Bilde av Haugseth, Peter
Bilde av Haugseth, Peter
Faculty administration at HSL-fak +4778450587 41552964 +47 41552964

Peter Haugseth

Assistant Professor/Ph.D candidate, programme coordinator, Bachelor of Northern studies and northern studies one year programme

Job description

I have in the last decade contributed to internationalization of higher education and the development of the Bachelor of Northern (BNS) studies degree program at UiT. BNS is a teaching program designed for students who want to develop a multi-disciplinary competence on the circumpolar North.

I have also been involved in several research and development projects connected in particular to the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAR), Norwegian - Russian Arctic Schengen borderland development and conducted research on identification processes, place branding, policy making, integration and region building and on joint education initiatives (Barents Arctic Network on Higher Education and Reseach). More recently I have also engaged in transatlantic cooperation involving Canadian and US partners. For more info. on my activities check the following site:

  • Urban Wråkberg, Peter Haugseth :
    Tracks across the Tundra: Making a Living from Nature in the Borderland of the Russian Northwest
    Berghahn Books 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Experience of Norwegian-Russian cooperation in the field of education at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway Campus Alta and Kirkenes
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2021 ARKIV
  • Peter Haugseth :
    High North scenarios and subnational realities: policies and practices in the Norwegian/Russian border zone
    Арктика и Север 2018 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Tourism Experiences in Post-Soviet Arctic Borderlands
    CABI Publishing 2017
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Imagined Arctic Borderland Futures and its Sudden Disappearance: The Ups and Downs of Kirkenes, a Norwegian Bordertown Close to Northwest Russia.
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Handler om å få et større bilde nedenifra
    02. June 2024
  • Peter Haugseth, Heather Nicol :
    Arctic-2030 Barents Network on Higher Education and Research (BANHER): Joint Nordic-Canadian/US Cooperation in Higher Education
  • Per Kåre Jakobsen, Gaute Emil Svensson, Peter Haugseth :
    UiT studenter "løser" lokale utfordringer
    15. September 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Peter Haugseth, David Alenga :
    UiT studenter på Kirkeneskonferansen
    06. March 2023
  • Urban Wråkberg, Peter Haugseth, David Alenga :
    Arctic Futures Scenarios
  • Peter Haugseth, David Alenga, Wraakberg Urban :
    Kalottakademiet på ny "nordområdeturnè"
    14. June 2023
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Sàmi electoral system and cultural revitalization processes: some consequences of inclusion/exclusion
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Helt på grensa- Barentssamarbeidet i 30 år. Episode 3. 2000-og 2010-tallet. Storhetstida
    13. October 2023
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Forskning på Urbane Arktis er igang
    30. November 2023
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Vil vi på noen måte kunne bevare Barentssamarbeidet?
    Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 28. February 2022
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Vil vi på noen måte kunne bevare Barentssamarbeidet?
    iFinnmark 28. February 2022
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Ukraina-krigen rammer den norsk-russiske grensen sterkt
    Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 13. April 2022
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Regional utvikling på dagsorden for kalottakademiet
    15. June 2022
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Experience of Norwegian-Russian cooperation in the field of education at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway Campus Alta and Kirkenes
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Barents Arctic Network on Higher Education
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Ungdommer over grensa
    Nordlys 14. June 2021
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Hva betyr grenseovergangen mellom Kirkenes og Russland for ungdommen?
    15. June 2021
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Viktig satsing på forskning og utdanning i Barentsregionen
    18. October 2021
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Geopolitikk og bærekraft under samling for barentsstudenter
    27. October 2021
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Dårlige tider? Bruk grensekryssende høgere utdanning!
    Nordlys 2020
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Grenselandvirkelighet på nært hold
    14. October 2020
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Tsoj lever!
    Ballade 2020
  • Peter Haugseth :
    High North Scenarios and Regional Realities. Practices and Policies in the Norwegian/Russian Border Zone
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Vi vil trenge svært kompetente kunnskapsmiljøer
    05. March 2019
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Cities, Places and People in industrialized post-Soviet Borderlands: The Case of Pechenga District, Northwest Russia
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Trønder i saksa i Moskva
    Adresseavisen 10. January 2018
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Trønder i saksa i Moskva
    Sør-Varanger Avis 11. January 2018
  • Peter Haugseth :
    BNS programmet: Et utdanningssamarbeid i Barentsregionen med koblinger østover
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Forskning på grensen
    01. April 2018
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Ny NASA-satelitt skal måle arktisk is
    14. September 2018
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg, Hindertje Hoarau-Heemstra :
    Maritime Tourism: Challenges and opportunities of cruising.Parallel Session IV:25/27
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Grensesprengende om oppvekst i Arktis
    01. September 2018
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Vellykket forskningsstunt
    27. September 2018
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Valg i Russland: Bernhard Mohr og Peter Haugseth
    02. March 2018
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Oppvekst i Barentsregionen. Ungdommenes egne perspektiv på grenseliv, samarbeid og naboen
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Fremtiden avgjøres i nord
    18. September 2018
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Russland lover opprydding i Nikkel
    05. April 2017
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Some ideas for joint research and tourism in the borderlands of Europe
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Transforming Norwegian - Russian Borderland Space
  • Peter Haugseth :
    05. April 2017
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Local Border Traffic (LBT)- a new era in the Norwegian-Russian Arctic Schengen Borderland
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Håper på bedre Russlandssamarbeid
    31. January 2017
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Stålgjerdet mot Russland
    Nordlys 16. September 2016
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Russland, vår nabo i øst
    Sør-Varanger Avis 2016
  • Peter Haugseth :
    Russland, vår nabo i øst
    Nordlys 25. April 2016

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Member of research group