autophagy is associated with aging, and is implicated in several age-related pathologies, including neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and inflammation. Our understanding of selective autophagy is now at a different level compared to 20 years ago, but several important knowledge gaps exist, and the remaining goal is to fill these gaps with new knowledge. 


    Trond has “Universitetspedagogisk basiskompetanse” from UiT – the Arctic University of Tromsø, taken in 2019.

    He is teaching on a regular basis on several bachelor and master level courses at the Department of Medical Biology. He is currently annually teaching on the Bachelor courses MBI-2001 (Biokjemi), MBI-2012 (Molekylær cellebiologi - Cellestruktur), ERN-2004 (Ernæring, makro- og mikronæringsstoffer), and the Master course MBI-3004 (Cancer Biology).

    He is course leader on the Bachelor course MBI-2012 (Molekylær cellebiologi - Cellestruktur).

    He is a member of the “Biomedicine Bachelor and Master Programme board” and “Bachelor`s degree Programme board”, both at the Department of Medical Biology, UiT.

    He is course leader on two Nordic PhD courses, i. e. MBI-8007 and MBI-8008 (Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer; Block I and II).

    He is involved in supervision (as main or co-supervisor) for PhD students, Master Students and Bachelor students in the Autophagy Research Group. 

    Member of research group



     See under attachments. 
