Bilde av Wråkberg, Urban
Bilde av Wråkberg, Urban
Department of Tourism & Northern Studies +4778450588 90855449

Urban Wråkberg


Job description

Professor of Northern Studies

  • Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Science as Arbitrator on Arctic Land-Use Issues: а Historical Appraisal
    Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История» 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg, Peter Haugseth :
    Tracks across the Tundra: Making a Living from Nature in the Borderland of the Russian Northwest
    Berghahn Books 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld and His Svalbard Expedition of 1872–73
    Springer Nature 2021 DOI
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Experience of Norwegian-Russian cooperation in the field of education at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway Campus Alta and Kirkenes
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2021 ARKIV
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Наука и индустрия на Кольском полуострове после 1917 года (Science and Industry on the Kola Peninsula since 1917)
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2020
  • Victoria V. Tevlina, Urban Wråkberg, Ryzhkova Inna :
    Introduction from the editors
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2020
  • Sabine Höhler, Julia Lajus, Peder William Chellew Roberts, Urban Wråkberg :
    Troubling the northern seas: The turbulent history of Norwegian and Russian fisheries
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Vassily Borovoy, Niklas Eklund, Ekaterina Kalemeneva, Dmitry Lajus, Julia Lajus, Daria Stogova et al.:
    Imageries and historical change in the European Russian Arctic
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Dag Avango, Jan Kunnas, Maria Pettersson, Örjan Pettersson, Peder William Chellew Roberts, Lovisa Solbär et al.:
    Constructing northern Fennoscandia as a mining region
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Oil and gas extraction in the Barents Sea: A Nordic state-industry governance system goes north
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Collective memory of the Kirkenes iron mine in sub-Arctic Norway: Its role in forming the future
    Polar Record 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    A.E. Nordenskiöld in Swedish memory: the origin and uses of Arctic heroism
    Acta Borealia 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Tourism in the Subarctic and the Baltic Sea regions of Europe
    Арктика и Север 2018 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Nadir Kinossian, Urban Wråkberg :
    Berghahn Books 2017
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Tourism Experiences in Post-Soviet Arctic Borderlands
    CABI Publishing 2017
  • Kari Aga Myklebost, Urban Wråkberg :
    Explorations in the North
    Pax Forlag 2016
  • Victoria V. Tevlina, Urban Wråkberg, Ryzhkova Inna :
    Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland. Essays in Russian and English (Россия и Норвегия. Многогранные взаимоотношения в приграничье. Сборник научных статей)
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2020
  • Urban Wråkberg, Peter Haugseth, David Alenga :
    Arctic Futures Scenarios
  • Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Presentation at the roundtable Rethinking the History of Arctic Science in the 21st Century: Science as Arbitrator on Arctic Land-Use Issues – A Historical Appraisal
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Forskning på Urbane Arktis er igang
    30. November 2023
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    A.E. Nordenskiölds Nordost-passage 1878-1879: Ledarskap, upptäckts-prioriteter och nationalism
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Hacia el hielo: La exploración polar en el siglio XIX y comienzos del XX
    Desperta ferro Arqueologia 2022
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Current research needs and trends in Northern Studies
  • Urban Wråkberg, Victoria V. Tevlina :
    Norsk-russisk forskningssamarbeid i 2019-2020: Om produksjonen av boken 'Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland'
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Experience of Norwegian-Russian cooperation in the field of education at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway Campus Alta and Kirkenes
  • Urban Wråkberg, Victoria V. Tevlina :
    Om den nye boka «Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland» («Россия и Норвегия. Многогранные взаимоотношения в приграничье»). Redigert av V.V.Tevlina, I.V.Ryzhkova, U.Wråkberg (2020)
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Hvordan skrive fagartikler, sett fra redaktør og fagfelleperspektivet
  • Victoria V. Tevlina, Urban Wråkberg :
    Ny boklansering “Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland”. Essays in Russian and English (Victoria V. Tevlina, Inna Ryzhkova & Urban Wråkberg (eds)). Murmansk, Murmansk Arctic State University, 2020
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Färdigställning av forskningsartiklar – med fokus på publikationsprocessen
    2020 ARKIV
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Dårlige tider? Bruk grensekryssende høgere utdanning!
    Nordlys 2020
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Statement at the roundtable 6H: Merging environmental history, business history, and history of science and technology in the study of natural resources
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Grensekryssende turisme i Europa – inspirert av Barentsmodellen
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Research at the Arctic University of Norway in Kirkenes
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Nature and Culture Heritage in Arctic Tourism: The Case of Svalbard / Spitsbergen
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Off-shore Industry on the Norwegian Sector of the Seabed of the Barents Sea: Geo-economics, Technoscience and Regional Challenges
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    The Development of Russian and Norwegian Northern Towns in Soviet Times
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Ungdom, Grenseland og Forskningssamarbeid i Europa
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg, Hindertje Hoarau-Heemstra :
    Maritime Tourism: Challenges and opportunities of cruising.Parallel Session IV:25/27
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Review of: Johan Schimanski & Ulrike Spring, Passagiere des Eises: Polarhelten und arktische Diskurse 1874 (Wien & Köln, 2015)
    Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge) 2017
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Some ideas for joint research on the borderlands of Europe: Memory, culture & regional development
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Tourism initiatives on Svalbard: A scholarly perspective
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Non-renewable energy resources in the Fennoscandian north: Technological path-dependence and competing visions of change
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Some ideas for joint research and tourism in the borderlands of Europe
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Beyond statistics and stations: Borderlands as cross-roads
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Nature, heritage and geopolitics in the Arctic visitor industry: Some case studies from Svalbard and North-West Russia
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Presentation of the chapters on “Energy” in one of the forthcoming books of the Mistra Arctic Sustainable Development research programme
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    The development of Russian and Norwegian cities in the north in soviet times
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Northern cross-border tourism and cultural heritage in a European perspective
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Presentation of Campus Kirkenes: A research and teaching unit of Norway’s Arctic University
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Perspectives on scientists as political agents in the Arctic

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Urban Wråkberg is professor of Northern Studies – a multidisciplinary and circum-polar research field. He conducts research on social, political and scientific issues of the north, with a focus on the Euroarctic and the borderlands of the Barents Region. He has published in English, Swedish, Norwegian and Russian on the geo-economic drivers of science in the polar regions, on the history and ideology of polar exploration and on the nexus between scientific and indigenous knowledge-formation in the north. He analyses theories and practices of sustainability in northern industrial development.


    Urban Wråkberg teaches on-line courses in the three year Bachelor of Northern Studies Programme and in the single course package in Northern Studies. He serves as supervisor of master students at the Department of Tourism and Northern Studies.