B. Stojanovic,
J. Rasic,
M. Andjelkovic,
N. Dikic,
N. Dragicevic,
B. Djordjevic
et al.:
Urinary excretion profile of higenamine in females after oral administration of supplements – Doping scenario
Journal of chromatography. B 2024
Sandra Pfeffer,
Guenter Gmeiner,
Guro Forsdahl
Methylation of phase II metabolites of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids to improve analytical performance
Drug Testing and Analysis 2024
Lorenz Göschl,
Günter Gmeiner,
Peter Gärtner,
Michael Steinacher,
Guro Forsdahl
Detection of DHCMT long-term metabolite glucuronides with LC-MSMS as an alternative approach to conventional GC-MSMS analysis
Biljana Stojanovic,
Marija Andjelkovic,
Nenad Dikic,
Guro Forsdahl,
Günter Gmeiner
Characterization of the urinary excretion profile of higenamine after multiple dose oral administration utilizing on-line SPE LC with HRMS detection
Marit Waaseth,
Martina Havelkova,
Guro Forsdahl,
Eiliv Lund,
Tomas Log
Use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors – Validity of Self-Report versus Plasma Concentrations and Pharmacy Dispensations – A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
Lorenz Göschl,
Günter Gmeiner,
Peter Gärtner,
Michael Steinacher,
Guro Forsdahl
Detection of DHCMT long-term metabolite glucuronides with LC-MSMS as an alternative approach to conventional GC-MSMS analysis
Lorenz Göschl,
Günter Gmeiner,
Peter Gärtner,
Georg Stadler,
Valentin Enev,
Mario Thevis
et al.:
Stanozolol-N-glucuronide metabolites in human urine samples as suitable targets in terms of routine anti-doping analysis
Drug Testing and Analysis 2021
Guro Forsdahl,
Katharina Zanitzer,
Damir Erceg,
Günter Gmeiner
Quantification of endogenous steroid sulfates and glucuronides in human urine after intramuscular administration of testosterone esters
Lorenz Göschl,
Günter Gmeiner,
Valentin S Enev,
Nicolas Kratena,
Peter Gärtner,
Guro Forsdahl
Development and validation of a simple online-SPE method coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry for the analysis of stanozolol-N-glucuronides in urine samples
Drug Testing and Analysis 2020
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz
et al.:
Mucosal metabolomic profiling and pathway analysis reveal the metabolic signature of ulcerative colitis
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Maria Ahnlund,
Einar Jensen
et al.:
Lipidomics in ulcerative colitis reveal alteration in mucosal lipid composition associated with the disease state
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2019
Guro Forsdahl,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Lorenz Göschl,
Sandra Pfeffer,
Peter Gärtner,
Mario Thevis
et al.:
Unambiguous indentifiaction and characterization of a long-term human metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone
Drug Testing and Analysis 2018
Ana Stajić,
Jelena Maksić,
Doko Maksić,
Guro Forsdahl,
Mirjana Medenica,
Biljana Jančić-Stojanović
Analytical Quality by Design-based development and validation of ultra pressure liquid chromatography/MS/MS
method for glycopeptide antibiotics determination in human plasma
Guro Forsdahl,
Biljana Jančić-Stojanović,
Marija Anđelković,
Nenad Dikić,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Veronika Jeitler
et al.:
Urinary excretion studies of meldonium after multidose parenteral application
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2018
Joseph Diab,
Rania Al-Mahdi,
Sandra Gouveia,
Terkel Hansen,
Einar Jensen,
Rasmus Goll
et al.:
A Quantitative Analysis of Colonic Mucosal Oxylipins and Endocannabinoids in Treatment-Naïve and Deep Remission Ulcerative Colitis Patients and the Potential Link With Cytokine Gene Expression
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2018
Guro Forsdahl,
Damir Erceg,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Mirjana Turkalj,
Davor Plavec,
Mario Thevis
et al.:
Detection of testosterone esters in blood
Drug Testing and Analysis 2015
Laura Tretzel,
Andreas Thomas,
Hans Geyer,
Günter Gmeiner,
Guro Forsdahl,
Valentin Pop
et al.:
Use of dried blood spots in doping control analysis of anabolic steroid esters
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2014
Guro Forsdahl,
Hanne Kirsti Vatne,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Günter Gmeiner
Screening of testosterone esters in human plasma
Drug Testing and Analysis 2013
Katharina M Schragl,
Guro Forsdahl,
Günter Gmeiner,
Valentin S Enev,
Peter Gärtner
Novel Pathway for the Synthesis of Arylpropionamide-derived Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) Metabolites of Andarine and Ostarine
Tetrahedron Letters 2013
Sandra Pfeffer,
Guenter Gmeiner,
Guro Forsdahl
Methylation: a supplementary derivatization technique for the analysis of phase II metabolites of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids
Sandra Pfeffer,
Guenter Gmeiner,
Guro Forsdahl
Methylation: a supplementary derivatization technique for the analysis of phase II metabolites of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids
Biljana Stojanovic,
Jelena Rasic,
Marija Andjelkovic,
Nenad Dikic,
Guro Forsdahl,
Günter Gmeiner
Quantitative analysis of higenamine and its metabolite in human urine
Lorenz Göschl,
Günter Gmeiner,
Peter Gärtner,
Mario Thevis,
Guro Forsdahl
Detection of phase-II glucuronides of exogenous anabolic androgenic steroids exemplified by stanozolol
Guro Forsdahl
Hvordan endrer vi kurs for å tilrettelegge for fremtidsfarmasøyten?
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz
et al.:
Metabolomics for improved patient stratification in inflammatory bowel disease: Characterisation of the ulcerative colitis metabolome
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2020
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz
et al.:
Metabolomics Coupled with Pathway Analysis Reveal the Metabolic Fingerprint in Ulcerative Colitis
Lorenz Göschl,
Günter Gmeiner,
Peter Gärtner,
Guro Forsdahl
Development and validation of a simple online-SPE method coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry for the detection of stanozolol-N-glucuronides in urine samples
Marit Waaseth,
Martina Havelkova,
Guro Forsdahl,
Eiliv Lund,
Tomas Log
Validity of self-reported antidepressants use – The Norwegian Women and Cancer study
Biljana Jancic Stojanovic,
Lorenz Göschl,
Guro Forsdahl,
Günter Gmeiner
Metabolism of steroids and sport drug testing
Joseph Diab,
Rania Al-Mahdi,
Sandra Gouveia,
Terkel Hansen,
Einar Jensen,
Rasmus Goll
et al.:
Analysis of Colonic Mucosal Oxylipins and
Endocannabinoids in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Einar Jensen,
Jon Florholmen,
Guro Forsdahl
Metabolomics coupled with pathway analysis characterise metabolic changes in treatment-naive ulcerative colitis patients
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz,
Jon Florholmen
et al.:
DOP15 Metabolomics coupled with pathway analysis characterise metabolic changes in treatment-naive ulcerative colitis patients
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2019
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Maria Ahnlund,
Einar Jensen
et al.:
Lipidomics in ulcerative colitis reveal disruption of mucosal lipid composition associated with the disease state
American Journal of Gastroenterology 2019
Biljana Jancic-Stojanovic,
Guro Forsdahl,
Günter Gmeiner
From Doping World - Small Secrets of Meldonium
Ana Stajik,
Guro Forsdahl,
Biljana Jancic-Stojanovic,
Mirjana Medenica
AQBD-Oriented MS and UPLC method development for glycopeptide antibacterials assessment in suitable pharmaceutical forms
Anja Tumpa,
Jelena Maksic Jankovic,
Guro Forsdahl,
Biljana Jancic-Stojanovic
Quality by Design in the development of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method with gradient elution for the analysis of olanzapine
Joseph Diab,
Rasmus Goll,
Terkel Hansen,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz,
Jon Florholmen
et al.:
Lipidomics in Ulcerative Colitis Reveal Disruption of Mucosal Lipids Composition in Association with the Disease State
Guro Forsdahl,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Lorenz Göschl,
Sandra Pfeffer,
Peter Gärtner,
Mario Thevis
et al.:
Response to letter to the editor: "Comments on Unambiguous identification and characterization of a long-term human metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone"
Drug Testing and Analysis 2018
Joseph Diab,
Sandra Gouveia,
Terkel Hansen,
Einar Jensen,
Moritz Thomas,
Rasmus Goll
et al.:
Altered colonic mucosal oxylipins and endocannabinoids levels in treatment-naive and deep remission Ulcerative Colitis patients
Joseph Diab,
Sandra Gouveia,
Terkel Hansen,
Einar Jensen,
Moritz Thomas,
Rasmus Goll
et al.:
Altered colonic mucosal oxylipins and endocannabinoids levels in treatment-naive and deep remission Ulcerative Colitis patients
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2018
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Einar Jensen,
Terje Vasskog,
Rasmus Goll,
Jon Florholmen
et al.:
Lipidomics and Metabolomics in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: From pathology to clinical development prediction
Joseph Diab,
Rania Al-Mahdi,
Sandra Gouveia,
Terkel Hansen,
Thomas Moritz,
Einar Jensen
et al.:
A quantitative analysis of colonic mucosal oxylipins and endocannabinoids in Ulcerative Colitis patients and cytokines gene expression
Guro Forsdahl,
Nicolas Kratena,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Sarah Pilz,
Lorenz Göschl,
Sandra Pfeffer
et al.:
Synthesis and characterization of a long-term metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone
Irena Kasagic-Vujanovic,
Darija Knezevic,
Guro Forsdahl,
Biljana Jancic-Stojanovic
QbD oriented development and validation of the hilic method for the analysis of amitriptyline hydrochloride and its impurities
Guro Forsdahl,
Damir Erceg,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Mirjana Turkalj,
Davor Plavec,
Mario Thevis
et al.:
Detection of testosterone esters in blood
Guro Forsdahl,
Tine Johnsgaard,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Joseph Kainzbauer,
Günter Gmeiner
Evaluation of the influence of grapefruit juice on the endogenous urinary steroid profile
Laura Tretzel,
Andreas Thomas,
Hans Geyer,
Günter Gmeiner,
Guro Forsdahl,
Valentin Pop
et al.:
Use of dried blood spots in doping control analysis of anabolic steroid esters
Guro Forsdahl,
Thomas Geisendorfer,
Damir Erceg,
Nina Norvik,
Mai Linh Nguyen,
Günter Gmeiner
Screening for endogenous hormones in serum: Effect of testosterone applications
Katharina M Schragl,
Guro Forsdahl,
Günter Gmeiner,
Valentin S Enev,
Peter Gärtner
Synthesis of doping-relevant arylpropionamide-derived SARM Metabolites
Peter Gärtner,
Wolfgang Felzmann,
Clemens Novak,
Katharina Schröder,
Guro Forsdahl,
Günter Gmeiner
Synthesis of stable isotopically labelled metabolites of doping agents and their application in analysis