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Department of Health and Care Sciences Tromsø

Victoria Telle Hjellset

  • Lisbeth Valla, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Milada Cvancarova Småstuen, Bente Sparboe-Nilsen :
    Quality of life and associated factors among Norwegian public health nurse students during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study
  • Sigrun Henjum, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Eivind Andersen, Merethe Øyaland Flåten, Marianne Morseth :
    Developing a risk score for undiagnosed prediabetes or type 2 diabetes among Saharawi refugees in Algeria
    BMC Public Health 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eivind Andersen, Idun Kjellså, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Sigrun Henjum :
    Insufficient physical activity level among Sahrawi adults living in a protracted refugee setting
    BMC Public Health 19. January 2021 DOI
  • Sigrun Henjum, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Merethe Øyaland Flaaten, Marianne S. Morseth, Eivind Andersen :
    Prevalence of type 2 diabetes and associated risk factors among Saharawi refugees in Algeria
    European Journal of Public Health 2020 DOI
  • Victoria Telle Hjellset, Camilla Ihlebæk :
    Modern health worries in Pakistani immigrant women in Oslo, Norway
    International Journal of Intercultural Relations 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Victoria Telle Hjellset, Camilla Ihlebæk :
    Bidimensional Acculturation and Psychological Distress in Pakistani Immigrant Women in Norway: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • G. Müller, J Olschewaski, T Stange, Victoria Telle Hjellset, S Bornstein, PEH Schwarz :
    Non-invasive Screening of Diabetes Risk by Assessing Abnormalities of Sudomotor Function
    Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes 2014 DOI
  • Ekaterina Parfentyeva, Sarama Saha, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Steffi Kopprasch, Peter EH Schwarz :
    Assessment of small C-fiber status for screening of oxidative stress in patients at risk of diabetes
    Hormone and Metabolic Research 2014 DOI
  • Kaja Marie Kigen, Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Benedikte Bjørge, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel :
    Maintenance of changes in food intake and motivation for healthy eating among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
    Public Health Nutrition (PHN) 2014 DOI
  • Bishwajit Bhowmik, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Akhtar Hussain :
    Global migration and prevention of diabetes
    John Wiley & Sons 2013 DOI
  • Victoria Telle Hjellset, Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Benedikte Bjørge, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel, Kåre I. Birkeland et al.:
    The InnvaDiab-DE-PLAN study: A randomised controlled trial with a culturally adapted education program improved the risk profile for type 2 diabetes in Pakistani immigrant women
    British Journal of Nutrition 04. May 2012 DOI
  • Marianne Sylvana Haug Lunde, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Arne Torbjørn Høstmark :
    Slow Post Meal Walking Reduces the Blood Glucose Response: An Exploratory Study in Female Pakistani Immigrants
    Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2012 DOI
  • Marianne Sylvana Haug Lunde, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Arne Torbjørn Høstmark :
    Variations in Postprandial Blood Glucose Responses and Satiety after Intake of Three Types of Bread
    Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2011 DOI
  • Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Benedikte Bjørge, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel :
    Food perceptions in terms of health among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
    International Journal of Public Health 2011 DOI
  • Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Benedikte Bjørge, Hege Randi Eriksen, Arne Torbjørn Høstmark :
    Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Among Female Pakistani Immigrants: The InvaDiab-DEPLAN Study on Pakistani Immigrant Women Living in Oslo, Norway
    Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2011 DOI
  • Arne Torbjørn Høstmark, Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Er selvrapportert fysisk aktivitet egnet til å belyse helsevirkninger av lett fysisk aktivitet? :
    Norsk Epidemiologi 2011 DOI
  • Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Camilla Martha Ihlebæk, Benedikte Bjørge, Hege Randi Eriksen, Arne Torbjørn Høstmark :
    Health-related quality of life, subjective health complaints, psychological distress and coping in Pakistani immigrant women with and without the Metabolic Syndrome. The InnvaDiab-DEPLAN study on Pakistani immigrant women living in Oslo, Norway
    Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2011 DOI
  • Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Benedikte Bjørge, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel :
    Intention to Change Dietary Habits, and Weight Loss Among Norwegian-Pakistani Women Participating in a Culturally Adapted Intervention
    Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2011 DOI
  • Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Benedikte Bjørge, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel :
    Perceptions of risk factors for diabetes among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
    Ethnicity and Health 2011 DOI
  • J.L. Lindstrøm, A Neumann, K.E. Sheppard, A Gilis-Januszewska, CJ Greaves, U Handke et al.:
    Take Action to Prevent Diabetes - The IMAGE Toolkit for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Europe
    Hormone and Metabolic Research 2010 DOI
  • Karianne Johansen, Benedikte Bjørge, Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Marte Karoline Kjøllesdal, Margareta Wandel :
    Changes in food habits and motivation for healthy eating among Pakistani women living in Norway: results from the InnvaDiab-DEPLAN study
    Public Health Nutrition (PHN) 2010 DOI
  • Aysha Hussain, Benedikte Bjørge, Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel :
    Body size perceptions among Pakistani women in Norway participating in a controlled trial to prevent deterioration of glucose tolerance
    Ethnicity and Health 2010 DOI
  • Bernhard Paulweber, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Paul Valensi, J Lindstrom, N M Lilac, CJ Greaves et al.:
    A European evidence-based guideline for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
    Hormone and Metabolic Research 2010 DOI
  • P Pajunen, R Landgraf, F Muylle, A Neumann, P.E. Schwarz, M Peltonen et al.:
    Quality indicators for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in Europe - IMAGE
    Hormone and Metabolic Research 2010 DOI
  • Bjørgulf Claussen, Bjørge Benedikte, Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Nye Europeiske Guidelines for forebygging av type 2 diabetes
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2010
  • Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Benedikte Bjørge, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel :
    Barriers to healthy eating among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
    Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2010 DOI
  • Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Benedikte Bjørge, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel :
    Food perceptions in terms of health among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
    International Journal of Public Health 2010
  • Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Benedikte Bjørge, Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen, Margareta Wandel :
    Intention to change dietary habits and weight loss among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
    Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2010
  • Marianne Lunde, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Arne Torbjørn Høstmark :
    Adjusting the amount and type of carbohydrate in a meal strongly reduced the postprandial glycemic response in Pakistani immigrant women
    Journal of Diabetology 2008
  • Lisbeth Gravdal Kvarme, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Ann Karin Swang, Lisbeth Valla :
    Helsesykepleiere trenger mastergrad. 2022
  • Jürgen Kasper, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Marianne Molin, Simone Maria Kienlin, Nicole Posch, Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch et al.:
    MAPPinfo – instrument for kvalitetsvurdering av helseinformasjon – validert og nå?
  • Christina Gjestvang, Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Podcast Episode 45: Mestring kan gi bedre helse
    26. October 2021
  • Arne Torbjørn Høstmark, Marianne Sylvana Haug Lunde, Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Short communication: Daily intake of 125 g of cheese for 2 weeks did not alter amount or distribution of serum lipids or desaturase indexes in healthy adults in an exploratory pilot study
    Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) 2018 DOI
  • Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer for diabetes
  • Hege Hofstad, Ruth Kjærsti Raanaas, Helena Nordh, Geir Aamodt, Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Helsefremmende lokalsamfunn - hva sier forskningen?
    Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling 2016
  • Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Diabetes og innvandrere
    BestPractice Hjerte-karsykdommer: Faglig dialog mellom leger 2016
  • Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Kan noen legge på seg og bli syke av å spise for mange karbohydrater?
    03. March 2014
  • Bishwajit Bhowmik, Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset, Hussain Akhtar :
    Global Migration and Prevention of Diabetes
    John Wiley & Sons 2013
  • Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    InnvaDiab-DEPLAN fysiologi, psykologi, enkeltmennesket og folkehelse - er alt mulig i et forskningsprosjekt?
    BestPractice Hjerte-karsykdommer: Faglig dialog mellom leger 2012
  • Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset, Holmboe-Ottersen Gerd :
    Manual om forebygging av type 2 diabetes blant innvandrere
  • Birger Svihus, Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Fedon inn i varmen
    Dagbladet 29. November 2012
  • Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Derfor er midjemålet viktig
    30. October 2011
  • Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Dette bør men lære av kvinner – og omvendt
    09. October 2011
  • Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    Forebygging av type 2 diabetes – er blodsukkerregulering svaret? InnvaDiab-DE-PLAN en randomisert studie
    Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2011 DOI
  • Marianne Sylvana Haug Lunde, Victoria Telle Hjellset, Arne Torbjørn Høstmark :
    Postprandial blood glucose regulation in Pakistani immigrant women as influenced by type and amount of ingested carbohydrates, and by post meal walking
    Tropical medicine & international health 2011
  • Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset :
    A culturally adapted lifestyle intervention with main focus on blood glucose regulation improved the risk profile for type 2 diabetes in Pakistani immigrant women. "They are not aliens".
    Unipub forlag 2010
  • Tone V. Telle Hjellset, Camilla Martha Ihlebæk, Benedikte Bjørge, Hege Randi Eriksen :
    Health-related quality of life, subjective health complaints, psychological distress and coping in Pakistani immigrant women with and without the metabolic syndrome : the InnvaDiab-DEPLAN Study on Pakistani immigrant women living in Oslo, Norway
    International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2010 DOI

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →