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Department of Tourism & Northern Studies Alta

Ivar John Erdal

  • Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Charlotte Loxley Helleland, Tormod Utne :
    How should journalism education deal with evolving newsrooms? – Learning experiences from internships through online collaborative tools
    Media Practice and Education 30. April 2024 DOI
  • Ainara Larrondo Ureta, Javier Diaz Noci, Ivar John Erdal :
    Convergence and Innovation: The Conceptual and Methodological Basis of Technological Evolution and Cultural Complexity in Journalism
    Springer 2022 DOI
  • Ivar John Erdal, Ainara Larrondo, Javier Noci :
    Convergence and Innovation: The Conceptual and Methodological Basis of Technological Evolution and Cultural Complexity in Journalism
    Springer 2022 DOI
  • Ivar John Erdal, Kjetil Vaage Øie, Brett Oppegaard, Oscar Westlund :
    Invisible Locative Media: Key Considerations at the Nexus of Place and Digital Journalism
    Media and Communication 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Education as innovation: Exploring the synergy of student-journalist collaboration
    Routledge 2019
  • Ainara Larrondo, Ivar John Erdal, Pere Masip, Hilde van den Bulck :
    Newsroom Convergence: A comparative study of European public service broadcasting organizations in Scotland, Spain, Norway, and Flemish Belgium
    Routledge 2017 DOI
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Convergence in/of Journalism
    Oxford University Press 2017 DOI
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Hva kjennetegner den flermediale nyhetsjournalistikken i NRK, sammenlignet med andre europeiske allmennkringkastere?
    Norsk Medietidsskrift 2015 DATA
  • Ainara Larrondo, David Domingo, Ivar John Erdal, Pere Masip, Hilde van den Bulck :
    Opportunities and Limitations of Newsroom Convergence: A comparative study on European Public Service Broadcasting organisations
    Journalism Studies 2014 DOI
  • Ivar John Erdal, Torbjørn Frantsen, Carl Jørgen Nesset, Kjell Antvort :
    Situert teknologi og kompetansebygging: Utvikling av en mobil applikasjon for opplæring offshore
    Forlag1 2014
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Bridging the gap : towards a typology of cross-media news production processes
    Wiley-Blackwell 2012 DOI
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    What media Logic? Organization of crossmedia production in two medium-sized Norwegian newsrooms
    Peter Lang Publishing Group 2012
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Coming to terms with convergence journalism: Cross-media as a theoretical and analytical concept
    Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 2011 DOI
  • Lars Julius Halvorsen, Roar Stokken, Wenke Mork Rogne, Ivar John Erdal :
    Digital samhandling : Fjordantologien 2020
    Universitetsforlaget 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Irene Hillestad, Ivar John Erdal :
    Recruitment practices in Norwegian media production companies​
  • Irene Hillestad, Ivar John Erdal, Jon Harman, Kjetil Vaage Øie :
    Chasing strategies: A qualitative study of recruitment practices in smaller Norwegian media companies
  • Ivar John Erdal, Irene Hillestad, Jon Harman, Kjetil Vaage Øie :
    Velkommen inn! Eller? Ei kvalitativ studie av rekrutteringsstrategiar og -praksis i norske mediebedrifter
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    What is journalism education supposed to be?
  • Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Charlotte Loxley Helleland, Tormod Utne, Olaug Bjørneset :
    Journalism education and the “new normal” -Learning experiences from internship through online collaborative tools
  • Frode Nesbø Nordås, Stine Agnete Sand, Ivar John Erdal :
    Rapport fra sakkyndig bedømmelseskomite for stilling som førsteamanuensis/førstelektor innen digital medieanalyse st. nr. 30070948 – FSV – Bodø
    Nord universitet 2022
  • Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Tormod Utne, Olaug Bjørneset, Charlotte Loxley Helleland :
    Peripheral newcomers. Journalist students’ experiences of internship through online collaborative tools
  • Lars Julius Halvorsen, Roar Stokken, Wenke Mork Rogne, Ivar John Erdal :
    Digital samhandling
    Universitetsforlaget 2020 DOI
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Education as Innovation: Exploring the synergy of student-journalist collaboration.
  • Brett Oppegaard, Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Jordan Frith, Ana Rita Morais :
    Locative Media En Plein Air. -Categorizing, Analyzing, and Creating Location-Based Narratives, Counter Narratives, and Other Types of Mobile Media In Situ
  • Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Brett Oppegaard :
    Towards a Typology of Locative Media
  • Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal :
    How locative are locative media? Towards a typology of locativeness in mobile media
  • Ivar John Erdal, Tormod Utne, Ana Luisa Sanchez Laws :
    Experimental journalism: Collaborative learning and students entering the newsroom.
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Experimental journalism: Collaborative learning and students entering the newsroom.
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Towards a model of locative journalism
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Nye digitale skilje?
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    A comparison of crossmedia news journalism at the NRK with four similar European public service broadcasters.
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Volda medielab - ei eksperimentell tilnærming til mediedesign, journalistikk og turisme
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Barn og unge sin mediebruk
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Oktoberfestavisa 2015
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Approaches to location-based journalism: A sketch for an experimental research design concerning mobile journalism.
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Dette er nyhetssiden du skal besøke når verden er vond eller du har en dårlig dag
    15. February 2015
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Det nye, digitale skiljet
    25. November 2015
  • Ivar John Erdal, Marianne Hagelia, Albertine Aaberge :
    Med lykke og poden på Facebook
    02. January 2014
  • Ivar John Erdal :
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Arbeidsflyt og fysiske omgivelser - Flermedial nyhetsjournalistikk ved NRK Marienlyst.
  • Torbjørn Frantsen, Ivar John Erdal :
    Situated technology and learning: Development of a mobile application for offshore safety training
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Situated technology and learning: Development of a mobile application for offshore safety training
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Situert teknologi og kompetansebygging: Utvikling av en mobil applikasjon for opplæring offshore
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Truslar mot journalistar i Sogn og Fjordane
  • Ivar John Erdal, Torbjørn Frantsen, Carl Jørgen Nesset :
    Situert teknologi og kompetansebygging: Utvikling av ein mobil applikasjon for opplæring offshore
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Medier og informasjon som valgfag
  • Ivar John Erdal, Kjell Antvort :
    Situert teknologi og kompetansebygging: Utvikling av ein mobil applikasjon for opplæring offshore
  • Ivar John Erdal, Carl Jørgen Nesset, Torbjørn Frantsen, Kjell Antvort :
    A mobile application for situated learning offshore. A VRI project in cooperation with Island Offshore Management, Ulsteinvik
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Where does the news come from? News flow between print newspapers, broadcasting and the web in Norway
  • Ivar John Erdal :
    Convergence in Public Media Groups: The case of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →