Eli Vibeke Eriksen

  • Eli Vibeke Eriksen, Lene Vestad, Lars Edvin Bru, Simona Carla Silvia Caravita :
    Social competencies, classroom relationships, and academic engagement: A latent change score modeling approach among lower secondary school students
    Social Psychology of Education 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eli Vibeke Eriksen, Lars Edvin Bru :
    Investigating the Links of Social-Emotional Competencies: Emotional Well-being and Academic Engagement among Adolescents
    Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eli Vibeke Eriksen, Edvin Bru, Simona Carla Silvia Caravita :
    Development of social competence and classroom relations during the first year of lower secondary school: Effects on academic engagement

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