Bilde av Vasskog, Terje
Bilde av Vasskog, Terje
Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy +4777623309 Tromsø You can find me here

Terje Vasskog

Job description

Research group leader for the Natural Products- and Medicinal Chemistry Research Group

  • Sietske Grijseels, Terje Vasskog, Pia J. Heinsvig, Torbjørn Norberg Myhre, Terkel Hansen, Marie Mardal :
    Validation of two LC–HRMS methods for large-scale untargeted metabolomics of serum samples: Strategy to establish method fitness-for-purpose
    Journal of Chromatography A 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jon Brage Svenning, Terje Vasskog, Karley Lynn Campbell, Agnethe Hansen Bæverud, Torbjørn Norberg Myhre, Lars Dalheim et al.:
    Lipidome Plasticity Enables Unusual Photosynthetic Flexibility in Arctic vs. Temperate Diatoms
    Marine Drugs 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Maxim Brilkov, Martin Jakubec, Victoria Stenbakk, Terje Vasskog, Tone Kristoffersen, Jorunn Pauline Cavanagh et al.:
    Bacterial extracellular vesicles: towards realistic models for bacterial membranes in molecular interaction studies by surface plasmon resonance
    Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hymonti Dey, Danijela Simonovic, Ingrid Sofie Norberg-Schulz Hagen, Terje Vasskog, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Hans-Matti Blencke et al.:
    Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Short Analogues of the Marine Antimicrobial Peptide Turgencin A: Effects of SAR Optimizations, Cys-Cys Cyclization and Lipopeptide Modifications
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nga Dang, Terje Vasskog, Ashwiny Pandey, Rajnish K Calay :
    Production of Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Fucoxanthin in Cold-Tolerant Diatom Strains
    World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Karianne Giller Fleten, Jacobus Johannes Eksteen, Brynjar Mauseth, Ketil André Camilio, Terje Vasskog, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson et al.:
    Oncolytic peptides DTT-205 and DTT-304 induce complete regression and protective immune response in experimental murine colorectal cancer
    Scientific Reports 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lars Dalheim, Jon Brage Svenning, Terje Vasskog, Hans Christian Eilertsen, Ragnar Ludvig Olsen :
    Stability of lipids during wet storage of the marine diatom Porosira glacialis under semi-preserved conditions at 4 and 20 °C
    Journal of Applied Phycology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jacobus Johannes Eksteen, Dominik Ausbacher, Terje Vasskog, Øystein Rekdal, John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen :
    Selective intracellular delivery of thiolated cargo to tumor and neovasculature cells using histidine-rich peptides as vectors
    ACS Omega 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jon Brage Svenning, Lars Dalheim, Terje Vasskog, Lucie Matricon, Birthe Vang, Ragnar Ludvig Olsen :
    Lipid yield from the diatom Porosira glacialis is determined by solvent choice and number of extractions, independent of cell disruption
    Scientific Reports 17. December 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jon Brage Svenning, Lars Dalheim, Hans Christian Eilertsen, Terje Vasskog :
    Temperature dependent growth rate, lipid content and fatty acid composition of the marine cold-water diatom Porosira glacialis
    Algal Research 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lau D. Nielsen, Mads M. Foged, Anastasia Albert, Andreas B. Bertelsen, Cecilie L. Søltoft, Samuel D. Robinson et al.:
    The three-dimensional structure of an H-superfamily conotoxin reveals a granulin fold arising from a common ICK cysteine framework
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2019 DOI
  • Myagmarsuren Sengee, Jacobus Johannes Eksteen, Silje Nergård, Terje Vasskog, Leiv K. Sydnes :
    Preparation and assessment of self-immolative linkers for therapeutic bioconjugates with amino- and hydroxyl-containing cargoes
    Bioconjugate chemistry 2019 DOI
  • Richard Fjellaksel, Angel Moldes-Anaya, Terje Vasskog, Ana Oteiza, Maria Montserrat Martin-Armas, Ole Kristian Hjelstuen et al.:
    Evaluation by metabolic profiling and in vitro autoradiography of two promising GnRH‐receptor ligands for brain SPECT imaging
    Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals 08. December 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elena Artamonova, Terje Vasskog, Hans Christian Eilertsen :
    Lipid content and fatty acid composition of Porosira glacialis and Attheya longicornis in response to carbon dioxide (CO2) aeration
  • Elena Artamonova, Jon Brage Svenning, Terje Vasskog, Espen Hansen, Hans Christian Eilertsen :
    Analysis of phospholipids and neutral lipids in three common northern cold water diatoms: Coscinodiscus concinnus, Porosira glacialis, and Chaetoceros socialis, by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
    Journal of Applied Phycology 2017 DOI
  • Anastasia Albert, Jacobus Johannes Eksteen, Johan Isaksson, Myagmarsuren Sengee, Terkel Hansen, Terje Vasskog :
    General approach to determine disulfide connectivity in cysteine-rich peptides by sequential alkylation on solid phase and mass spectrometry
    Analytical Chemistry 2016 DOI
  • Ove Bergersen, Kine Østnes Hanssen, Terje Vasskog :
    Aerobic treatment of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in landfill leachate
    Environmental Sciences Europe 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elenaz Naderkhani, Terje Vasskog, Gøril Eide Flaten :
    Biomimetic PVPA in vitro model for estimation of the intestinal drug permeability using fasted and fed state simulated intestinal fluids
    European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Terje Vasskog, Jeanette hammer Andersen, Espen Hansen, Johan Svenson :
    Characterization and Cytotoxicity Studies of the Rare 21:4 n-7 Acid and Other Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from the Marine Opisthobranch Scaphander lignarius, Isolated Using Bioassay Guided Fractionation
    Marine Drugs 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ove Bergersen, Kine Østnes Hanssen, Terje Vasskog :
    Anaerobic treatment of sewage sludge containing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
    Bioresource Technology 2012 DOI
  • Johanna Kanzer, Stefan Hupfeld, Terje Vasskog, Ingunn Tho, Peter Hoelig, Markus Maegerlein et al.:
    In situ formation of nanoparticles upon dispersion of melt extrudate formulations in aqueous medium assessed by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation
    Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2010 DOI
  • sigmund Sperstad, Tor Haug, Terje Vasskog, Klara Stensvåg :
    Hyastatin, a glycine-rich multi-domain antimicrobial peptide isolated from the spider crab (Hyas araneus) hemocytes
    Molecular Immunology 2009 DOI
  • Vinos Ismail, Julie Sofie Kleppe Strømberg, Jarle Mikalsen, Terje Vasskog, Lisa Myrseth Hemmingsen :
    Pre-Market Evaluation of Bioactive Peptides in Cosmetic Creams Stability and purity analysis using LC-MS
  • Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff, Agnethe Hansen Bæverud, Njål Rauø, Terje Vasskog, Peik Haugen :
    Bioconversion of industrial side streams from the marine sector
  • Agnethe Hansen Bæverud, Terje Vasskog, Carlos Dinamarca, Sandeep Gyawali, Peik Haugen :
    High-Resolution LC-MS-based Untargeted Lipidomics of a Lipid-rich Bacterial Meal : Assessment of Macronutrient Quality in Product Development
  • Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff, Lindsey Martinsen, Sietske Shalini Grijseels, Terje Vasskog, Jacobus Johannes Eksteen, Peik Haugen :
    Lipid storing Arctic marine bacteria - a story in progress
  • Gøril Laugsand, Terje Vasskog, Peik Haugen, Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff, Njål Rauø :
    Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to identify lipids in marine bacterial biomass
  • Julie Sofie Kleppe Strømberg, Tor Haug, Morten B. Strøm, Terkel Hansen, Terje Vasskog, Johannes Kristensen et al.:
    Structure Elucidation of the Disulfide Connectivity in Marine Antimicrobial Disulfide Rich Peptides
  • Magnus Andersland Antonsen, Kine Østnes Hansen, Espen Holst Hansen, Terje Vasskog :
    Use of metabolomics to identify secondary metabolites from marine algae biomass
  • Marit Huizer, Kristine Haugland, Agnethe Hansen Bæverud, Jon Brage Svenning, Kine Østnes Hansen, Espen Holst Hansen et al.:
    LC-Orbitrap MS/MS based untargeted lipidomics of marine microalgae
  • Hymonti Dey, Danijela Simonovic, Ingrid Sofie Norberg-Schulz Hagen, Terje Vasskog, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Hans-Matti Blencke et al.:
    Antimicrobial activity and mode of action study of short cyclic analogues of the marine antimicrobial peptide Turgencin A
  • Maria Wilhelmsen Hoff, Lindsey Martinsen, Sietske Shalini Grijseels, Terje Vasskog, Jacobus Johannes Eksteen, Peik Haugen :
    Lipid storing Arctic marine bacteria and the quest to a sustainable bioeconomy
  • Hymonti Dey, Danijela Simonovic, Ingrid Sofie Norberg-Schulz Hagen, Terje Vasskog, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Hans-Matti Blencke et al.:
    Antimicrobial Activity and Mode of Action Study of Short Analogues of The Marine Antimicrobial Peptide Turgencin A
  • Sietske Grijseels, Torbjørn Norberg Myhre, Terje Vasskog, Terkel Hansen, Marie Mardal :
    Development and validation of an LC-HRMS analytical platform for a long-term, clinical metabolome profiling study
  • Danijela Simonovic, Hymonti Dey, Natascha Johansen, Trude Anderssen, Terje Vasskog, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim et al.:
    Investigation of the antimicrobial activity and proteolytic stability of the short analogues of the marine peptide EeCentrocin 1
  • Hymonti Dey, Danijela Simonovic, Ingrid Sofie Norberg-Schulz Hagen, Terje Vasskog, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Hans-Matti Blencke et al.:
    Antimicrobial activity and mode of action study of short analogues of the marine antimicrobial peptide Turgencin A
  • Danijela Simonovic, Hymonti Dey, Natascha Johansen, Trude Anderssen, Terje Vasskog, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim et al.:
    Investigation of the antimicrobial activity and proteolytic stability of the short analogues of the marine peptide EeCentrocin 1
  • Richard Fjellaksel, Ana Oteiza, armas maria montserrat Martin, Jørn H Hansen, Angel Moldes-Anaya, Terje Vasskog et al.:
    Development and evaluation of gonadotropin releasing hormone SPECT radioligands
    2018 DATA
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Terje Vasskog, Rasmus Goll, Jon Florholmen et al.:
    Lipidomics and Metabolomics in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: From pathology to clinical development prediction
  • Julie Sofie Strømberg, Helene Thorsen Rønning, Aasim Ali Musa M., Terje Vasskog, Roland Kallenborn :
    Levels of selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in contaminated seawater from Tromsø, Norway
  • Roland Kallenborn, Eva Brorström-Lunden, Lars Otto Reiersen, Pernilla Marianne Carlsson, Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth, Nicholas Alexander Warner et al.:
    Organic contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) as indicators for thorough source elucidation and risk evaluation in modern Arctic environmental assessments.
  • Julie Sofie Strømberg, Roland Kallenborn, Helene Thorsen Rønning, Terje Vasskog :
    Levels of selected pharmaceuticals (PPCPs) in seawater and biota near the sewage outlet of a North Norwegian Hospital (Tromsø, Norway).
  • Roland Kallenborn, Julie Sofie Strømberg, Lars-Otto Reiersen, Terje Vasskog :
    Pharmaceuticals as new emerging contaminants in the Arctic environment: Implications and Perspectives
  • Kine Smellror, Renate Døving Osvik, Terje Vasskog :
    Stability of SSRIs in a simulated marine environment
  • Brogård Charlotte, Morten Kaare Moe, Terje Vasskog :
    Structure elucidation of intact phospholipids in marine oils by HR-MSE
  • Anette O. Siiri, Kine Østnes Hanssen, Trine Stiberg, Bernt Igeland, Terje Vasskog, Johan Svenson et al.:
    Isolation and characterization of Ianthelline from an arctic sponge
  • Terje Vasskog :
    Analyse av legemidler i miljøet ved hjelp av væske-væske mikroekstraksjon og HPLC-MS/MS
  • Lena Christine Vaagsfjord, Klara Stensvåg, Tor Haug, Terje Vasskog :
    Antimicrobial activity of the marine sponge Mycale sp. A comparison of three extraction methods
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2009
  • Lena Christine Vaagsfjord, Tor Haug, Terje Vasskog, Klara Stensvåg :
    Isolation of antimicrobial molecules form the marine sponge Mycale sp
  • Ingjerd Heiberg Jakobsen, Terje Vasskog :
    Analyse av benzodiazepiner i miljøprøver ved hjelp av LPME og UPLC-MS/MS

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests


    Terje Vasskog is research group leader for the Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry Research Group. He is an Associate Professor in analytical chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy, UiT the Arctic University of Norway. His research involves development of new bioactive peptides, as well as mass spectrometry based structure elucidation of such peptides, and for the last few years he has been working with global metabolomics and lipidomics both within health related research and carbon capture technology.


    1) Structure elucidation and bioactivity optimization of disulphide rich peptides

    2) Global metabolomics and lipidomics

    3) Method development for targeted and untargeted LC- and GC-MS/MS analyses

    RESEARCHGATE: Terje Vasskog


    Structure elucidation, bioactivity screening and optimization of disulphide rich peptides

    BMFishFeed: Development of a bacterial meal with a tailored high-lipid content for use as feed additive in aquaculture


    TROMBOLOME: The Tromsø study metabolome

    Mapping antimicrobial resistance through a mass spectrometry (MS) based multi-omics approach

    Investigating the impact of antibiotic and probiotic use on the early life human gut microbiome: A metabolomic approach


    Bachelor level

    Far-2302 Pharmaceutical Analysis - Course Manager

    Master level

    Far-3301 Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Lectures and lab course

    Far-3311 Advanced Analytical Chemistry - Course Manager

    Far-3312 Advenced Practical Analytical Chemistry - Lab course

    PhD level

    Far-8311 Advanced Analytical Chemistry 2 - Lectures

    Far-8312 Advanced Practical Analytical Chemistry 2 - Course Manager


    Course leader in Far-2302 Pharmaceutical analysis (Bachelor level)

    Course leader in Far-3312 Advanced Practical Analytical Chemistry (master level)

    Course leader in Far-8311 Advanced Analytical Chemsitry II (PhD level)

    Teaching in Far-3301 Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Master level),  Far-3311 Advanced Analytical Chemistry (Master level) and Far-8312 Advanced Practical Analytical Chemistry II (PhD level)