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Førsteamanuensis Department of Clinical Medicine Tromsø

Linda Berg

  • Håvard Furunes, Linda Berg, Ansgar Espeland, Hanne Thoresen, Gesche F Neckelmann, Helga Maria Brøgger et al.:
    Facet arthropathy following disc replacement versus rehabilitation: A prospective study with 8-year follow-up
    Spine 2020 DOI
  • Linda Berg, Hanne Thoresen, Gesche F Neckelmann, Håvard Furunes, Christian Hellum, Ansgar Espeland :
    Facet arthropathy evaluation: CT or MRI?
    European Radiology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Håvard Furunes, Christian Hellum, Ansgar Espeland, Jens Ivar Brox, Milada C Småstuen, Linda Berg et al.:
    Adjacent disc degeneration after lumbar total disc replacement or non-operative Treatment: A randomized study with eight-year follow-up
    Spine 22. May 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Håvard Furunes, Christian Hellum, Jens Ivar Brox, Ivar Rossvoll, Ansgar Espeland, Linda Berg et al.:
    Lumbar total disc replacement: predictors for long-term outcome
    European spine journal 04. November 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kjersti Storheim, Linda Berg, Christian Hellum, Øivind Gjertsen, Gesche F Neckelmann, Ansgar Espeland et al.:
    Fat in the lumbar multifidus muscles - predictive value and change following disc prosthesis surgery and multidiciplinary rehabilitation in patients With chronic low back pain and degenerative disc: 2-year follow-up of a randomized trial.
    BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Linda Berg, Christian Hellum, Øivind Gjertsen, Gesche F Neckelmann, Lars Gunnar Johnsen, Kjersti Storheim et al.:
    Do more MRI findings imply worse disability or more intense low back pain? A cross-sectional study of candidates for lumbar disc prosthesis
    Skeletal Radiology 2013 DOI
  • Christian Hellum, Linda Berg, Øivind Gjertsen, Lars Gunnar Johnsen, Gesche F Neckelmann, Kjersti Storheim et al.:
    Adjacent level degeneration and facet arthropathy after disc prosthesis surgery or rehabilitation in patients with chronic low back pain and degenerative disc
    Spine 2012 DOI
  • Linda Berg, Øivind Gjertsen, Christian Hellum, Gesche F Neckelmann, Lars Gunnar Johnsen, Geir Egil Eide et al.:
    Reliability of change in lumbar MRI findings over time in patients with and without disc prosthesis-comparing two different image evaluation methods
    Skeletal Radiology 2012 DOI
  • Christian Hellum, Lars Gunnar Johnsen, Øivind Gjertsen, Linda Berg, Gesche F Neckelmann, Oliver Grundnes et al.:
    Predictors of outcome after surgery with disc prosthesis and rehabilitation in patients with chronic low back pain and degenerative disc: 2-year follow-up
    European spine journal 2012 DOI
  • Linda Berg, Gesche F Neckelmann, Øivind Gjertsen, Christian Hellum, Lars Gunnar Johnsen, Geir Egil Eide et al.:
    Reliability of MRI findings in candidates for lumbar disc prosthesis
    Neuroradiology 2012 DOI
  • Philip Wilkens, Kjersti Storheim, Inger B. Scheel, Linda Berg, Ansgar Espeland :
    No effect of 6-month intake of glucosamine sulfate on Modic changes or high intensity zones in the lumbar spine: sub-group analysis of a randomized controlled trial
    Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine (JNRBM) 17. August 2012 DOI
  • Linda Berg :
    MRI findings in candidates for lumbar disc prosthesis: reliability and relationship to disablility and pain
    Universitetet i Bergen 2014 FULLTEKST
  • Linda Berg :
    Reliabilitet for endring i lumbale MR funn hos pasienter med og uten skiveprotese
  • Linda Berg :
    Reliability of change in lumbar MRI findings
  • Linda Berg :
    Reliabilitet av MR-funn hos kandidater for lumbal skiveprotese

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →