Bilde av Norvik, Monica I.
Bilde av Norvik, Monica I.
Associate professor in speech and language therapy Department of Education +4777645012 You can find me here

Monica I. Norvik

Job description

I am a trained speech and language therapist (SLT) with a master's degree in special needs education and a PhD in clinical linguistics, focusing on aphasia and multilingualism. With over 20 years of clinical experience on the aphasia team at Statped (formerly Bredtvet Resource Centre), I have also been a researcher at MultiLing, University of Oslo, throughout the center's entire period (2013-2024). Additionally, I hold an adjunct professor position in the master's program in speech and language therapy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

I teach both in the SLT program and at the special needs education program. I supervise master's students on a variety of SLT topics and also supervise master's candidates in special needs education. Furthermore, I supervise two PhD candidates in linguistics at the University of Oslo (UiO).


  • Stephanie M. Grasso, Jeanne Gallée, Jade Cartwright, Regina Jokel, Monica Lavoie, Ellen McGowan et al.:
    International Practices of Speech-Language Pathologists Working with Bilingual Speakers with Primary Progressive Aphasia
    Alzheimer's & Dementia 2025 DOI
  • Monica I. Norvik, Ingeborg Sophie Ribu, Pernille Hansen, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Beyond Naming: Narrative Production in L1 and L2 in Multilingual Individuals with and without Dementia
    Routledge 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jeanne Galée, Jade Cartwright, Stephanie Graso, Regina Jokel, Monica Lavoie, Ellen McGowan et al.:
    Global perspectives on the management of primary progressive aphasia
    Scientific Reports 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Silvia Martinez-Ferreiro, Seckin Arslan, Valantis Fyndanis, David Howard, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević, Ana Matić Škorić et al.:
    Guidelines and recommendations for cross-linguistic aphasia assessment: a review of 10 years of comprehensive aphasia test adaptations
    Aphasiology 2024 DOI
  • Ingeborg Sophie Ribu, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Monica I. Norvik, Minna H Lehtonen, Jeanett Murstad, Ane Theimann et al.:
    Prediction ability in bilingual individuals: an eye tracking study with younger and older adults
    Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Volkmer, Emily Viega Alves, Hagit Bar-Zeev, Elena Barbieri, Petronilla Battista, Ashleigh Beales et al.:
    An international core outcome set for primary progressive aphasia (COS-PPA): Consensus-based recommendations for communication interventions across research and clinical settings
    Alzheimer's & Dementia 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ana Matic Skoric, Monica I. Norvik, Jelena Kuvac Kraljevic, Ingvild Røste, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT): Comparability of the Croatian and Norwegian versions
    Aphasiology 2023 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Bård Uri Jensen, Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Statistics and psychometrics for the CAT-N: Documenting the Comprehensive Aphasia Test for Norwegian.
    Aphasiology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mira Goral, Monica I. Norvik, Jan Antfolk, Ioulia Agrotou, Minna Lehtonen :
    Cross-language generalization of language treatment in multilingual people with post-stroke aphasia: A meta-analysis
    Brain and Language 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Valantis Fyndanis, Sarah Cameron, Pernille Hansen, Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Multilingualism and verbal short-term/working memory: Evidence from academics
    Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Monica I. Norvik, Marianne Lind, Bård Uri Jensen :
    Working with multilingual aphasia: attitudes and practices among speech and language pathologists in Norway
    International Multilingual Research Journal 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Monica I. Norvik, Mira Goral :
    Assessment challenges in Acquired Aphasia in Multilingual Individuals
    Routledge 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Eike Ines Wehling, Karianne Berg, Hanne Lilletvedt, Monica I. Norvik, Randi Ramsfjell, Hege Beate Bakken et al.:
    Scenariotest. Norsk utgave
    Novus Forlag 2024
  • Hanne Gram Simonsen, Monica Irene Norvik :
    Cross-linguistic adaptation of language assessments: Experience from Norwegian.
  • Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes, Monica I. Norvik, Anna Volkmer :
    Better Conversation with Primary Progressive Aphasia – adaptation to Norwegian
  • Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes, Anna Volkmer, Monica I. Norvik :
    Primary progressive aphasia and conversation – results from a single case study
  • Monica I. Norvik :
    Underrepresented languages: Clinical perspectives from a WEIRD, but underrepresented society
  • Monica I. Norvik, Mira Goral :
    Assessment in multilingual people with aphasia: Methological perspectives
  • Monica I. Norvik :
    Tilpasning av MLSE-N: Fra Mini Linguistic State Evaluation til Mini Lingvistisk Status Evaluering
  • Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes, Monica I. Norvik, Anna Volkmer :
    Communication partner training for primary progressive aphasia with a multilingual couple
  • Ane Theimann, Franziska Maria Köder, Monica Irene Norvik, Nivedita Mani, Camilo Rodriguez Ronderos :
    Exploring the Relationship Between Semantic and Action Prediction in Toddlers
  • Ingeborg Sophie Ribu, Peter Bekkhus-Wetterberg, Hedda Ruth Døli, Nina Helen Erikstad, Monica Irene Norvik, Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes :
    Assessment of cognition and language in neuro-degenerative language impairments in the Nordic countries
  • Ane Theimann, Franziska Maria Köder, Monica Irene Norvik, Camillo Rodriguez Ronderos, Nivedita Mani :
    Investigating a potential link between semantic prediction and action prediction
  • Marie Pourquie, Seckin Arslan, Dilara Tokac-Scheffer, Ritienne Grima, Valantis Fyndanis, Maria Kambanaros et al.:
    Global perspectives on speech and language therapy training and practices for multilingual people with aphasia THE "MAP" SURVEY: Working with bi/multilingual persons with aphasia: common practices and current challenges for SLTs
  • Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Franziska Maria Köder :
    Assessment in multilingual populations
  • Monica I. Norvik, Franziska Maria Köder, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Pernille Hansen, Anne Marie Dalby Landmark, Jan Svennevig et al.:
    Multilingualism and language disorders
  • Valantis Fyndanis, Sarah Cameron, Giorgio Arcara, Nina Hagen Kaldhol, Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Multilingualism does not affect time reference production in L1: Evidence from academics
  • Nina Høeg, Monica I. Norvik, Bård Uri Jensen, Line Haaland-Johansen, Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes, Marianne Lind :
    Linguistic variables in picture and cartoon descriptions by neurologically healthy Norwegian adults
  • Valantis Fyndanis, Sarah Cameron, Giorgio Arcara, Nina Hagen Kaldhol, Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Multilingualism does not affect time reference production in L1: Evidence from academics
  • Monica I. Norvik, Ingeborg Sophie Ribu, Pernille Hansen, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Cartoon description in neurotypical adults: Data from L1 and L2 speakers of Norwegian
  • Monica I. Norvik, Ingeborg Sophie Ribu, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Minna H Lehtonen, Mira Goral :
    Verb-mediated prediction in bilingual speakers with aphasia –data from an eye-tracking study
  • Monica I. Norvik, Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    The Aphasia Impact Questionnaire: An assessment tool of emotional well-being in aphasia
  • Ane Theimann, Franziska Maria Köder, Monica I. Norvik, Camilo Rodriguez Ronderos :
    Linguistic and non-linguistic prediction in toddlers: an ongoing eye-tracking study
  • Monica I. Norvik :
    Language intervention in multilingual individuals with aphasia
  • Monica I. Norvik :
    Afasi hos flerspråklige personer
  • Signhild Skogdal, Wenche Andersen Helland, Frøydis Morken, Monica Irene Norvik, Karianne Berg :
    Logopeders arbeidssted, fagområder, kompetanse og kompetansebehov
    Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi 2022
  • Ana Matić Škorić, Monica I. Norvik, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Comprehensive Aphasia Test: what do Norwegian and Croatian data reveal
  • Valantis Fyndanis, Sarah Cameron, Pernille Hansen, Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Sequential multilingualism and verbal short-term/working memory: Evidence from academics
  • Valantis Fyndanis, Sarah Cameron, Giorgio Arcara, Nina Hagen Kaldhol, Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Bilingualism/Multilingualism does not affect production of time reference in L1: Evidence from Norwegian academics
  • Marie Pourquie, Seçkin Arslan, Ritienne Grima, Valantis Fyndanis, Maria Kambanaros, Silvia Martinez-Ferreiro et al.:
    The “MAP” survey: an international investigation of SLPs’ training and working practices to assess and treat plurilingual people with aphasia
  • Minna Lehtonen, Monica I. Norvik, Jan Antfolk, Mira Goral :
    Cross-Language Generalization in Treatment of Multilingual Aphasia: A Meta-Analysis
  • Hanne Gram Simonsen, Monica I. Norvik, Helene Killmer, Pernille Hansen :
    Working with multilingual people with acquired language disorders:Challenges and solutions
  • Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    Katta ut av sekken – tilpasning av afasitesten CAT til norsk.
  • Ingvild Røste, Monica I. Norvik, Hanne Gram Simonsen :
    CAT-N: Comprehensive aphasia test på norsk
    Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi 2022
  • Monica I. Norvik :
    Praktisk arbeid med flerspråklige personer med afasi
  • Peter Wetterberg, Anne Brækhus, Ebba Gløersen Müller, Monica Irene Norvik, Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes, Torgeir Bruun Wyller :
    Primær progressiv afasi
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Ingeborg Sophie Ribu, Mira Goral, Ane Theimann, Michela Iacorossi, Minna Lehtonen, Monica I. Norvik et al.:
    Eye-tracking Measures of Prediction in L1 and L2 in Bilingual People with and without Aphasia
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Monica I. Norvik, Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes :
    Om kommunikasjon i nære relasjoner når den ene har afasi
  • Peter Bekkhus-Wetterberg, Monica I. Norvik, Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes :
    Primær progressiv afasi (PPA)
  • Monica I. Norvik, Mira Goral :
    Assessment challenges in acquired aphasia in multilingual individuals

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My academic interests encompass speech and language therapy, multilingualism, and clinical linguistics. I primarily work with acquired disorders of language, speech, and communication, with a particular focus on exploring solutions for the assessment and treatment of multilingual individuals. Additionally, I am interested in how the management of multilingual individuals with aphasia and dementia can inform linguistic models of multilingual processing.