Bilde av Hood, Bryan
Bilde av Hood, Bryan
Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology +4777645612 You can find me here

Bryan Hood

Professor emeritus of archaeology

Job description

As professor emeritus I'm trying to complete the research I couldn't get done when I was teaching.

  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood, Hans Peter Blankholm :
    Previous Archaeological Research in Interior Finnmark and Troms
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan Cameron Hood, Hans Peter Blankholm :
    Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions.
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Cameron Hood :
    Modern Ecological Structure and Lithic Resources of Northern Norway
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    Hunting-Pit Systems in the Northern Interior
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    Settlement Models for Interior Finnmark
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    The Emergence of Reindeer Herding in North Norway, Part I: Improvisations on Two Scales
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    The Emergence of Reindeer Herding in North Norway Part 2: Archaeological and Historical Evidence
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    Historical Sources and Ethnographic Analogies: The Early Modern Sámi of Inner Finnmark as Seen Through the Swedish Tax Records, 1553 - 1752
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    LARM Investigations in Inner Finnmark 1: The Kárášjohka/Karasjok Region.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Concepts and Methods
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Landscape and Resource Management in Interior Sápmi, North Norway
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Reflections on Living in Landscapes
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Investigations in Inner Finnmark 2: Small Investigations in Western Finnmark and Investigations of House-Pits in the Bácheveaij/Pasvik and Deatnu/Tana River Valleys, Eastern Finnmark.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Conclusions. Resource Management and Landscape Use in a Long-Term Perspective.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan Cameron Hood, Knut Helskog, Vladimir Ya. Shumkin :
    Stone Age Houses on the Northern RIm of Europe: Arctic Norway and Russia`s Kola Peninsula
    University Press of Florida 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Bryan Hood, Erling Krog Ravna, Trine Merete Dahl, Marianne Skandfer :
    Preliminary geochemical analysis of asbestos minerals from geological and archaeological contexts in Finnmark, north Norway Evaluating the potential for sourcing tempers in asbestos ceramics
  • Bryan Hood, Stine Grøvdal Melsæther :
    Shellfish Exploitation in Stone Age Arctic Norway: Procurement Patterns and Household Activities
    Acta Borealia 2016 DOI
  • Bryan Hood :
    Framing Sámi Entanglement in Early Modern Colonial Processes: Ethnohistorical and Archaeological Perspectives from Interior North Norway
    Arctic Anthropology 2015
  • Bryan Hood :
    The Empty Quarter? Identifying the Mesolithic of Interior Finnmark, North Norway
    Arctic Anthropology 2012
  • Samuli Helama, Bryan Hood :
    Stone Age midden deposition assessed by bivalve sclerochronology and radiocarbon wiggle-matching of Arctica islandica shell increments
    Journal of Archaeological Science 2011 DOI
  • Bryan Hood, Samuli Helama :
    Karlebotnbakken Reloaded: Shifting the Chronological Significance of an Iconic Late Stone Age Site in Varangerford, North Norway
    Fennoscandia Archaeologica 2010
  • Bryan Hood :
    The Circumpolar Zone
    Oxford University Press 2009
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Juan Barcelo, Jordi Estevez, Bryan Hood :
    Introduction: Tops of the World (ToW): the Dawn of a Concept
    Arctic Anthropology 2009 DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer, Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood :
    Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior North Norway
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Knut Helskog, Bryan C. Hood, Vladimir Shumkin :
    Dwelling Forms and Settlement Patterns on Russia's Kola Peninsula Northern Coast, 2300-1500 cal. BC
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Bryan Hood :
    Towards an Archaeology of the Nain Region, Labrador
    Smithsonian Institution Press 2008
  • Bryan Hood :
    Crisis? What Crisis? Perspektiver på klima, kulturendring og kausalitet
  • Bryan Hood :
    Bokanmeldelse: Lotte Hedeager 2017 Arkeologi kort fortalt
    Primitive tider 2018
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Bryan Hood :
    Obituary: Ericka Maria Thrash Engelstad 1947-2018
    Norwegian Archaeological Review 2018 DOI
  • Bryan Hood :
    "Another #?&/%*!! Quartz Scatter". Framing Sites and Off-Sites in Inner Finnmark (and Elsewhere).
  • Bryan Hood :
    Match My Wiggle. Climate Proxies and the Gressbakken Phase (2300-1600 BC) in Northern Norway.
  • Bryan Hood :
    Review of: Tuija Rankama (ed.): Mesolithic Interfaces: Variability in Lithic Technologies in Eastern Fennoscandia.
    Fennoscandia Archaeologica 2015
  • Bryan Hood :
    The Unbearable Lightness of History? North Norwegian Archaeology and the Early Modern Sámi as Image and Analogue
  • Bryan Hood, Bjørn Bjerkli :
    Trond Thuen 1943–2013
    Acta Borealia 2014 DOI
  • Bjørn Bjerkli, Bryan Hood :
    Obituary Trond Thuen 1943-2013
    Acta Borealia 2014
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Registreringer i Karasjok kommune, Finnmark, 2013. Rapport fra feltarbeid
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2013
  • Ingrid Sommerseth, Bryan Hood :
    Forskningsprosjektet "Landskapskunnskap og ressursforvaltning i Indre Troms og Finnmark 2500 f.Kr. - 1000 e.Kr." LARM. Registreringsrapport Indre Finnmark 2010
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2011
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Registreringsrapport 2011, Indre Finnmark. Forskningsprosjektet "Landskapskunnskap og ressursforvaltning i Indre Troms og Finnmark 300 f.Kr. - 100 e.Kr."(LARM)
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2011
  • Marianne Skandfer, Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood, Ingrid Sommerseth :
    LARM: Resultater og refleksjoner etter feltsesongen 2011
  • Ingrid Sommerseth, Bryan Hood :
    Molležis gávdnan boarráseamos
    13. August 2010
  • Bryan Hood :
    Evig analogi. Etnografi og begrepsmessige integreringsprosesser i arkeologi
  • Bryan Hood :
    LARM-prosjektets feltarbeid i indre Finnmark, 2009-2010
  • Bryan Hood :
    Early Post-Glacial Settlement of Inner Finnmark, North Norway
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood, Jan Ingolf Kleppe :
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Maja Sojtaric, Bryan Hood, Jan Ingolf Kleppe :
    Livet etter istiden
    19. January 2009
  • Bryan C Hood :
    The Empty Quarter? Archaeological Investigation of Possible Early Holocene Settlement in Inner Finnmark
  • Bryan C Hood :
    Thinking the Arctic: Cognitive History of Science and the Development of Culture-Historical Concepts in the North American Arctic
  • Bryan C Hood :
    North Norway and Russia's Kola Peninsula ca. 2000 BC: Pit-Houses, Pit-Falls, People, and Environment
  • Bryan C Hood :
    Review of: Grønlands forhistorie
    Norwegian Archaeological Review 2006
  • Bryan C Hood :
    Review of: Taymyr. The Archaeology of Northernmost Eurasia. By Leonid P. Khlobystin. Arctic Studies Center Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology 5, Smithsonian Institution, Washington
    Acta Borealia 2006

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Circumpolar archaeology: northern Fennoscandia, Kola Peninsula; formerly, Labrador-Eastern Arctic, Greenland

    Hunter-gatherer social complexity (particularly the period ca. 2000 BC in Finnmark and on the Kola Peninsula)

    Reindeer hunting to herding transitions; organization and management of hunting landscapes (hunting-pit systems and Commons management)

    Lithic raw material sources and use in Finnmark's Stone Age

    Knowledge construction in archaeology: theory, research history; cognitive science perspectives 

    Methods: varying degrees of engagement with geoarchaeology, paleoclimate, shellfish analysis, radiocarbon dating


    As a new professor emeritus I no longer have teaching. However, previously I taught a range of courses, primarily: Introduction to Archaeology, Archaeology eks.Fak. (philosophy of science/knowledge construction in archaeology), method course, history of archaeology/theory, circumpolar archaeology, north Fennoscandian Stone Age,  global themes (i.e. human evolution, early agriculture, state societies, colonialism and world-systems), and hunter-gatherers.

    I also advised several hovedfag/masters students and some PhD students.