Anett Rago
Job description
I am a cognitive psychologist and an enthusiastic teacher. I teach cognitive psychology, memory theories, and some developmental psychology.
My research focuses on knowledge representation in humans. Using behavioral and electrophysiological experimental techniques, we investigate the influence of premature birth or asphyxia on language acquisition in infants, and the factors influencing the organization of the early lexical-semantic network. As the effect of a different language developmental trajectory might appear in later learning challenges, the early findings can help in a more effective intervention at the clinics. Furthermore, my research focuses on the role of existing knowledge in learning. With behavioral experimental methods, we studied the role of abstraction in episodic recollection. Revealing the basic mechanism of the automatic, probability-based abstraction process where we find the commonalities among the individual items can teach us about the effectiveness of different learning strategies at school. Our eye-tracking experiments studied the fast and automatic gist extraction process during event perception thereby understanding how the visualization of abstract verbal information is possible during learning.
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Publications outside Cristin
Ragó, A., Varga, Z., & Szabo, M. (2023). Stable organization of the early lexical-semantic network in 18-and 24-month-old preterm and full-term infants: an eye-tracker study. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1194770.
Horváth, Á., Ferentzi, E., Ragó, A., & Köteles, F. (2023). The retention of proprioceptive information is suppressed by competing verbal and spatial task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(4), 783–791.
Ragó, A., Varga, Z., Garami, L., Honbolygó, F., & Csépe, V. (2021). The effect of lexical status on prosodic processing in infants learning a fixed stress language. Psychophysiology, 58(12), e13932.
Varga, Z., Ragó, A., Honbolygó, F., & Csépe, V. (2021). Disrupted or delayed? Stress discrimination among preterm as compared to full-term infants during the first year of life. Infant Behavior and Development, 62, 101520.
Horváth, Á., Ragó, A., Ferentzi, E., Körmendi, J., & Köteles, F. (2020). Short-term retention of proprioceptive information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(12), 2148-2157.
Miklós, Z., Kónya, A., & Ragó, A. (2020). Az absztrakció képességének mérése : a D-KEFs közmondásteszt magyar nyelvű változatának bemutatása. ALKALMAZOTT PSZICHOLÓGIA, 20(2), 91-110. (in Hungarian)
Varga, Z., Garami, L., Ragó, A., Honbolygó, F., & Csépe, V. (2019). Does intra-uterine language experience modulate word stress processing? An ERP study. Research in developmental disabilities, 90, 59-71.
Garami, L., Ragó, A., Honbolygó, F., & Csépe, V. (2017). Lexical influence on stress processing in a fixed-stress language. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 117, 10-16.
Ragó, A., Honbolygó, F., Róna, Z., Beke, A., & Csépe, V. (2014). Effect of maturation on suprasegmental speech processing in full-and preterm infants: a mismatch negativity study. Research in developmental disabilities, 35(1), 192-202.
Valéria, C., Miklós, G., & Anett, R. (2008). Általános pszichológia 1-3. Nyelv, tudat, gondolkodás. Osiris Kiadó, 250-251. (in Hungarian)
Honbolygó, F., Csépe, V., & Ragó, A. (2004). Suprasegmental speech cues are automatically processed by the human brain: a mismatch negativity study. Neuroscience Letters, 363(1), 84-88.
Research interests
Lexical-semantic network (typical and atypical development)
Semantic memory (understanding visual events, category learning)
PSY-1702-1 23H Scientific dissemination PSY-2002-1 23V Bachelor thesis PSY-2032 and PSY-3032-1 23H Critical reading and presentation in psychology PSY-2553/PSY-2554 23V Cognitive Psychology and dissemination
of science PSY-2707-1 23H Practice and practice-related teaching
PSY-3000-1 23H Research Proseminar
HEL-8040-1 22H Theory of science, research ethics, and research design