I Cheng,
Nicholas Achilleos,
X Blanco-Cano,
Cesar Bertucci,
Patrick Guio
Waves and Instabilities in Saturn’s magnetosheath: 2 Dispersion relation analysis
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2024
I Cheng,
Nicholas Achilleos,
X Blanco-Cano,
Cesar Bertucci,
N Sergis,
Chris Paranicas
et al.:
Waves and Instabilities in Saturn's Magnetosheath: 1 Mirror Mode Waves and Their Impact on Magnetopause Reconnection
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2024
A Santos,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Dimitrios Millas,
W Dunn,
Patrick Guio,
Christopher Arridge
Characterizing the Magnetic and Plasma Environment Upstream of Ganymede
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2024
Dimitrios Millas,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio,
Christopher Arridge
Modelling magnetic fields and plasma flows in the magnetosphere of Jupiter
Planetary and Space Science 2023
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio,
Flavien Hardy,
Chris Paranicas,
Arianna M. Sorba
The Magnetodisc Regions of Jupiter and Saturn
John Wiley & Sons 2021
I Cheng,
Nicholas Achilleos,
A Masters,
G Lewis,
M Kane,
Patrick Guio
Electron Bulk Heating at Saturn’s Magnetopause
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2021
Patrick Guio,
Hans L Pécseli
The Impact of Turbulence on the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2021
Flavien Hardy,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio
Magnetopause Compressibility at Saturn with Internal Drivers
Geophysical Research Letters 2020
Patrick Guio,
Ned Staniland,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Christopher Arridge
Trapped Particle Motion In Magnetodisc Fields
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2020
Patrick Guio,
Hans L Pécseli
Weakly nonlinear ion sound waves in gravitational systems
Physical Review E (PRE) 2020
Patrick Guio,
Hans Pecseli
Weakly nonlinear ion waves in striated electron temperatures
Physical Review E (PRE) 2016
Patrick Guio,
Hans Pecseli
Collisionless Plasma Shocks in Striated Electron Temperatures
Physical Review Letters 2010
Patrick Guio,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch,
Hans Pecseli,
Jan Karsten Trulsen
Patterns of sound radiation behind pointlike charged obstacles in plasma flows
Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 2008
Patrick Guio,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch,
Hans Pecseli,
Jan Karsten Trulsen
Sound Radiation from Moving Point-Like Charged Particles in Plasmas
AIP Conference Proceedings 2008
Patrick Guio,
Hans Pecseli
Phase space structures generated by absorbing obstacles in streaming plasmas
Annales Geophysicae 2005
Patrick Guio,
Hans Pecseli
Phase space structures generated by an absorbing obstacle in a streaming plasma
Geophysical Research Letters 2004
Patrick Guio,
Steinar Børve,
Lars K Selberg Daldorff,
J. P. Lynov,
Per Arne Michelsen,
Hans Pecseli
et al.:
Phase space vortices in collisionless plasmas
Nonlinear processes in geophysics 2003
Patrick Guio,
Hans Pecseli
Radiation of sound from a charged dust particle moving at high velocity
Physics of Plasmas 2003
Herbert C Carlson,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Jøran Idar Moen,
A. P. van Eyken,
Patrick Guio
ESR mapping of polar-cap patches in the dark cusp
Geophysical Research Letters 2002
Lars K Selberg Daldorff,
Patrick Guio,
Steinar Børve,
Hans Pecseli,
Jan Trulsen
Ion phase space vortices in 3 spatial dimensions
Europhysics letters 2001
Patrick Guio,
Steinar Børve,
Hans Pecseli,
Jan Trulsen
Low frequency waves in plasmas with spatially varying electron temperature
Annales Geophysicae 2001
Andres Spicher,
Theresa Rexer,
Andreas Kvammen,
Mahith Madhanakumar,
M. Zettergren,
Kjellmar Oksavik
et al.:
Characterization and Assessment of Structuring Connected to Auroral Dynamics using EISCAT_3D (CASCADE): A brief overview
C Paranicas,
P Kollmann,
L Regoli,
J Kinrade,
E Roussos,
N Krupp
et al.:
Particle flux enhancements at Saturn and their sources
Mini Gupta,
Patrick Guio,
Juha Vierinen
Data reduction of plasma lines in Incoherent Scatter Radar spectrum
Dimitrios Millas,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio,
Christopher Arridge
Investigating the compressibility of the Jovian magnetosphere
Dimitrios Millas,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio
Loss of charged particles due to pitch angle scattering in the Jovian magnetodisc
Dimitrios Millas,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio,
Quentin Nénon
Particle motion and pitch angle scattering due to magnetic field curvature in the Jovian magnetosphere
Dimitrios Millas,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio,
Christopher Arridge
Models of the Jovian magnetodisc & applications
Dimitrios Millas,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio,
Christopher Arridge
The compressibility of the Jovian magnetosphere
I Cheng,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio
Automated plasma region classification and magnetic field statistics in Saturn’smagnetosphere
I Cheng,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio
Automated Bow Shock and Magnetopause Boundary Classification At Saturn Using Statistics of Magnetic Fields and Particle Flux
Dimitrios Millas,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio,
Christopher Arridge
Particle motion and scattering in the magnetospheres of giant planets
Dimitrios Millas,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio,
Christopher Arridge
Particle motion and scattering in the magnetospheres of giant planets
I Cheng,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio
Automated Bow Shock and Magnetopause Boundary Classification At Saturn Using Statistics of Magnetic Fields and Particle Flux
Patrick Guio
Trapped Particle Dynamics at the Gas Giants
Patrick Guio,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Nicolas André
Particle Motions in Planetary Magnetic Fields: Europlanet Service
Nicolas André,
Vincent Génot,
Andrea Opitz,
Baptiste Cecconi,
Nicholas Achilleos,
Patrick Guio
et al.:
Sun Planet Interactions Digital Environment on Request (SPIDER) for Europlanet RI H2024
Patrick Guio,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch,
Hans Pecseli,
Jan Karsten Trulsen
Sound radiation from moving point-like charged particles in plasmas
Patrick Guio,
Wojciech Jacek Miloch,
Hans Pecseli,
Jan Karsten Trulsen
Ion-sound from charged obstacles in a plasma flow
Ákos Frohner,
Péter Kunszt,
Ricardo Brito Da Rocha,
Patrick Guio,
Johan Montagnat,
Daniel Jouvenot
et al.:
Encrypted Data Storage in EGEE
F Forme,
Patrick Guio
Langmuir turbulence in the ionosphere
F Forme,
Patrick Guio
Parametric decay instability of beam-driven Langmuir waves in the auroral ionosphere
Patrick Guio,
Hans Pecseli
Radiation of sound from a fast charged dust particle