Sondre Haakonson Arntsen

Doctoral Research Fellow

Job description

Sondre H. Arntsen is a doctoral research fellow in work package 3 of the Norwegian Research Council project "Healthy choices and the social gradient", with the PhD project "Height as a marker of social inequality in health". The purpose of his PhD project is to investigate the relationship between height, socioeconomic status, and cardiovascular disease. The project uses data from the Tromsø Study. He is part of the research group Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases ( at the Department of Community Medicine. 

Sondre has previously worked as a research technician in the Generation 100 study and HUNT4 heart and fitness study at the Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CERG), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He has clinical experience with physiological testing of cardiovascular disease patients from Moloklinikken.

  • Sondre Haakonson Arntsen, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Tom Wilsgaard, Inger Njølstad, Anne Helen Hansen :
    Time trends in body height according to educational level. A descriptive study from the Tromsø Study 1979-2016
  • Sondre Haakonson Arntsen, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Sameline Grimsgaard, Elin Benedikte Skog, Magnus Aamo Holte :
    Åpnet i nye lokaler – her skal titusenvis av tromsøværinger innom til neste år
    19. February 2024 DATA
  • Georg Mathisen, Sondre Haakonson Arntsen :
    Slik skiller akademikerkroppen seg fra andre kropper
    03. February 2023 DATA
  • Sondre Haakonson Arntsen :
    Er du over gjennomsnittlig høy? Da har du trolig også gått på universitetet
    Nettavisen 13. February 2023 DATA
  • Sondre Haakonson Arntsen :
    Er du over gjennomsnittlig høy, har du trolig også gått på universitetet 2023 DATA
  • Sven Ole Engelsvold, Sondre Haakonson Arntsen :
    Høye mennesker tar høy utdannelse
    15. February 2023 DATA
  • Joar Hystad, Sondre Haakonson Arntsen :
    Derfor er høydeforskjellen mellom de med lav og høy utdanning mindre nå enn før
    23. February 2023 DATA
  • Sondre Haakonson Arntsen, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Tom Wilsgård, Inger Njølstad, Anne Helen Hansen :
    Secular trends in body height according to educational level -A descriptive study from The Tromsø Study 1979-2016

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    • Trends in body height at population level
    • Social inequality in health
    • Cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors
    • Cardiorespiratory fitness and ageing 


    Epidemiology and statistics to students in the medical program, nutrition (bachelor's and master's level), and Master of Public Health students. Group teacher on the PhD course in epidemiology (HEL-8013).

    Sondre has been the main supervisor for student assignments and theses with the following topics:

    • Height and risk of atrial fibrillation
    • Height and risk of coronary heart disease
    • Endurance training for patients with high blood pressure
    • Strength training in older adults
    • Effect of ketogenic diets on performance for endurance athletes
    • High-intensity interval training for patients with heart failure