Hege Oma Ohnstad,
Egil Støre Blix,
Lars Andreas Akslen,
Bjørnar Gilje,
Sunil Xavier Raj,
Helle Skjerven
et al.:
Impact of Prosigna test on adjuvant treatment decision in lymph node-negative early breast cancer—a prospective national multicentre study (EMIT-1)
Katarina Puco,
Gro Live Fagereng,
Sigmund Brabrand,
Pitt Niehusmann,
Egil Støre Blix,
Eli Sihn Samdal Steinskog
et al.:
IMPRESS-Norway: improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway; inclusion rates and preliminary results
Dagny Førde,
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Mona Irene Pedersen,
Egil Støre Blix,
Ilona Halva Urbarova,
Erna-Elise Paulsen
et al.:
High density of TCF1+ stem-like tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes is associated with favorable disease-specific survival in NSCLC
Frontiers in Immunology 2024
Oleksii Nikolaienko,
Hans Petter Eikesdal,
Elisabet Ognedal Berge,
Bjørnar Gilje,
Steinar Lundgren,
Egil Støre Blix
et al.:
Prenatal BRCA1 epimutations contribute significantly to triple-negative breast cancer development
Jürgen Geisler,
Peeter Karihtala,
Malgorzata Tuxen,
Antonis Valachis,
Cecilia Ahlin,
Cathrine Bergquist Fosskaug
et al.:
Current treatment landscape of HR+/HER2− advanced breast cancer in the Nordics: a modified Delphi study
Synnøve Yndestad,
Christina Engebrethsen,
A. Herencia-Ropero,
Oleksii Nikolaienko,
Olav Karsten Vintermyr,
Reidun Kristine Lillestøl
et al.:
Homologous Recombination Deficiency Across Subtypes of Primary Breast Cancer
JCO Precision Oncology (JCO PO) 2023
Albulena Mecinaj,
Geeta Gulati,
Siri Lagethon Heck,
Espen Holte,
Morten Wang Fagerland,
Alf Inge Larsen
et al.:
Rationale and design of the PRevention of cArdiac Dysfunction during Adjuvant breast cancer therapy (PRADA II) trial: a randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial
Cardio-Oncology 27. September 2021
Thomas Helland,
Bjørn Naume,
Steinar Hustad,
Ersilia Bifulco,
Jan Terje Kvaløy,
Anna Barbro Sætersdal
et al.:
Low Z-4OHtam concentrations are associated with adverse clinical outcome among early stage premenopausal breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant tamoxifen
Hans Petter Eikesdal,
Synnøve Yndestad,
Asmaa Elzawahry,
Alba Llop-Guevara,
Bjørnar Gilje,
Egil Støre Blix
et al.:
Olaparib monotherapy as primary treatment in unselected triple negative breast cancer
Annals of Oncology 24. November 2020
Lars Ottestad,
Line Fronth,
Sajitha Rajendiran,
Liv Hege Aksnes,
Hans Petter Eikesdal,
Egil Støre Blix
et al.:
Observational study of everolimus plus exemestane in postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer
Sigurd Hald,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez,
Elin Richardsen,
Samer Al-Saad,
Erna Elise Paulsen
et al.:
LAG-3 in Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer: Expression in Primary Tumors and Metastatic Lymph Nodes Is Associated With Improved Survival
Clinical Lung Cancer 2018
Ahmed R. Eldesoky,
Giulio Francolini,
Mette S. Thomsen,
Esben S. Yates,
Tine B. Nyeng,
Carine Kirkove
et al.:
Dosimetric assessment of an Atlas based automated segmentation for loco-regional radiation therapy of early breast cancer in the Skagen Trial 1: A multi-institutional study
Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2017
Giulio Francolini,
Mette S. Thomsen,
Esben S. Yates,
Carine Kirkove,
Ingelise Jensen,
Egil Støre Blix
et al.:
Quality assessment of delineation and dose planning of early breast cancer patients included in the randomized Skagen Trial 1
Radiotherapy and Oncology 2017
Egil Støre Blix,
Anne Husebekk
Raiders of the lost mark – endothelial cells and their role in transplantation for hematologic malignancies
Leukemia and Lymphoma 2016
AR Eldesoky,
ES Yates,
TB Nyeng,
MS Thomsen,
HM Nielsen,
P Poortmans
et al.:
Internal and external validation of an ESTRO delineation guideline - dependent automated segmentation tool for loco-regional radiation therapy of early breast cancer.
Radiotherapy and Oncology 2016
Kari Flo,
Egil Støre Blix,
Anne Husebekk,
Anders Thommassen,
Andreas Tendeland Uhre,
Tom Wilsgaard
et al.:
A longitudinal study of maternal endothelial function, inflammatory response and uterine artery blood flow during the second half of pregnancy
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2016
Egil Støre Blix,
Anders Benjamin Kildal,
Eirin Listau Bertelsen,
Anders Waage,
June Myklebust,
Arne Kolstad
et al.:
Content of endothelial progenitor cells in autologous stem cellgrafts predict survival after transplantation for multiplemyeloma
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2015
Egil Støre Blix,
Jonathan M. Irish,
Anne Husebekk,
Jan Delabie,
Lise Forfang,
Anne Tierens
et al.:
Phospho-spesific flow cytometry identifies aberrant signaling in indolent B-cell lymphoma
Ingrid Dyvik,
Gro Live Fagereng,
Tonje Lien,
Vigdis Nygaard,
Laxmi Silwal-Pandit,
J Christopher Noon
et al.:
Comprehensive genomic profiling of circulating tumor DNA for treatment recommendation: A sub-project of the IMPRESS-Norway trial.
Åslaug Helland,
Eli Sihn Samdal Steinskog,
Egil Støre Blix,
Åsmund Flobak,
Sigmund Brabrand,
Katarina Puco
et al.:
Hever kvaliteten på behandling av kreft
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 18. January 2024
Camilla Øvrebø ONDRČKOVA,
Åslaug Helland,
Egil Støre Blix,
Daniel Heinrich,
Kristina Yvonne Kathe Lindemann
ESMO-kongressen 2023 – dette gleder kreftlegene seg til
20. October 2023
Åslaug Helland,
Hege Elisabeth Giercksky Russnes,
Gro Live Fagereng,
Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli,
Yvonne Andersson,
Thomas Berg
et al.:
Correction to: Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway: IMPRESS-Norway (Journal of Translational Medicine, (2022), 20, 1, (225), 10.1186/s12967-022-03432-5)
Journal of Translational Medicine 2022
Åslaug Helland,
Hege Elisabeth Giercksky Russnes,
Gro Live Fagereng,
Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli,
Yvonne Andersson,
Thomas Berg
et al.:
Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway: IMPRESS-Norway
Egil Støre Blix
A national precision cancer medicine implementation initiative for Norway
Egil Støre Blix
Åslaug Helland og Egil Blix, • IMPRESS–Norway - hvordan går det?
Egil Støre Blix
Persontilpasset medisin hos pasienter med brystkreft
Hans Petter Eikesdal,
Synnøve Yndestad,
Egil Støre Blix,
Steinar Lundgren,
Geirfinn Vagstad,
Helge Espelid
et al.:
Neoadjuvant olaparib monotherapy in primary triple negative breast cancer
Hans Petter Eikesdal,
Christina Clausen,
Egil Støre Blix,
Steinar Lundgren,
Geirfinn Vagstad,
Helge Espelid
et al.:
Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy with palbociclib in patients with high-risk breast cancer
Mona Stedenfeldt,
Pål Øian,
Mika Gissler,
Egil Støre Blix,
Jouko Pirhonen
Authors' reply: Risk factors for obstetric anal sphincter injury after a successful multicentre interventional programme
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014
Kari Flo,
Anne Husebekk,
Åse VÅrtun,
Egil Støre Blix,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Ganesh Acharya
A longitudinal study of maternal vascular reactivity, circulating endothelial progenitor celss and inflammatory response during the second half of pregnancy
Pregnancy Hypertension 2013
Mona Stedenfeldt,
Jouko Pirhonen,
Egil Støre Blix,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Barthold Vonen,
Pål Øian
Epsiotomy characterisitics and risk for anal sphincter injuries: a case-control study
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2012
Egil Støre Blix,
Jonathan M. Irish,
Anne Husebekk,
Jan Delabie,
Anne Tierens,
June Myklebust
et al.:
Altered BCR and CD40 signalling are associated with clinical outcome in small lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and marginal zone lymphoma patients
British Journal of Haematology 2012
Mona Stedenfeldt,
Jouko Pirhonen,
Egil Støre Blix,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Barthold Vonen,
Pål Øian
Neurourology and Urodynamics 2012
Egil Støre Blix,
Anne Husebekk
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC)- expression and function in cancer
Regional forskningskonferanse innen medisin og helse 2006
Egil Støre Blix,
Anne Husebekk
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC)-expression and function in cancer