Purnima Bhat,
Arthur John Kaffes,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Lars Aabakken
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in the surgically altered patient
Knut Jørgen Labori,
Svein Olav Bratlie,
Bodil Andersson,
Jon-Helge Angelsen,
Christina Biörserud,
Bergthor Björnsson
et al.:
Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX versus upfront surgery for resectable pancreatic head cancer (NORPACT-1): a multicentre, randomised, phase 2 trial
The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2024
Johan Ulrik Carling,
Sigurd Berger,
Eyvind Gjønnæss,
Bård Ingvald Røsok,
Sheraz Yakub,
Kristoffer Lassen
et al.:
Transfemoral hepatic vein access in double vein embolization – initial experience and feasibility
Sini Takala,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Kjetil Søreide,
Ernesto Sparrelid,
Jon-Helge Angelsen,
Erling Audun Bringeland
et al.:
Practice patterns in diagnostics, staging, and management strategies of gallbladder cancer among Nordic tertiary centers
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 2023
Mushegh Sahakyan,
Dyre Kleive,
Rachel Dille,
Trond Kjeseth,
Kim Waardal,
Bjørn von Gohren Edwin
et al.:
The Role of Preoperative Inflammatory Markers in Pancreatectomy: a Norwegian Nationwide Cohort Study
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2023
Mushegh Sahakyan,
Kristoffer Watten Brudvik,
Jon-Helge Angelsen,
Rachel Dille,
Oddvar Mathias Sandvik,
Bjørn von Gohren Edwin
et al.:
Preoperative Inflammatory Markers in Liver Resection for Colorectal Liver Metastases: A National Registry-Based Study
World Journal of Surgery 2023
Nicky van der Heijde,
Burak Görgec,
Joal D. Beane,
Francesca Ratti,
Giulio Belli,
Andrea Benedetti Cacciaguerra
et al.:
Transatlantic registries for minimally invasive liver surgery: towards harmonization
Surgical Endoscopy 2023
Linda Bergestuen,
Thomas A. Waksvik Moger,
Kjersti Oterhals,
Frank Pfeffer,
Torunn Kristin Nestvold,
Stig Norderval
et al.:
Translation and validation of the Norwegian version of the postoperative quality of recovery score QoR-15
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2023
Mushegh Sahakyan,
Davit Aghayan,
Bjørn von Gohren Edwin,
Ruslan Alikhanov,
Natalia Britskaia,
Kristoffer Watten Brudvik
et al.:
Laparoscopic versus open liver resection for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: a multicenter propensity score-matched study
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2022
Linn Såve Nymo,
Tor Åge Myklebust,
Hanne Mari Hamre,
Bjørn Møller,
Kristoffer Lassen
Treatment and survival of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: 15-year national cohort
British Journal of Surgery 2022
Knut Jørgen Labori,
Tore Tholfsen,
Sheraz Yaqub,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Dyre Kleive,
Anne Waage
Gastro- or Duodenojejunostomy Leaks After Pancreatoduodenectomy: Single Center Experience and Narrative Literature Review
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2021
Mushegh A. Sahakyan,
Caroline S. Verbeke,
Tore Tholfsen,
Dejan Ignjatovic,
Dyre Kleive,
Trond Buanes
et al.:
Prognostic Impact of Resection Margin Status in Distal Pancreatectomy for Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Annals of Surgical Oncology 2021
Sheraz Yaqub,
Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth,
Jon-Helge Angelsen,
Claus W. Fristrup,
Jon Erik Grønbech,
Oskar Hemmingsson
et al.:
Aspirin as secondary prevention in colorectal cancer liver metastasis (ASAC trial): study protocol for a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial
Davit Aghayan,
Airazat Kazaryan,
Åsmund Avdem Fretland,
Bård Ingvald Røsok,
Leonid Barkhatov,
Kristoffer Lassen
et al.:
Evolution of laparoscopic liver surgery: 20-year experience of a Norwegian high-volume referral center
Kushtrim Kryeziu,
Seyed Hossein Moosavi,
Christian Holst Bergsland,
Marianne Guren,
Peter Andreas Wold Eide,
Max Totland
et al.:
Increased sensitivity to SMAC mimetic LCL161 identified by longitudinal ex vivo pharmacogenomics of recurrent, KRAS mutated rectal cancer liver metastases
Journal of Translational Medicine 2021
Emmanuel Melloul,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Didier Roulin,
Fabian Grass,
Julie Perinel,
Mustapha Adham
et al.:
Guidelines for perioperative care for pancreatoduodenectomy: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) recommendations 2019
World Journal of Surgery 2020
Linn Såve Nymo,
Dyre Kleive,
Kim Waardal,
Erling Audun Bringeland,
Jon Arne Søreide,
Knut Jørgen Labori
et al.:
Centralizing a national pancreatoduodenectomy service: striking the right balance
Kjetil Søreide,
Linn Såve Nymo,
Dyre Kleive,
Frank Olsen,
Kristoffer Lassen
Variation in use of open and laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy and associated outcome metrics in a universal health care system
Kristoffer Watten Brudvik,
Sheraz Yaqub,
E Kemsley,
MME Coolsen,
CHC Dejong,
SJ Wigmore
et al.:
Survey of the attitudes of hepatopancreaticobiliary surgeons in northern Europe to resection of choledohal cysts in asymptomatic Western adults
Eli Skeie,
Randi Julie Tangvik,
Linn Såve Nymo,
Stig Harthug,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Asgaut Viste
Weight loss and BMI criteria in GLIM's definition of malnutrition is associated with postoperative complications following abdominal resections – Results from a National Quality Registry
Dyre Kleive,
Mushegh Sahakyan,
Knut Jørgen Labori,
Kristoffer Lassen
Nasogastric Tube on Demand is Rarely Necessary After Pancreatoduodenectomy Within an Enhanced Recovery Pathway
World Journal of Surgery 2019
Kristoffer Lassen,
Linn Såve Nymo,
Frank Olsen,
Kristoffer Watten Brudvik,
Åsmund Avdem Fretland,
Kjetil Søreide
Contemporary practice and short-term outcomes after liver resections in a complete national cohort
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2018
Linn Såve Nymo,
Kjetil Søreide,
Dyre Kleive,
Frank Olsen,
Kristoffer Lassen
The effect of centralization on short term outcomes of pancreatoduodenectomy in a universal health care system
Linn Såve Nymo,
Lars Aabakken,
Kristoffer Lassen
Priority and prejudice: does low socioeconomic status bias waiting time for endoscopy? A blinded,randomized survey
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018
Kristoffer Lassen,
Linn Såve Nymo,
Frank Olsen,
Kjetil Søreide
Benchmarking of aggregated length of stay after open and laparoscopic surgery for cancers of the digestive system
Kristoffer Lassen,
Linn Såve Nymo,
Hartwig Kørner,
Kevin Otto Thon,
Torkil Grindstein,
Hans Wasmuth
et al.:
The New National Registry for Gastrointestinal Surgery in Norway: NoRGast
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 2018
Linn Såve Nymo,
Stig Norderval,
Morten Tandberg Eriksen,
Hans Wasmuth,
Hartwig Kørner,
Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth
et al.:
Short-term outcomes after elective colon cancer surgery: an observational study from the Norwegian registry for gastrointestinal and HPB surgery, NoRGast
Kjetil Søreide,
Frank Olsen,
Linn Såve Nymo,
Dyre Kleive,
Kristoffer Lassen
A nationwide cohort study of resection rates and short-term outcomes in open and laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy
Knut Jørgen Labori,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Dag Hoem,
Jon Erik Grønbech,
Jon Arne Søreide,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
et al.:
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus surgery first for resectable pancreatic cancer (Norwegian Pancreatic Cancer Trial - 1
(NorPACT-1)) – study protocol for a national multicentre randomized controlled trial
Anneli Giske,
Linn Såve Nymo,
Ole-Martin Fuskevåg,
Siri Amundsen,
Gunnar Skov Simonsen,
Kristoffer Lassen
Systemic antibiotic prophylaxis prior to gastrointestinal surgery – is oral administration of doxycycline and metronidazole adequate?
Infectious Diseases 2017
Eirik Kjus Aahlin,
Frank Olsen,
Bård Uleberg,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Kristoffer Lassen
Major postoperative complications are associated with impaired long-term survival after gastro-esophageal and pancreatic cancer surgery: a complete national cohort
Eirik Kjus Aahlin,
Gerd Tranø,
N Johns,
Arild Horn,
Jon Arne Søreide,
KC Fearon
et al.:
Health-related quality of life, cachexia and overall survival after major upper abdominal surgery: A prospective cohort study
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 2016
Eirik Kjus Aahlin,
Gerd Tranø,
Neil Johns,
Arild Horn,
Jon Arne Søreide,
Kenneth Christopher H. Fearon
et al.:
Risk factors, complications and survival after upper abdominal surgery: A prospective cohort study
Michael Hughes,
Mariëlle M.E. Coolsen,
Eirik Kjus Aahlin,
Ewen M Harrison,
Stephen J McNally,
C. H. C Dejong
et al.:
Attitudes of patients and care providers to enhanced recovery after surgery programs after major abdominal surgery
Journal of Surgical Research 2015
Andrew Currie,
Jennifer Burch,
John T. Jenkins,
Omar Faiz,
Robin H. Kennedy,
Olle Ljungqvist
et al.:
The impact of enhanced recovery protocol compliance on elective colorectal cancer resection: Results from an international registry
Annals of Surgery 2015
Eirik Kjus Aahlin,
Maarten von Meyenfeldt,
Cornelis H.C. Dejong,
Olle Ljungqvist,
Kenneth C. Fearon,
Dileep N Lobo
et al.:
Functional recovery is considered the most important target: a survey of dedicated professionals
Sheraz Yakub,
Bjørn von Gohren Edwin,
Zane Hammoud,
Gabriel Herrera-Almario,
Buthaina Jabir,
Kristoffer Lassen
et al.:
Gaza War: Too many citizens being killed
British Journal of Surgery 2024
Knut Jørgen Labori,
Svein Olav Bratlie,
Svein Dueland,
Kristoffer Lassen
NORPACT-1: implications for future trials – Authors' reply
The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2024
Poorna Anandavadivelan,
Daniele Cardinale,
Rune Blomhoff,
Berit Sunde,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Dyre Kleive
et al.:
Blood flow restriction Exercise in the perioperative setting to Prevent loss of muscle mass in patients with pancreatic, biliary tract, and liver cancer: study protocol for the PREV-Ex randomized controlled trial
Sheraz Yakub,
Ernesto Sparrelid,
José Sampaio-Neto,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Stephen J Wigmore
Israel and Gaza: the killing of civilians must stop
Nicky van der Heijde,
Burak Görgec,
Joal D. Beane,
Francesca Ratti,
Giulio Belli,
Andrea Benedetti Cacciaguerra
et al.:
Correction: Transatlantic registries for minimally invasive liver surgery: towards harmonization (Surgical Endoscopy, (2023), 10.1007/s00464-022-09765-y)
Surgical Endoscopy 2023
Ayham Alshbib,
Krzysztof Grzyb,
Trygve Syversveen,
Henrik Mikael Reims,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Sheraz Yaqub
Biliary Adenofibroma: A Rare Liver Tumor with Transition to Invasive Carcinoma
Case Reports in Surgery 2022
Hanne Hamre,
Kristoffer Lassen
Bedre oversikt over pankreaskreft i Norge
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2021
Marcus Holmberg,
Hanna Koppatz,
Anders Jansson,
Jens Georg Hillingsø,
Peter Noergaard Larsen,
Kristoffer Lassen
et al.:
Secondary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgical management of hepatopancreatobiliary malignancies in the Nordic capitals
British Journal of Surgery 2021
Kristoffer Lassen
The tube, the pancreatoduodenectomy-and the dogma
Kristin Hammersbøen Bjørlykke,
Lars Lohne Eftang,
Krzysztof Grzyb,
Pål Dag Line,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Jørgen Jahnsen
A man in his fifties with abdominal pain, itching and weight loss
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2020
Kjetil Søreide,
Linn Såve Nymo,
Kristoffer Lassen
Centralization of Pancreatic Surgery in Europe: an Update
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2019
Kristoffer Lassen
Drain after Pancreatoduodenectomy: Methodological Issues
Annals of Surgery 2018
Kristoffer Lassen,
Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth,
Pål Dag Line,
Andreas Abildgaard,
Jon Arne Søreide,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
et al.:
Trump's ban on colleagues from Islamic countries
Kristoffer Lassen,
Cornelis H.C. Dejong,
Arthur Revhaug,
Ken Fearon,
Dileep N. Lobo,
Olle Ljungqvist
Food at will after pancreaticoduodenectomies. Re. "Perioperative nutritional support of patients undergoing pancreatic surgery in the age of ERAS"
Nutrition - The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences 2015