Bilde av Hellesnes, Ragnhild
Bilde av Hellesnes, Ragnhild
Associate professor in oncology Department of Clinical Medicine undefined

Ragnhild Hellesnes

Job description

I work 20% as an associate professor at UiT combined with 50% as consultant and 50% as postodctoral fellow at the Oncology Department, University Hospital of North Norway.

  • Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Alv A Dahl, Lene Thorsen, Ragnhild Hellesnes, Cecilie E. Kiserud, Torgrim Tandstad et al.:
    Mortality and Second Cancer Incidence after Treatment for Testicular Cancer: Psychosocial Health and Lifestyle Are Modifiable Prognostic Factors
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 05. April 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Hellesnes, Tor Åge Myklebust, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Roy M. Bremnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Øivind Kvammen et al.:
    Testicular cancer in the cisplatin era: Causes of death and mortality rates in a population-based cohort
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 13. August 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Hellesnes, Tor Åge Myklebust, Roy M. Bremnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Øivind Kvammen, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard et al.:
    Metachronous Contralateral Testicular Cancer in the Cisplatin Era: A Population-Based Cohort Study
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Hellesnes, Øivind Kvammen, Tor Åge Myklebust, Roy M. Bremnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard et al.:
    Continuing increased risk of second cancer in long-term testicular cancer survivors after treatment in the cisplatin era
    International Journal of Cancer 2019 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Line Veronika Hjelle, Per Ole Mobråten Gundersen, Ragnhild Hellesnes, Mette Sprauten, Marianne Brydøy, Torgrim Tanstad et al.:
    Long-term serum platinum changes and their association with cisplatin-related late effects in testicular cancer survivors
    Acta Oncologica 2018 DOI
  • Torgrim Tandstad, Ragnhild Hellesnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Øivind Kvammen, Carl W. Langberg, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard et al.:
    Late relapse in testicular cancer: A report from a national cohort. Oral presentation
  • Torgrim Tandstad, Ragnhild Hellesnes, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Carl W. Langberg, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard et al.:
    Late relapses in testicular cancer: Results from a national cohort
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022 FULLTEKST / DOI

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My main research interests are related to long-term effects after cancer treatment and diagnostics, treatment and follow-up within urologic cancers, mainly testicular cancer.

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