Bilde av Lorem, Geir F
Photo: UiT
Bilde av Lorem, Geir F
Department of Psychology +4777646533 +47 97 77 34 53 You can find me here

Geir F Lorem


  • Per Niklas Benzler Waaler, Lars Ailo Aslaksen Bongo, Christina Rolandsen, Geir Fagerjord Lorem :
    An individually adjusted approach for communicating epidemiological results on health and lifestyle to patients
    Scientific Reports 2024 DOI
  • Ida Løken Killie, Tonje Bjørndal Braaten, Geir Fagerjord Lorem, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch :
    Associations Between Self-Rated Health and Mortality in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) Study
    Clinical Epidemiology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elisabeth Ovanger Barrett, Hilde Laholt, Geir Fagerjord Lorem, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Exploring public health nurses' acceptability of clinical assessment tools in a Norwegian child health centre
    Primary Health Care Research and Development 12. February 2024 DOI
  • Line Tegner Stelander, Geir F Lorem, Anne Høye, Jørgen Gustav Bramness, Rolf Wynn, Ole Kristian Grønli :
    The effects of exceeding low-risk drinking thresholds on self-rated health and all-cause mortality in older adults: the Tromsø study 1994–2020
    Archives of Public Health 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Geir Fagerjord Lorem, Eva Therese Næss, Maja-Lisa Løchen, Kjersti Rønningen Lillevoll, Else-Marie Molund, Assami Rösner et al.:
    Post-traumatic stress disorder among heart disease patients: a clinical follow-up of individuals with myocardial infarction in the Tromsø Study
    BMC Psychiatry 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henrik Kiærbech, Ann Ragnhild Broderstad, Anne Silviken, Geir F Lorem, Roald Ernst Kristiansen, Anna Rita Spein :
    The association of religious factors with mental health-service utilisation and satisfaction in a mixed Sámi and Norwegian adult population: Adopting the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey
    International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bente Johnsen, Bjørn Heine Strand, Ieva Martinaityte, Geir F Lorem, Henrik Schirmer :
    Leisure Time Physical Activities’ Association With Cognition and Dementia: A 19 Years’ Life Course Study
    Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Geir F Lorem, Ida Marie Opdal, Tom Wilsgaard, Henrik Schirmer, Maja-Lisa Løchen, Ingrid Petrikke Olsen et al.:
    Assessment of mental health trajectories before and after myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation or stroke: analysis of a cohort study in Tromsø, Norway (Tromsø Study, 1994-2016)
    BMJ Open 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henrik Kiærbech, Anne Silviken, Geir F Lorem, Roald E Kristiansen, Anna Rita Spein :
    Religion and Health in Arctic Norway–the association of religious and spiritual factors with suicidal behaviour in a mixed Sámi and Norwegian adult population–The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey
    International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henrik Kiærbech, Anne Silviken, Geir F Lorem, Roald E Kristiansen, Anna Rita Spein :
    Religion and Health In Arctic Norway—The association of religious and spiritual factors with non-suicidal self-injury in the Sami and non-Sami adult population—The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey
    Mental Health, Religion & Culture 05. July 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trine Lise Edvardsen, Geir F Lorem, Grete Mehus :
    Pallitative care in rural and remote areas
    Nordisk sygeplejeforskning 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ida Marie Opdal, Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock, Henrik Schirmer, Geir F Lorem :
    A prospective study on the effect of selfreported health and leisure time physical activity on mortality among an ageing population: results from the Tromsø study
    BMC Public Health 29. April 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Geir F Lorem, Sarah Anne Cook, David A. Leon, Nina Emaus, Henrik Schirmer :
    Self-reported health as a predictor of mortality: A cohort study of its relation to other health measurements and observation time
    Scientific Reports 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ivar Hompland, Lena Fauske, Geir F Lorem, Øyvind Bruland :
    Use of a simple form to facilitate communication on long‑term consequences of treatment in sarcoma survivors
    Clinical Sarcoma Research 10. February 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lena Fauske, Ivar Hompland, Geir F Lorem, Kirsten Sundby Hall, Hilde Bondevik :
    Striving towards Normality in Daily Life: A Qualitative Study of Patients Living with Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour in Long-Term Clinical Remission
    Sarcoma 06. October 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Marilys Guillemin, Kim McLeod, Ellinor Beddari, Geir F Lorem :
    How to use visual methods to promote health among adolescents: A qualitative study of school nursing
    Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lena Fauske, Ivar Hompland, Geir F Lorem, Hilde Bondevik, Øyvind Bruland :
    Perspectives on treatment side effects in patients with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour: a qualitative study
    Clinical Sarcoma Research 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henriette Riley, Geir F Lorem, Georg Høyer :
    Community treatment orders – what are the views of decision makers?
    Journal of Mental Health 2018 DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Kim McLeod, Marilys Guillemin, Ellinor Beddari, Geir F Lorem :
    Ethical challenges experienced by public health nurses related to adolescents' use of visual technologies
    Nursing Ethics 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Geir F Lorem, Henrik Schirmer, Nina Emaus :
    What is the impact of underweight on self-reported health trajectories and mortality rates: a cohort study
    Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Geir F Lorem, Henrik Schirmer, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Nina Emaus :
    Ageing and mental health: Changes in self-reported health due to physical illness and mental health status with consecutive cross-sectional analyses
  • Rita Kristin Klausen, Marie Karlsson, Svein Haugsgjerd, Geir F Lorem :
    Narrative performances of user involvement among service users in mental health care
    Narrative Inquiry 2017 SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Marilys Guillemin, Kim McLeod, Randi Elisabeth Olsen, Geir F Lorem :
    Visual methods in health dialogues: A qualitative study of public health nurse practice in schools
    Journal of Advanced Nursing 04. August 2017 DOI
  • Rita Kristin Klausen, Bodil Hansen Blix, Marie Karlsson, Svein Haugsgjerd, Geir F Lorem :
    Shared decision making from the service users’ perspective. A narrative study from community mental health centers in Northern Norway
    Social Work in Mental Health 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ida Løken Killie, Tonje Bjørndal Braaten, Geir Fagerjord Lorem, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch :
    Associations between self-rated health and mortality in the Norwegian Women and Cancer study
  • Tonje Bjørndal Braaten, Geir Fagerjord Lorem, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch :
    Associations between self-rated health and mortality in the Norwegian Women and Cancer study
  • Rigmor Katrine Johansen, Lars Ailo Bongo, Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem :
    GEN-Ethics: What do Norwegian women think of utilising genetic testing as part of breast cancer screening?
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Derfor dør psykisk syke av hjerteproblemer
    18. March 2022
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Kan hjerteinfarkt utløse posttraumatisk stressyndrom?
    22. October 2022
  • Ida Marie Opdal, Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock, Henrik Schirmer, Geir F Lorem :
    Correction to: A prospective study on the effect of self-reported health and leisure time physical activity on mortality among an ageing population: results from the Tromsø study
    BMC Public Health 2021 DOI
  • Geir F Lorem, Eva Therese Næss, Bjørn Bjørnstad :
    UiT-undersøkelse: Skal forske på psykiske plager Bjørn lot frykten ta overhånd etter at han ble infarkt-rammet
    26. April 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Geir F Lorem :
    UiT-undersøkelse: Skal forske på psykiske plager
    26. April 2021
  • Elisabeth Ovanger Barrett, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Geir F Lorem, Vibeke Moe, Hilde Laholt, Dag Nordahl et al.:
    Using Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) in well-baby clinics in Tromsø municipality
  • Hilde Laholt, Ellinor Beddari, Randi Elisabeth Olsen, Geir F Lorem :
    Gjennom en ung linse: - en kvalitativ studie for å forbedre helsesykepleieres arbeid i skolehelsetjenesten
  • Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem, Ellinor Beddari, Randi Elisabeth Olsen :
    Gjennom en ung linse: - en kvalitativ studie for å forbedre helsesykepleieres arbeid i skolehelsetjenesten
  • Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Inger Pauline Landsem, Dag Nordahl, Agnes Bohne, Maja Myrvang, Siri Høylo Fundingsrud et al.:
    The Northern Babies Longitudinal Study Predicting Postpartum Depression and Improving Parent-infant Interaction With The Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO)
  • Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem :
    Visual Methods in health dialogues, a qualitative study of how visualization is utilized as school nursing practice
  • Geir F Lorem :
    NOKUT-frokost til UiT – Norges arktiske universitet
    18. October 2018 OMTALE
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Overraskende funn ved UiT – måten sykdom påvirker oss er i endring
    06. March 2017
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Sykdom: Det er ikke uvanlig å få en psykisk reaksjon på en fysisk sykdom
    16. March 2017
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Syke er mer deprimerte enn før
    02. March 2017
  • Geir F Lorem :
    The unbearable lightness of being lean. What is the impact of underweight on self-reported health trajectories and mortality rates?
  • Vår Mathisen, Aud Obstfelder, Geir F Lorem, Per Måseide :
    Praktisering av brukermedvirkning i miljøterapeutiske aktiviteter
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Nå dominerer jentene disse studiene og det vekker bekymring
    06. May 2017 FULLTEKST
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Jentene dominerer profesjonsstudiene
    05. May 2017 FULLTEKST
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Fra filosofi til epidemiologi - er det mulig?
  • Geir F Lorem :
    Metoderommet. Åpne felles undervisningsressurser til bruk i læring av forskningsmetoder for profesjonsfag- og masterstudenter ved Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet
  • Trine Lise Edvardsen, Geir F Lorem :
    Palliativ omsorg til kreftpasienter i kommunehelsetjenesten «Hvilke utfordringer møter sykepleierne i små kommuner i Finnmark, i ytelsen av palliativ omsorg til kreftpasienter, og hvordan forholder de seg til disse utfordringene?»
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Anna Rita Spein, Geir F Lorem, Roald E Kristiansen :
    Religion og helse i Nord-Norge. Epidemiologisk data fra SAMINOR 2 studien.
  • Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem :
    A visual study on how Public health nurses use visualization in health dialogue with adolescents in school

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Academic disciplines
    Caring and Health Sciences, EthicsPsychology

    Public health, Professional Ethics, Mental health, visual methods, Philosophy of Science


     The methods room. Web based training program in research methods, Period: 2016-18, Investigators: Lorem, Iversen, Skjeldestad, Robertsen.


    Nurses go aMOOC. A flexible post graduation study for nurses specializing in nursing tradition, history and theory. Funding Body: Norgesuniversitetet (2014-16), Investigators: Holm, Furu, Lorem, Fause, Storli.