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Department of Physics and Technology

Ann Kristin Sperrevik

  • Marina Durán Moro, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Thomas Lavergne, Laurent Bertino, Yvonne Gusdal, Silje Christine Iversen et al.:
    Assimilation of satellite swaths versus daily means of sea ice concentration in a regional coupled ocean–sea ice model
    The Cryosphere 2024 DOI
  • Silje Christine Iversen, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Olivier Goux :
    Improving sea surface temperature in a regional ocean model through refined sea surface temperature assimilation
    Ocean Science 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Johannes Röhrs, Yvonne Gusdal, Edel S. U. Rikardsen, Marina Durán Moro, Jostein Brændshøi, Nils Melsom Kristensen et al.:
    Barents-2.5km v2.0: an operational data-assimilative coupled ocean and sea ice ensemble prediction model for the Barents Sea and Svalbard
    Geoscientific Model Development 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Johannes Röhrs, Graig Sutherland, Gus Jeans, Michael Bedington, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Knut-Frode Dagestad et al.:
    Surface currents in operational oceanography: Key applications, mechanisms, and methods
    Journal of operational oceanography. Publisher: The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lionel Camus, Hector Antonio Andrade Rodriguez, Ana Sofia Aniceto, Magnus Aune, Kanchana Bandara, Sünnje Linnéa Basedow et al.:
    Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles as Effective Ecosystem Monitoring and Research Platforms in the Arctic - The Glider Project
    Sensors 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kai Håkon Christensen, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Gøran Brostrøm :
    On the Variability in the Onset of the Norwegian Coastal Current
    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2018 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Kjersti Opstad Strand, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø, Svein Sundby, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Øyvind Breivik :
    Subsurface maxima in buoyant fish eggs indicate vertical velocity shear and spatially limited spawning grounds
    Limnology and Oceanography 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Johannes Röhrs, Kai Håkon Christensen :
    Impact of data assimilation on Eulerian versus Lagrangian estimates of upper ocean transport
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2017 DOI
  • Johannes Röhrs, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Kai Håkon Christensen, Göran Broström, Øyvind Breivik :
    Comparison of HF radar measurements with Eulerian and Lagrangian surface currents
    Ocean Dynamics 2015 DOI
  • Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Kai Håkon Christensen, Johannes Röhrs :
    Constraining energetic slope currents through assimilation of high-frequency radar observations
    Ocean Science 2015 DOI
  • P.R. Oke, G. Larnicol, E.M. Jones, V. Kourafalou, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, F. Carse et al.:
    Assessing the impact of observations on ocean forecasts and reanalyses: Part 2, regional applications
    Journal of operational oceanography. Publisher: The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology 2015 DOI
  • Keguang Wang, Jens Debernard, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Pål Erik Isachsen, Thomas Lavergne :
    A combined optimal interpolation and nudging scheme to assimilate OSISAF sea-ice concentration into ROMS
    Annals of Glaciology 2013 DOI
  • Cecilie Mauritzen, Edmond Hansen, Maria Helena Andersson, Barbara Berx, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Ingunn Burud et al.:
    Closing the loop - Approaches to monitoring the state of the Arctic Mediterranean during the International Polar Year 2007-2008
    Progress in Oceanography 2011 DOI
  • Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Kai Håkon Christensen, Martina Idzanovic :
    Improving prediction of surface currents through assimilation of HF-radar observations
  • Ann Kristin Sperrevik :
    Observing and modelling ocean currents
  • Ann Kristin Sperrevik :
    Modelling the coastal ocean
  • Philip Wallhead, Helene Frigstad, André Staalstrøm, Trond Kristiansen, Hege Gundersen, James Edward Sample et al.:
    MARTINI koblet fysisk og biogeokjemisk modellering
  • Johannes Röhrs, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Kai Håkon Christensen, Øyvind Breivik :
    NorShelf: An ocean reanalysis and data-assimilative forecast model for the Norwegian Shelf Sea
    2018 FULLTEKST
  • Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Kai Håkon Christensen, Johnny Andre Johannessen, Nils Gustafsson :
    Modeling coastal circulation in Norway using a high-resolution 4D- Var ocean assimilation system
    Universitetet i Bergen 2017 FULLTEKST / OMTALE
  • Kai Håkon Christensen, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Gøran Brostrøm :
    The circulation in the Kattegat and Skagerrak
  • Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Kai Håkon Christensen, Johannes Röhrs :
  • Jon Albretsen, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, André Staalstrøm, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø, Lars Asplin :
    NorKyst-800 Report no. 1 - User manual and technical descriptions

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →