Georg Høyer

  • Georg Høyer, Olav Nyttingnes, Jorun Rugkåsa, Ekaterina Sharashova, Tone Breines Simonsen, Anne Høye et al.:
    Impact of introducing capacity-based mental health legislation on the use of community treatment orders in Norway: case registry study
    BJPsych Open 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henriette Riley, Ekaterina Sharashova, Jorun Rugkåsa, Olav Nyttingnes, Tore Buer Christensen, Ann-Torunn Andersen Austegard et al.:
    Out-patient commitment order use in Norway: Incidence and prevalence rates, duration and use of mental health services from the Norwegian Outpatient Commitment Study
    BJPsych Open 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henriette Riley, Geir F Lorem, Georg Høyer :
    Community treatment orders – what are the views of decision makers?
    Journal of Mental Health 2018 DOI
  • Jorun Rugkåsa, Olav Nyttingnes, Tone Breines Simonsen, Jurate Saltyte Benth, Bjørn Lau, Henriette Riley et al.:
    The use of outpatient commitment in Norway: Who are the patients and what does it involve?
    International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 2018 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Henriette Riley, Bjørn Straume, Georg Høyer :
    Patients on outpatient commitment orders in Northern Norway
    BMC Psychiatry 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bjørn Stensrud, Georg Høyer, Gro Beston, Arild Granerud, Anne Landheim :
    “Care or control?”: a qualitative study of staff experiences with outpatient commitment orders
    Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2016 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Bjørn Stensrud, Georg Høyer, Arild Granerud, Anne Landheim :
    ‘Responsible, but Still not a Real Treatment Partner’: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Relatives of Patients on Outpatient Commitment Orders
    Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2015 DATA / DOI
  • Bjørn Stensrud, Georg Høyer, Arild Granerud, Anne Landheim :
    "Life on Hold": A Qualitative Study of Patient Experiences with Outpatient Commitment in Two Norwegian Counties
    Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2015 DATA / DOI
  • Henriette Riley, Georg Høyer, Geir F Lorem :
    'When coercion moves into your home’ – a qualitative study of patient experiences with outpatient commitment in Norway
    Health and Social Care in the Community 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • John Gunnar Mæland, Kjell Haug, Georg Høyer, Steinar Krokstad :
    Hva er sosialmedisin?
    Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2011
  • Steinar Krokstad, Georg Høyer :
    Sosial ulikhet i helse
    Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2011
  • Georg Høyer :
    Tjenester for svakstilte grupper - Integrasjon eller særomsorg?
    Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2011
  • Georg Høyer :
    Rus og avhengighet
    Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2011
  • Knut Ivar Iversen, Georg Høyer, Harold Sexton :
    Rates for civil commitment to psychiatric hospitals in Norway. Are registry data accurate?
    Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2009 DOI
  • Georg Høyer :
    Involuntary hospitalization in contemporary mental health care. Some (still) unanswered questions
    Journal of Mental Health 2008 DOI
  • KI Iversen, Georg Høyer, Harold Sexton :
    Coercion and patient satisfaction on psychiatric acute wards
    International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 2007 DOI
  • John Gunnar Mæland, Kjell Haug, Georg Høyer, Steinar Krokstad :
    Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2011
  • John Gunnar Mæland, Per Fugelli, Georg Høyer, Steinar Westin :
    Sosialmedisin - i teori og praksis
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2004 OMTALE
  • Aslak Syse, Georg Høyer :
    KROM og kriminalpolitiske særforholdsregler
    Pax Forlag 2020
  • Georg Høyer :
    Herman Wedel Major - personen, legen og reformatoren
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2016 DOI

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